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Metallica-St.Anger appreciation thread!

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It has been almost five years since St.Anger. I remember being really excited for it and then reading many ,many negative reviews. I think that a lot of people base their opinions of the album on those reviews. The live DVD that comes with it smokes the album. My three favorite songs are Frantic, St.Anger and The Unnamed feeling.

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It certainly has moments that are decent. I like the riffs, but the songs are too long, so they kinda lose their momentum.

That's one problem with this album that no other Metallica album has had, and that's momentum. Each past album has had songs with their own momentum that allowed you to really enjoy each song over and over. The songs on St. Anger get repetitive too fast. It's unfortunate.

Good ideas, but tough to listen to.

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It kicks ass, really doesn't deserve the flack that it gets. Just simple, raw and rockin'.

That DVD is awesome too, is that when they plan in that warehouse sorta thing? It rules.

Edited by FunkyMonk
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I think if you look at the album as a whole and you appreciate what they set out to do with it, then it's not THAT bad. It's tough to listen to, I agree... but it has some great moments, and I admire them for attempting it.

First few songs ain't tough, although it starts to drag. Well surmised.

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I've never really cared for Metallica so when I heard parts of this album it sounded the same as their other stuff to me, just obviously newer production. I didn't think it was drastically different. The Black Album and Ride the Lightning has a couple songs I like but most of their critically acclaimed stuff I listen to and think, "What's the big deal?" I guess I'm just not into heavy metal enough, maybe.

EDIT: My paragraph somehow copied itself and pasted itself! :lol: I just deleted the second one.

Edited by Estranged Reality
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