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Gunner Gilby

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Posts posted by Gunner Gilby

  1. 4 hours ago, 2020_Intensions said:

    Notice when Tommy commented on Axl not releasing another record, he said he has a lot of talent (right now) to work with, not that he has a lot of finished songs? LOL

    I love Tommy. I think he's a great bass player and was a great fit for Guns. But with respect he's been gone eight years. He wouldn't know what songs are or aren't finished now. Slash N Duff redid parts and added new touches to Absurd and Hard Skool. Slash has said they've done the same to multiple other songs.

    • Haha 1
  2. 18 minutes ago, Karice said:

    I'd love to see at least one show where EVERYBODY who has ever been in Guns N'Roses performs for at least one night together. 😀 The lesser  members such as Brain, Dj Ashba, Josh, Paul, Chris,Bryan, Robin,  Tommy, the middle of the road such as Gilby, Bumblefoot, Buckethead, the Royalty such as Axl, Izzy, Steven, Slash, Duff, Matt, Dizzy, the newer Members, such as Frank, Richard, Melissa, Rob, Teddy, Ron, maybe Ole and Tracii. 😀 All 25 being on stage together for at least one night/performance could be REALLY spectacular! 😀

    Ole might be a bit tricky as he passed away in 91. And Ole, Rob and Tracii never recorded anything so this would be pointless and literally no one wants this. Axl's never sharing a stage with Chris again. Slash is never going to work with Paul. Even DJ's smart enough to gracefully accept that with Slash there he's not really needed.

    We've had Steven guest. All we really want to see is Izzy, Matt and Gilby.

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  3. 13 hours ago, GoodOlJohnnyK said:


    Okay, well let me ask *you* then. Putting aside Steven Adler’s feelings, do *you* think it was disrespectful to only let him play a song or two?

    We all love Steven and are glad he's healthy, happy and still playing. But wouldn't it be disrespectful to Frank to be expected to give up his drum stool for more than a couple of songs? Love or hate the guy he's been a dependable and solid player for 17 years. He's earned his spot.

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  4. 11 hours ago, Frankfurt93 said:

    Truth is, would they  be able to settle the things, NOONE would say no. Izzy/Matt/Adler/Gilby, they would all show up.

    Remember UYI days? Gilby/Matt were present under GNR moniker, on tour t shirts, band posters, did you see any member present on lito's, posters other than 3? Says enough about their importance and their saying in the band.

    I remember reading that both Matt and Gilby were asked to guest. Matt was keen until he leaned they'd fly him to and from the gig but wouldn't pay him an appearance fee. Gilby got asked and wanted to but his daughter was playing an important gig and he chose to support her. He said he hoped they'd ask again. It'd suck if they don't. Gilby's the nicest guy. He's up for it. So why not?

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  5. 5 hours ago, Gordon Comstock said:

    Pitman seemed like a douche but I like his contributions to CD.

    DJ seemed like a douche but at least he wrote original solo spots with the band, he fit that era well (for good and bad reasons) and was cool with fans.

    So my vote goes to Gilby. He was a fine replacement and I don't have anything against him, but he didn't write or play on any original songs with GNR and his solo stuff is pretty boring.

    It's a pity Gilby didn't get to play on an album of original material. But his solo albums are brilliant. He doesn't aim to reinvent the wheel. But his albums a great mix of Bowie/Stones/Beatles GN'R sounds with Gilby's own warm whisky soaked voice. He's decent on lead guitar too. No Hendrix or Slash perhaps but plays with feel. 

    His albums with Candy, Col Parker, Kill For Thrills, Rockstar Supernova and Snakepit are excellent too.

    That's not even going into his production credits and others who have gotten him to tour with them.

    5 hours ago, Gordon Comstock said:



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  6. I voted Paul Tobias as my least favourite. I know he was Axl's friend and he co wrote some good songs. I just don't think he needed to join the band. It's ironic that after getting rid of Gilby for Paul that when GN'R came back Paul only played about three shows then left the band. His joining basically marked the beginning of the end of the 91-93 line up and for what?

    Next least favourite is towel boy. 

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  7. 5 hours ago, Nintari said:

    As someone who's very interested in psychology, it's always puzzling to me how millionaires can be so hung up on money. I mean, I'm well aware that my pathology is unique, and that there are many things at play here but... how? If I woke up tomorrow with Axl's bank account, I can one-hundred-percent guarantee the last thing in the world I would care about is making money. Actually, I'd probably click my heels and start searching for ways to give large portions of it away to those who really need it.

    You don't know that Axl doesn't donate large portions of money to charity. 

  8. 4 hours ago, rumandraisin said:

    I just assumed he thought it was only fair to pop a VR song in as they learnt the majority of CD over the years aside from ITW, Riad, Shackles and IRS. 

    As an aside, is anyone unable to get in to VR? As much as I've tried I just can't get excited about them, there's so e great tracks on the first album but it's all a bit generic modern rock to me? Maybe you had to be there at the time it came out. 

    I agree with both your statements. Duff n Slash have learned and play much of the Chinese songs. So it's a sign of maturity that Axl does a song of theirs from the VR days. I like the version Guns do live.

    No you aren't the only one who can't get into VR. But then again I think the two Snakepit albums and Slash's solo album with all the guest singers are his best works outside of GN'R. I also prefer Gilby's solo and side project albums to Izzy's.

    I don't think there's any right or wrong. We all have different favourites and that's what keeps it interesting and gives us things to discuss. With the exception of Paul Tobias and towel boy I love em all.

  9. 10 hours ago, D4NNY said:

    It’s funny how most people really want Frank out because they’re not happy with his “feel” or timings but the overall vote here between a drummer or guitarist returning is to have Izzy back which would mean Fortus would be out. Confusing bunch you are 😅

    I disagree. Even if Izzy returned either as a guest or full time Axl's not suddenly just going to let Richard go. Slash likes playing with him too.

    Unless Richard n Frank do something really stupid their jobs are safe whatever happens.

  10. 17 hours ago, JAxlMorrison said:

    I’d have to vote Steven. He’s probably more capable of playing the catalog. But in reality I’d choose neither. I’m happy with the guys we got.

    Yeah. I voted Steven as him and Iz were the only two options. Steven always looked so happy being back up there with Axl, Duff, Slash and Dizzy. It means more to him on an emotional level.

    I'm the same as you. I love the classic eras/line ups with Izzy, Steven, Gilby and Matt. But I'm happy with the line up we've got. Richard's a great lead guitarist as well as rhythm. I like Frank too. He's the right mix of Steven's groove and Matt's technicality. I don't get all the hate he gets. I guess sadly some fans aren't happy unless they're finding something or someone to moan about.

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  11. To be honest neither really. I've seen the semi reunited GN'R in 17 and 22. No it's not the Appetite/Lies line up but the current line up is great too. Besides Steven has had a few guest spots and Izzy's made it clear it all comes down to money for him. He wouldn't be appearing for the right reasons and he'd just be going thru the motions.

    If the opportunity arose get Gilby or Matt up for a few songs.

    • Like 1
  12. Well I live in NZ so have only seen GN'R four times. Auckland 93, Auckland 07 night one, Wellington 17 and Wellington 22. Of those four my favourite was last year's show. I went looking forward to it but with realistic expectations about Axl's voice. I needn't have worried. Axl sounded way better than I could've hoped. He regularly engaged with the crowd. The chemistry between the band was even tighter than when I saw them in 17 and they were pretty fucking tight then. They played all the hits with a good mix of covers and deep cuts too. Nice to hear Absurd and Hard Skool too.

    I know that there's heaps of shows that better represent the Illusion line up but I'll pick Tokyo 92 for my favourite general show for a sentimental reason. When I heard Izzy had left Guns I didn't think anyone could fill his shoes. Xmas 92 my folks bought me the two Illusion videos. Watching Gilby do the lead guitar intros to Patience and Don't Cry plus his jam with Slash on Wild Horses made me a lifelong fan of Gilby as well as GN'R.

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  13. On 5/23/2023 at 1:39 PM, Nintari said:

    Yes, I think it was chalked up to bronchitis or something. But still... the man knew he couldn't sing that night. Why not go baritone? Oh, that's right, because Axl. lol

    He had strep throat. It's easy to take the piss. But the reality is despite not being well Axl turned up and played two shows to benefit disabled young people. Respect him that. And it was only really Jungle that he struggled with at the first show.

    On 5/23/2023 at 9:20 PM, kanecrescente said:

    Bollocks - he was pissed as a fart!

    He had strep throat and still stepped up to play two charity shows.

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  14. 21 hours ago, Chester 524 said:

    Do we know if Axl offered the gig instead of Richard?  bc it would just look silly having dj, Richard, Slash and possibly Izzy (at times) up on stage.  


    I wouldn't do a 3 guitar thing either- that would truly justify that Slash and Duff joined nu-guns rather than a rejoining a band they both helped found.  


    Come on. There's no way Axl would even consider replacing Richard even with Izzy. Unless Richard wanted to leave. And I can't imagine Izzy doing anything more than guest appearances or a limited number of shows. I also can't imagine Izzy being interested in playing Chinese Democracy songs.

    As to the general thread. I suspect Axl asked DJ to stay knowing he'd say no. DJ did his best during his time in the band and stepped aside when it was time too. So no hate from me.

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