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Just watched Wall Street 2. No one told me it was gonna be a disaster movie. "It's the big one", "it's the end", "it's all gonna fall apart", "he predicted it". Like watching The Day After Tomorrow, but with finance. Facepalm. Otherwise good though. I liked those documentary-style scene segues with graphs and panoramic views of NY, those were pretty cool. I'm a sucker for panoramic shots, give me a good landscape or cityscape and I won't notice anything else, hell I would've liked Battlefield Earth if it had them.

Oh, and the happy ending seemed way too forced. I could've done without it.

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God. Just reading the premise of that story sounds like a fucking piece of liberal propaganda.

"Six years ago NASA discovered the possibility of alien life within our solar system. A probe was launched to collect samples, but crashed upon re-entry over Central America. Soon after, new life form began to appear and half of Mexico was quarantined as an INFECTED ZONE. Today, the American and Mexican military still struggle to contain "the creatures"...... Our story begins when a US journalist agrees to escort a shaken tourist through the infected zone in Mexico to the safety of the US border"


I wonder what that movie's underlying theme is. I'm a sci-fi dork, so I'll have to see it anyways.

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God. Just reading the premise of that story sounds like a fucking piece of liberal propaganda.

"Six years ago NASA discovered the possibility of alien life within our solar system. A probe was launched to collect samples, but crashed upon re-entry over Central America. Soon after, new life form began to appear and half of Mexico was quarantined as an INFECTED ZONE. Today, the American and Mexican military still struggle to contain "the creatures"...... Our story begins when a US journalist agrees to escort a shaken tourist through the infected zone in Mexico to the safety of the US border"


I wonder what that movie's underlying theme is. I'm a sci-fi dork, so I'll have to see it anyways.

Enjoy wasting an hour and a half of your life.

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That's one reason that people hyped up Paranormal Activity so much. "ZOMG DEY MADE IT ON SUCH A LOW BUDET AND IT IZ DA SCAREST MOVIE I HAS EVAR SEEN". Stfu, it sucked. Get over yourself.

But really, visually, Monsters was pretty good. Seeing the ruined things and the giant wall, but it was just bland and slow and didn't really amount to anything. :no:

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That's one reason that people hyped up Paranormal Activity so much. "ZOMG DEY MADE IT ON SUCH A LOW BUDET AND IT IZ DA SCAREST MOVIE I HAS EVAR SEEN". Stfu, it sucked. Get over yourself.

But really, visually, Monsters was pretty good. Seeing the ruined things and the giant wall, but it was just bland and slow and didn't really amount to anything. :no:

It doesn't amount to anything!?! It has the most stunning ending of any film this year, and that's without even taking how it ties into the first shots of the film into consideration!

Edited by Angelica
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That's one reason that people hyped up Paranormal Activity so much. "ZOMG DEY MADE IT ON SUCH A LOW BUDET AND IT IZ DA SCAREST MOVIE I HAS EVAR SEEN". Stfu, it sucked. Get over yourself.

But really, visually, Monsters was pretty good. Seeing the ruined things and the giant wall, but it was just bland and slow and didn't really amount to anything. :no:

It doesn't amount to anything!?! It has the most stunning ending of any film this year, and that's without even taking how it ties into the first shots of the film into consideration!

Don't you even. That ending was cliche and lame.

I just cannot agree on this one. :no:

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That's one reason that people hyped up Paranormal Activity so much. "ZOMG DEY MADE IT ON SUCH A LOW BUDET AND IT IZ DA SCAREST MOVIE I HAS EVAR SEEN". Stfu, it sucked. Get over yourself.

But really, visually, Monsters was pretty good. Seeing the ruined things and the giant wall, but it was just bland and slow and didn't really amount to anything. :no:

It doesn't amount to anything!?! It has the most stunning ending of any film this year, and that's without even taking how it ties into the first shots of the film into consideration!

Don't you even. That ending was cliche and lame.

I just cannot agree on this one. :no:

Do you understand that beginning of the film reveals their fate? If so I really can't help you. Lame!? Cliche!?! *sob*
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I downloaded Monsters based on your list but I haven't watched it yet. Surely it'll be better than District 9. I couldn't stand that movie.

You're right about 07. I forgot Zodiac, No Country For Old Men, and Into The Wild Came all came out that year. Zodiac was probably my favorite movie of the decade.

Edited by ITW 2012
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That's one reason that people hyped up Paranormal Activity so much. "ZOMG DEY MADE IT ON SUCH A LOW BUDET AND IT IZ DA SCAREST MOVIE I HAS EVAR SEEN". Stfu, it sucked. Get over yourself.

But really, visually, Monsters was pretty good. Seeing the ruined things and the giant wall, but it was just bland and slow and didn't really amount to anything. :no:

It doesn't amount to anything!?! It has the most stunning ending of any film this year, and that's without even taking how it ties into the first shots of the film into consideration!

Don't you even. That ending was cliche and lame.

I just cannot agree on this one. :no:

Do you understand that beginning of the film reveals their fate? If so I really can't help you. Lame!? Cliche!?! *sob*

That's just as bad and cliche as the ending of Remember Me.

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That's one reason that people hyped up Paranormal Activity so much. "ZOMG DEY MADE IT ON SUCH A LOW BUDET AND IT IZ DA SCAREST MOVIE I HAS EVAR SEEN". Stfu, it sucked. Get over yourself.

But really, visually, Monsters was pretty good. Seeing the ruined things and the giant wall, but it was just bland and slow and didn't really amount to anything. :no:

It doesn't amount to anything!?! It has the most stunning ending of any film this year, and that's without even taking how it ties into the first shots of the film into consideration!

Don't you even. That ending was cliche and lame.

I just cannot agree on this one. :no:

Do you understand that beginning of the film reveals their fate? If so I really can't help you. Lame!? Cliche!?! *sob*

That's just as bad and cliche as the ending of Remember Me.

The ending of Remember Me isn't cliched, the fact that he dies is, but the way he dies is too hilariously left field and specific. That ending makes sitting through what comes before it worth while. I can only dream that Twilight goes out in a similar fashion. :lol:

Edited by Angelica
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Where is your top 10, Angelica. I'd love to see it.

I did it on FB earlier this week, still haven't seen True Grit, but as it stands...

10.The Ghost Writer

9.A Prophet

8.Toy Story 3

7.Good Hair

6.The Killer Inside Me



3.The Social Network

2.I'm Still Here

1. Black Swan

HMs: I Love You Philip Morris, Animal Kingdom, Piranha 3D, Somewhere, The Runaways, Splice, Hot Tub Time Machine, Winter's Bone, Daybreakers

Biggest discrepancy between quality of lead performances and the actual film: Love and Other Drugs

Still passable, but was never going to live up to the trailer: Machete

Most ruinous sequel: Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps

Most unexpectedly solid film that has no particular reason to exist: Let Me In

Worst movie of 2010, and also all recorded history: Sex and the City 2

Edited by Angelica
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Still passable, but was never going to live up to the trailer: Machete

The scene where he grabs that guy's intestine and swings on it out the window makes any movie worth watching at least once. But it's true, that trailer was larger than life, nobody could have made a full length movie like that. Also lost major points for me when I found out Jessica Alba's nude scene was CGI. Not cool, dude, :thumbsdown: not cool

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Black Swan = best film of 2010. Haven't been quite this giddy over anything since There Will Be Blood.

I agree with Black Swan being the best movie of 2010. Loved it! :wub:

Awww man...I'm dying to see it, but I'm determined to not download it and wait for the UK release sad.gif

it's quite spectacular. She'll get best actress for sure.

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Skyline was hilariously awful.

Next up: Piranha

Also, earlier this week, while I was looking through our blu-rays at work, I saw we had Scott Pilgrim on the shelf. I decided to price check it, but at that point, it was too much for my wallet (actually, I had plenty - I just didn't want to spend the money). Then, the next few days, I went back to look for it because I decided I was going to buy it. I couldn't find any copies at all. Then tonight, online, I see an add showing that the movie comes out on December 27th. Someone at work at accidentally put a copy on the shelf and then someone realized it and put it back. I could have bought Scott Pilgrim before it's release date. :(

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So within that past two nights, I've watched 3 movies.

Monsters - See previous page

Resident Evil: Afterlife - Not too bad. Entertaining enough.

Damage - Entertaining enough to see Stone Cold Steve Austin beat the shit out of guys

You should watch Black Swan. It's available on the torrent sites.

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