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Everything posted by bmus1

  1. I had a dream that the album was announced as half studio/half live versions of CD songs and covers, and was called GnFnR. It felt so real and on brand for this band that I was almost surprised it didn't exist when I logged in this morning.
  2. Taking my mom to Fenway next week; she's excited for Appetite and the singles, I'm equally excited for that as well as CD-era songs and any new ones we'll get. I'm curious how she's going to like it based on the pacing from this show. But Fenway is also probably going to be shorter and more in the 22-25 song range (sadly).
  3. After 2 years someone uploaded the Hard Skool live b-sides to YouTube and I got to hear how solid they were for the first time. If the band used stuff like that for social media, the fan involvement would go up tenfold and I'm sure about that. Metallica keeps involvement going through tours with live videos, and those b-sides are the same level of quality as that. With the right song choice and mixing, this band still sounds great live. But graphics over the Appetite version of Paradise City works too.
  4. It was you! Thanks for hosting those for the last 3 years. I gave Oklahoma dozens and dozens of plays.
  5. I do think out of all 3 songs, Perhaps will sound the most impressive and ear catching live based on Axl's performance (I'm making assumptions on Perhaps).
  6. Yeah but your normal editing and re-recording isn't why it sounds disjointed. Recording in multiple studios over a decade while throwing in a bunch of different parts by different players to see what fits, sometimes cutting back and forth between different years of performances, sounds different than taking 2 years to record an album made up of a band of the same 5 dudes.
  7. The most frustrating part of this fandom is that no one seems to see Axl's vision with new music. He knows the true fans heard snippets of The General for the first time via a leaked snippet playing at a party, so it's only appropriate to start the latest release cycle the same way with Perhaps.
  8. I don't see how this solo OR the last one is amazing. It serves the song but neither did anything more than that.
  9. What was this place like before Absurd? That’s not supposed to sound snarky, I just can’t imagine how hopeless it’d be with zero breadcrumbs.
  10. I would regularly stream Perhaps and some of the other leaks from Soundcloud since I don't have the files on most of my devices, and both of the Perhaps links I used were removed in the last week.
  11. Part of my gut says we’re going to be pleasantly surprised with new verses (and the old chorus).
  12. Releasing songs before Friday has become super common in the last couple of years to boost interactions before release radars & new music pushes happen on streaming services on Fridays. All of Metallica's newest singles had 500,000+ streams before they hit the Spotify Release Radar because they came out on Mondays/Tuesdays.
  13. Yup exactly. At this point the boosting the marketing itself to sell tickets is out of the band's hands. The only thing they could tangibly do to quickly pump up the media and sales would be to tease or release something worth other parties sharing the news. That or dump a shit ton of money into social media ads. The big markets are selling fine it looks like (I'm trying to go to Fenway and decent tickets are sparse without buying a crazy inflated resale one) but the smaller shows have so many tickets unsold compared to a few years ago.
  14. The only thing that could impact ticket sales in any significant way is a huge social media push on Monday/Tuesday promoting new material and the tour in one huge wave. But even then, unless it’s an album I can’t see that having any huge success either. Some media outlets will pick up any GNR story, but “another new one off single by GNR” doesn’t sell like “Axl and Slash announce first album together in 30 years”.
  15. I’m not unconvinced they recorded this in 2020-2021 and were relearning it during that soundcheck we heard. Duff forgot the chords for the climb a couple times under the “what a weight upon your shoulders” section and there was some other sloppy parts that sounded like dudes trying to remember something.
  16. Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe it's the only song that is 100% confirmed to have actual vocals that hasn't leaked? That plus the intro being played at soundcheck and getting list as a set alternate, while Atlas hasn't been mentioned at all outside of the Spotify stuff.
  17. I read somewhere that Melissa programmed them using samples from Frank's live kit, but that could've just been a post here a couple years ago. There's just a couple spots that sound either super digital like the very first few notes, or make choices that no drummer would make like the missing kick drum at 0:16. After the first verse though it never ends up bothering me. I'm so desperate for music that I'd even take a Hard Skool (album version) with Brain's drums and the Village sessions intro as a separate track.
  18. I just realized Frank is staying on the hi-hat for the chorus of Perhaps. We must be getting a new drum track on that. Also, I’m still not convinced Hard Skool is actually Frank and not just programming.
  19. No way CDI was "the best of the best" with songs like Scraped on the record and songs like Hard Skool and Soul Monster on the backburner.
  20. The plan could've also been to play it live in advance of the single, but realizing they didn't want the first taste to be a live bootleg on YouTube. Hardskool was on the alternates list for over a month and didn't end up getting played til release. If there's enough optimism in here, we might have a single before 2024!
  21. Do we know for sure that soundchecking is the only practice this band does? I'm a little confused why Perhaps not getting soundchecked anymore is a bad sign, especially since I'm sure the band's team is aware someone was able to get a very good instrumental recording of it last month. Also, Foo Fighters soundchecked the title track from their new album seven times in a row last month, and it still hasn't been performed outside of their first show back in May. Apples to oranges, but using soundchecks as a definitive answer of something happening/not happening feels like a really weak link.
  22. No one show this guy how the Chili’s open their show every night.
  23. I'd rather have Facebook Live stutter and drop out than do this speed up/slow down thing. I get that it works when someone is live talking to camera but I wish there was an option to turn it off.
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