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You people are hopeless.

Not nearly as hopeless as most nirvana fans, who can't seem to understand that kc is one of the most overrated figures in the history of music.

Post of the century.

i've always thought that people with that opinion, possibly, rate people for odd reasons. its the same tired old thing. what is Kurt rated for? he's rated as a guitarist and they rattle on about theres so many guitarists out there that can do huge intricate solo's on play thousands of different styles without taking into the account that people that are rated as guitar players are not necessarily rated or virtuosity, virtuosity is not the only yardstick by which this shit is measured, its about the SOUND you get out of the guitar and how original that is or your sense of melody and when taken in that regard, Kurt is up there with the best of them and THAT for one is not a matter of opinion, its just cold hard fact, LISTEN to the songs, y'know, like with your ears? you can deny a melody, its just fucking there, it is what it is, you cant deny an original sound or an unprescendented sound, its just there, it is what it is now Kurts "sound" could be traced back to people like Thurston Moore but the fact is Kurt got it to more people across the world, that in itself does the instrument a service, a service that many couldnt. theres a reason why Elvis is the King and Chuck Berry, Little Richard etc aint and it doesnt matter how more deserving you think they are of that title, Elvis DID something for the music, he got it to more ears and that in itself is priceless and Kurt did the same for that sort of alternative tuningish anti-solo style of guitar playing. and thats just the tip of the iceberg. try and open your mind just a tiny bit and this aint directed at you Axlin08, or at least not expressly at you so dont take offence cuz i think your opinion is pretty astute here and there ;)

Johnny Ramone is another example of a guitar player who is up there with the best of them based purely on originality of style and sound and also partly on the sheer volume of people he inspired to pick up the guitar. and inspiration is a weird thing, its not necessarily an immitative thing in the direct sense, it doesnt mean that he gave birth to a million different Johnny Ramone clones (which he sorta did although none of them cut the mustard) but inspire people in the "hey, he's doing that, maybe i can try THIS" sense and bring something else, something of their own, something fresh to the plate and THAT is something that is priceless, something that you cannot put a value on, it is the knock of the first domino and its value to art or an art is...it just defies description how important something like that is and im not just talking about guitar playing here, you could apply this to any form of art.

Edited by ffrankwhite
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The only reason he's considered so great is because he died while Nirvana was still hot shit.

Actually nirvana was on the verge of fading out shortly before kc died.

Were you even around then? They were still pretty popular when he offed himself. They were set to headline Lollapalooza that year. In Utero was still selling strong. I believe they would've faded out soon thereafter, Kurt probably did too.

Which makes them a fad. Led Zeppelin, The Beatles, the Rolling Stones; their popularity never faded. Why? Cause they're legends, not passing angsty teenage fads.

Oh shut up about the "teenage angst"-crap, Miser. A band that got as big as Nirvana would never be forgotten, even if the frontman killed himself.

One of the most talented musicians ever my ass!! The guy barely knew 3 chords (admitted that himself), and he barely knew how to tune a guitar. The only reason he's considered so great is because he died while Nirvana was still hot shit. Putting that bullet through his head was the best thing to do to secure his spot as a legend. He'd probably be playing fairs if he was still around.

You want a talented musician from that era then refer to Layne Staley. That guy had more talent in his pinky fingernail than Cobain had in his whole body.

Indeed he did, and he could do unbelievable things with those three chords. I fucking challenge you to find a musician with a better ear for pop than Kurt, except for Lennon/McCartney.

I don't consider Layne "talented"; he had a great fucking voice and he wrote good lyrics, but that's it. I'd love to see Layne pull something àla "Lounge Act" off, but he couldn't.

And, out of curiosity, what do you think about Jimi Hendrix?

One of the greatest talents and musicians the world has ever seen. RIP.

Tommy Bolin? Yes. Randy Rhoads? Yes. Kurt Cobain? No.

You can't deny the brilliance of the music and lyrics he wrote just because you don't like it. Few people have had the great ear for pop that Cobain had. I understand why you think those two guys aforementioned are so great; they are great musicians, but they didn't have that particular gift that Kurt was born with.

I hate how you nu-nirvana fans act like kurt cobain was the second coming of christ. Let me tell you something, the real nirvana fans(people that were fans back in nirvanas prime.) Don't act like you guys. They actually have enough sense to realize that kurt was not God.

"The real fans"?! That's the funniest shit I've ever heard! :lol: Well please excuse me for not being born until 1992, I'm so sorry! :lol:

I do not look at Kurt like a God, there's a lot of sides to him that I don't like, but I do see why he is hailed among fans and critics alike.

Edited by Lithium
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Godamn, there are some assholes in this thread...

It is possible to empathize with Frances and Kurt (and *gasp* even Courtney!). He didn't cold bloodedly abandon them. He was terribly ill, in tremendous pain both physically and emotionally. You realize that someone who puts a shotgun in their mouth and pulls the trigger is most probably not in a particularly rational state of mind, right?

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lifer, shut the fuck up.

Let me guess your another nu-nirvana fanboy.

And you're another irritating, bore who can't respect the dead.

Guess what, Kurt wouldn't have had near the problems if he stayed away from the drugs.

yeah and Kennedy wouldn'ta died if he didnt ride an open top and opt for a bulletproof limo, what a jerk :rolleyes:

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lifer, shut the fuck up.

Let me guess your another nu-nirvana fanboy.

tell ya what, you just ignore every attempt at serious discussion kay? kay!! :)

Serious Discussion? How the hell has this discussion been serious?

i've always thought that people with that opinion, possibly, rate people for odd reasons. its the same tired old thing. what is Kurt rated for? he's rated as a guitarist and they rattle on about theres so many guitarists out there that can do huge intricate solo's on play thousands of different styles without taking into the account that people that are rated as guitar players are not necessarily rated or virtuosity, virtuosity is not the only yardstick by which this shit is measured, its about the SOUND you get out of the guitar and how original that is or your sense of melody and when taken in that regard, Kurt is up there with the best of them and THAT for one is not a matter of opinion, its just cold hard fact, LISTEN to the songs, y'know, like with your ears? you can deny a melody, its just fucking there, it is what it is, you cant deny an original sound or an unprescendented sound, its just there, it is what it is now Kurts "sound" could be traced back to people like Thurston Moore but the fact is Kurt got it to more people across the world, that in itself does the instrument a service, a service that many couldnt. theres a reason why Elvis is the King and Chuck Berry, Little Richard etc aint and it doesnt matter how more deserving you think they are of that title, Elvis DID something for the music, he got it to more ears and that in itself is priceless and Kurt did the same for that sort of alternative tuningish anti-solo style of guitar playing. and thats just the tip of the iceberg. try and open your mind just a tiny bit and this aint directed at you Axlin08, or at least not expressly at you so dont take offence cuz i think your opinion is pretty astute here and there

Johnny Ramone is another example of a guitar player who is up there with the best of them based purely on originality of style and sound and also partly on the sheer volume of people he inspired to pick up the guitar. and inspiration is a weird thing, its not necessarily an immitative thing in the direct sense, it doesnt mean that he gave birth to a million different Johnny Ramone clones (which he sorta did although none of them cut the mustard) but inspire people in the "hey, he's doing that, maybe i can try THIS" sense and bring something else, something of their own, something fresh to the plate and THAT is something that is priceless, something that you cannot put a value on, it is the knock of the first domino and its value to art or an art is...it just defies description how important something like that is and im not just talking about guitar playing here, you could apply this to any form of art.

like that ;) which if you scroll up was said in direct response to something you said..

Edited by ffrankwhite
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lifer, shut the fuck up.

Let me guess your another nu-nirvana fanboy.

And you're another irritating, bore who can't respect the dead.

Guess what, Kurt wouldn't have had near the problems if he stayed away from the drugs.

yeah and Kennedy wouldn'ta died if he didnt ride an open top and opt for a bulletproof limo, what a jerk :rolleyes:

Kurt was the one who decided to shoot up heroin. Kurt was the one who decided to put a gun to his mouth and pull the trigger. Kurt chose the path he took. nobody else helped get him there.

i'm sick of people making excuses for the guy.

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lifer, shut the fuck up.

Let me guess your another nu-nirvana fanboy.

And you're another irritating, bore who can't respect the dead.

Guess what, Kurt wouldn't have had near the problems if he stayed away from the drugs.

yeah and Kennedy wouldn'ta died if he didnt ride an open top and opt for a bulletproof limo, what a jerk :rolleyes:

Kurt was the one who decided to shoot up heroin. Kurt was the one who decided to put a gun to his mouth and pull the trigger. Kurt chose the path he took. nobody else helped get him there.

i'm sick of people making excuses for the guy.

once again, ignoring the serious points of discussion. scroll up, its there for ya, when you're ready slugger. and its not excuses, its empathy, its compassion, y'know, thats weird part of us that differentiates us from zombies??

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I was almost sure he died on the 8th

He was decleared dead the 8th of April, but he was reported missing the 4th.

I saw a documentary about Kurt Cobain awhile ago and there was an interview with Duff where he talked about how he and a friend came across Kurt on the Los Angeles airport after Kurt escaped from the L.A. rehab center. They invited Kurt to spend some time with them,but Kurt refused this and took the plane to Washington. Couple days later Kurt committed suicide.

On topic: Kurt Cobain was a great musician but it all went wrong the moment he started to use drugs.

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Wow does anyone listen to me, we're not here to argue, so lifer shut the fuck up and go away, ffrank I didn't even bother to read what you said because it looked big and uninteresting, it dosn't MATTER how he died I hate suicide to lifer I really do but if you want to bash Kurt go to the thread in Don't Damn Me, not here. And if you think Kurt Cobain was untalanted then you truely are a retard sir, no exageration, no kidding. Moop posted this to wish Kurt well in the afterlife so either do that or fuck off how hard is it not to hit the goddamn reply button dude? Why can't you just leave?

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i've always thought that people with that opinion, possibly, rate people for odd reasons. its the same tired old thing. what is Kurt rated for? he's rated as a guitarist and they rattle on about theres so many guitarists out there that can do huge intricate solo's on play thousands of different styles without taking into the account that people that are rated as guitar players are not necessarily rated or virtuosity, virtuosity is not the only yardstick by which this shit is measured, its about the SOUND you get out of the guitar and how original that is or your sense of melody and when taken in that regard, Kurt is up there with the best of them and THAT for one is not a matter of opinion, its just cold hard fact, LISTEN to the songs, y'know, like with your ears? you can deny a melody, its just fucking there, it is what it is, you cant deny an original sound or an unprescendented sound, its just there, it is what it is now Kurts "sound" could be traced back to people like Thurston Moore but the fact is Kurt got it to more people across the world, that in itself does the instrument a service, a service that many couldnt. theres a reason why Elvis is the King and Chuck Berry, Little Richard etc aint and it doesnt matter how more deserving you think they are of that title, Elvis DID something for the music, he got it to more ears and that in itself is priceless and Kurt did the same for that sort of alternative tuningish anti-solo style of guitar playing. and thats just the tip of the iceberg. try and open your mind just a tiny bit and this aint directed at you Axlin08, or at least not expressly at you so dont take offence cuz i think your opinion is pretty astute here and there

I'm gonna give you a little history lesson boy. Back in the early 90's when Nirvana was in there prime nobody not even nirvanas biggest fans were ranking kurt up there with Eddie Van Halen and Jimmy Page. And nobody was calling Kurt the John Lennon of our generation until he died. The truth is the only useful thing Nirvana did was put an end to the annoying hair band trend. And I wouldn't say these things if I hadn't experienced what was going on during that time.

Wow does anyone listen to me, we're not here to argue, so lifer shut the fuck up and go away, ffrank I didn't even bother to read what you said because it looked big and uninteresting, it dosn't MATTER how he died I hate suicide to lifer I really do but if you want to bash Kurt go to the thread in Don't Damn Me, not here. And if you think Kurt Cobain was untalanted then you truely are a retard sir, no exageration, no kidding. Moop posted this to wish Kurt well in the afterlife so either do that or fuck off how hard is it not to hit the goddamn reply button dude? Why can't you just leave?

I never said he was untalented. All I said was I and alot of other people viewed him as a medicre musician.

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i've always thought that people with that opinion, possibly, rate people for odd reasons. its the same tired old thing. what is Kurt rated for? he's rated as a guitarist and they rattle on about theres so many guitarists out there that can do huge intricate solo's on play thousands of different styles without taking into the account that people that are rated as guitar players are not necessarily rated or virtuosity, virtuosity is not the only yardstick by which this shit is measured, its about the SOUND you get out of the guitar and how original that is or your sense of melody and when taken in that regard, Kurt is up there with the best of them and THAT for one is not a matter of opinion, its just cold hard fact, LISTEN to the songs, y'know, like with your ears? you can deny a melody, its just fucking there, it is what it is, you cant deny an original sound or an unprescendented sound, its just there, it is what it is now Kurts "sound" could be traced back to people like Thurston Moore but the fact is Kurt got it to more people across the world, that in itself does the instrument a service, a service that many couldnt. theres a reason why Elvis is the King and Chuck Berry, Little Richard etc aint and it doesnt matter how more deserving you think they are of that title, Elvis DID something for the music, he got it to more ears and that in itself is priceless and Kurt did the same for that sort of alternative tuningish anti-solo style of guitar playing. and thats just the tip of the iceberg. try and open your mind just a tiny bit and this aint directed at you Axlin08, or at least not expressly at you so dont take offence cuz i think your opinion is pretty astute here and there

I'm gonna give you a little history lesson boy. Back in the early 90's when Nirvana was in there prime nobody not even nirvanas biggest fans were ranking kurt up there with Eddie Van Halen and Jimmy Page. And nobody was calling Kurt the John Lennon of our generation until he died. The truth is the only useful thing Nirvana did was put an end to the annoying hair band trend. And I wouldn't say these things if I hadn't experienced what was going on during that time.

Wow does anyone listen to me, we're not here to argue, so lifer shut the fuck up and go away, ffrank I didn't even bother to read what you said because it looked big and uninteresting, it dosn't MATTER how he died I hate suicide to lifer I really do but if you want to bash Kurt go to the thread in Don't Damn Me, not here. And if you think Kurt Cobain was untalanted then you truely are a retard sir, no exageration, no kidding. Moop posted this to wish Kurt well in the afterlife so either do that or fuck off how hard is it not to hit the goddamn reply button dude? Why can't you just leave?

I never said he was untalented. All I said was I and alot of other people viewed him as a medicre musician.

Way to go you missed my point entirely, I'll sum it up for you: Fuck Off.

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i've always thought that people with that opinion, possibly, rate people for odd reasons. its the same tired old thing. what is Kurt rated for? he's rated as a guitarist and they rattle on about theres so many guitarists out there that can do huge intricate solo's on play thousands of different styles without taking into the account that people that are rated as guitar players are not necessarily rated or virtuosity, virtuosity is not the only yardstick by which this shit is measured, its about the SOUND you get out of the guitar and how original that is or your sense of melody and when taken in that regard, Kurt is up there with the best of them and THAT for one is not a matter of opinion, its just cold hard fact, LISTEN to the songs, y'know, like with your ears? you can deny a melody, its just fucking there, it is what it is, you cant deny an original sound or an unprescendented sound, its just there, it is what it is now Kurts "sound" could be traced back to people like Thurston Moore but the fact is Kurt got it to more people across the world, that in itself does the instrument a service, a service that many couldnt. theres a reason why Elvis is the King and Chuck Berry, Little Richard etc aint and it doesnt matter how more deserving you think they are of that title, Elvis DID something for the music, he got it to more ears and that in itself is priceless and Kurt did the same for that sort of alternative tuningish anti-solo style of guitar playing. and thats just the tip of the iceberg. try and open your mind just a tiny bit and this aint directed at you Axlin08, or at least not expressly at you so dont take offence cuz i think your opinion is pretty astute here and there

I'm gonna give you a little history lesson boy. Back in the early 90's when Nirvana was in there prime nobody not even nirvanas biggest fans were ranking kurt up there with Eddie Van Halen and Jimmy Page. And nobody was calling Kurt the John Lennon of our generation until he died. The truth is the only useful thing Nirvana did was put an end to the annoying hair band trend. And I wouldn't say these things if I hadn't experienced what was going on during that time.

Wow does anyone listen to me, we're not here to argue, so lifer shut the fuck up and go away, ffrank I didn't even bother to read what you said because it looked big and uninteresting, it dosn't MATTER how he died I hate suicide to lifer I really do but if you want to bash Kurt go to the thread in Don't Damn Me, not here. And if you think Kurt Cobain was untalanted then you truely are a retard sir, no exageration, no kidding. Moop posted this to wish Kurt well in the afterlife so either do that or fuck off how hard is it not to hit the goddamn reply button dude? Why can't you just leave?

I never said he was untalented. All I said was I and alot of other people viewed him as a medicre musician.

Way to go you missed my point entirely, I'll sum it up for you: Fuck Off.

It's a message dude. you can't tell people to not post.

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Kurt didn't have shit on Lennon, Jagger, Morrison or Plant, lyrically or vocally. He was a passing fad. He wasn't the ''Lennon'' of any era. Lennon was on a totally different trip and had spent more than 20 years making music when he was brutally murdered. Lennon also died when at a point when his life was probably at it's happiest (For example, he wrote a song called Life Begins at 40). Lennon's death was a tragedy because it was so sudden and so shocking, and because Lennon had his life taken from him, whereas Kurt took his own life and had been suicidal for a long time and had tried to commit suicide not long before. Kurt also made no solo albums, with Nirvana he made only 3 real albums; Lennon with the Beatles made 13 albums and on his own made 8 solo albums. Most of John Lennon's most complex and fascinating work was on his solo albums.

Kurt's ''legend'' came after his death because a broken generation wanted it's own heroes to venerate in the same way the Baby Boomers loved Lennon.

Kurt's life wasn't a life cut short by tragedy, Kurt cut his own life short; all his choice and his fault.

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