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Posts posted by 2414225

  1. 40 minutes ago, Bono said:

    Here's the FACTS. 

    - This band has no respect for the fans. they dicked fans around for a week with all that hype for this? 
    - They are so self important they felt this was a major announcement
    - The ONLY reason they delayed this announcement was because they didn't want it being overshadowed by the tragedy in Manchester and had NOTHING to do with paying respect
    - They know fans hate the Seeker and yet they continue to feature it in a  prime spot in the encore
    - They haven't said a fucking word about new music which is all the fans want at this point


    Guns N 'Roses is the biggest joke of an organization in the entire music industry.   

    I will never understand why no one of the band is communicating with the fans online from time to time. That's the worst thing about GnR in General. 

  2. 1 minute ago, bucketfoot said:

    The backlash begins!:rofl-lol: People NEVER learn!

    Naivety : Lack of experience, wisdom or judgement

    Innocence or unsophistication

    A Naive act

    Come on...Axl is 'teasing' since 1996...it worked for 10 years, but since then I can't take this guy seriously anymore... 

    First he teased Kurt Loder with a new album in 1996. Then he teased with Oh my God. Then he teased with the Vegas show in 2000. Then with that 2002 trailer. Then the VMAs. Then came the leaks. And when he released that unfinished album the magic of teasing was totally gone. At least for me. 

    The real GnR died in 1993. 

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  3. 5 minutes ago, DieselDaisy said:

    I do not know. I do not think there is a low Slash and Duff will sink in order to please ginger bollocks and acquire money. McKagan played bass on most of the Izzy records, yet has sold his friend out. Slosh used to pelt abuse at Rose something rotten. The two of them have humiliated themselves to such an extent that they play clunkers from Chinese Democracy.

    I don't know Slash and Duff, but they seem to be grateful and loyal men. For me it's pretty clear that it was Duff who tried to convince Axl to do a reunion. I don't believe in that Axl-Coachella-thing. Coachella only opened Axl's mind how much money they can get. The fact that Duff and Slash called Steven to inform him that he is out, indicates that Axl was really pissed. The fact that Slash is not talking at all and Duff was very passive in that only reunion interview indicates that the reunion thing is still very fragile because of Axl. Duff and Slash for sure are milking the cow right now and saw more dollar bills for both when Izzy didn't want to accept Axl's offer. But acts like playing CD songs shows that Duff and Slash want to tease Axl. Just to get more trust in their decisions. 

    We got no full reunion because of Axl. But it is just a question of how much money the market offers him for a full reunion. IMO they are stretching out the the 3/5 reunion for a 5/5 reunion in the next step. 


  4. 8 minutes ago, Free Bird said:

    Slash and Duff had never this kind of power. If so, the Illusions would sound way different, much more mature without all these farts on them.

    You're right. And it worked out fine as long Axl had concrete musical ideas and content. But since 1991 he was out of these ideas. Axl only did covers for the next years. The rest of the band still created new music, while Axl was not able to do the lyrics for the new tracks. And since he was not able to say: Guys, I need a creative break. We're gonna freeze GnR. 

    He fired everyone except Dizzy. 

    The truth is that Axl is done creatively since 1991. He had only visions. Pumped 13 million dollars into these visions while having no concrete goal for GnR. 


  5. 1 hour ago, maynard said:

    Fortus was an Axl employee during Axl's solo career, which he called GNR for commercial reasons.

    Foruts is now an employee of Axl, Slash and Duff. He's a touring member/side musician/hired guy. He has ZERO say in GNR's actions and direction.

    Fortus will not be consulted in their next meeting to decide what's next. He may be invited to join them on tour.

    Fortus is a member of the Dead Daisies and a GNR employee. It's not THAT HARD to understand it, is it?

    The fact that Slash did no interviews since their reunion and Duff spoke very carefully in their only reunion interview indicates that they are still not equally treated. Duff and Slash have indeed more power. Slash f.ex. has the power of using and pimpin' up the band logo and fonts. And he is free in his musical interpretations. But I doubt that Slash and Duff have the power to say: We gonna release a new album and new dvds in Fall 2017. Axl is still the only CEO of GnR. I'm pretty sure that Duff and Slash wanted Adler. They convinced Axl to give Steven a full time job. And when Steven hurt his back Axl was that pissed that Duff and Slash had to call Steven to inform him that he's out. If Axl had balls and attitude he would have called Steven himself. 

    Frank, 4tus, Dizzy and that girl are just employees like Del James. They have no power at all. 

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