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Everything posted by Stay.Of.Execution

  1. that guy is a complete nutcase and a cancer. but doesnt surprise me lots of stupid americans listen to him. and stuff like this is the exact reason why axl will never be on his show. he would never want to be associated with subhumans like that
  2. Well. It's likely but not confirmed why Axl was there, don't think the thread title should be a big deal Hopefully will be able to shed some more.light on this soon
  3. No I don't think so, as the people in the studio in Oslo indicated they've been working on stuff that sounded like appetite.
  4. To sum it up quickly: - working with slash was something very special for him - they worked together for three hours after the guns show in frankfurt - everything was already prepared for slash, he just needed to plug in his guitar - the atmosphere was great - they've been producing for the new michael schenker album, he wouldn't say which song - michael schenker is one of slash's idols, thats why he was very nervous while recording
  5. https://www.wn.de/muensterland/kreis-steinfurt/greven/guns-n-roses-slash-michael-voss-2787199
  6. I contacted the guy and will try to interview him Mitch Lafon suggests that Axl is doing guest vocals on the new Michael Schenker album
  7. that guy who axl was in the studio with is from my region. i'll try to find out more
  8. New music is not Duff's call. He releases music pretty much constantly on his own. And yes, it seems like you don't know what punk actually means, yet you try to discredit Duff because he was smart enough to learn about the business.
  9. what exactly do you think being punk means? always being poor? you're ridiculous
  10. Have you seen the stream? They won the audience over and it was a great success for them. Same goes for the reviews of that show (besides 1 or 2 dipshits)
  11. Don't give her a panic attack šŸ¤šŸ„“šŸ¤ŖšŸ˜‘šŸ˜¬šŸ˜±šŸ¤¬šŸ§šŸ„µšŸ¤ÆšŸ˜µšŸ˜·šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ«Ø
  12. No point in arguing with her. She is clueless on every level and has no idea what she's talking about
  13. Not Bs. Back in the day it was just that. Also that phrase hasn't been used since the 90s
  14. Yea that guy was very well organized. He knew someone who works at the airport in athens and knew where to be at a specific time.
  15. Do other artist have similar prices as guns? 375$ plus fees for the pit is just silly.
  16. it's like stopping in the middle of sex because you've already done that before. doesn't make sense
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