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Just saw Body of Lies

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when does the new version of 'If The World" leak ???

How can it leak if it is on an official medium such as a film?

if thats the case do you have a copy?

I am almost positive that no file for the new version of this song has been posted anywhere (official release or not)

.........I guess it would have to come from the people that worked on the film productions audio,

or maybe someone that works at a theater could directly record the piece that is used in the movie

Edited by lost in the garden
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when does the new version of 'If The World" leak ???

How can it leak if it is on an official medium such as a film?

if thats the case do you have a copy?

I am almost positive that no file for the new version of this song has been posted anywhere (official release or not)

.........I guess it would have to come from the people that worked on the film productions audio,

or maybe someone that works at a theater could directly record the piece that is used in the movie

Im saying once the film is out it wouldn't exactly be a leak would it?

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None of these song are official releases though. They are just songs used for video games and relative movies.

that would make them official releases..

Ok, but they aint singles. I herd acdc's new single on the radio 3 times today, didn't hear any new gnr song but they did play SCOM

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when does the new version of 'If The World" leak ???

How can it leak if it is on an official medium such as a film?

Anyway, people are complaining about the lack of promotion for SR and ITW, how do you promote a song being used on a film? Its not on the soundtrack so why would you want to promote it? The songs ARE promotion! SR is just a throw away song being used to drum up some interest in GNR, ITW is being used for the same thing, you wouldn't make a commercial, then make another commercial to advertise your first commercial would you?

Good point. I guess I'm using "You Could be Mine" as the way I would have wanted to see ITW used, tied to the movie more. YCBM as you know had nothing to do with T2, wasn't about the movie, wasn't made for the movie. But.. What do you think of though when you hear that song? T2. It had a video with with clips of the film, even the end with Arnie and the band. It also was on the soundtrack for T2.

I would have hoped to have seen ITW on the soundtrack at least. At this point, you can't officially download Shackler's or ITW, I think that's a shame for the masses.

But hey, it's not 1991 and I'm not in GNR's marketing team.

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Body of Lies is just one more dumb American movie.

What's the last great American film ? Perhaps Citizen Kane.

That was a long time ago...


I dunno what you mean by "great American film" but those were some seriously lame assertions. while I would admit that we arent exactly turning out top notch movies every week, there are some damn good movies by Ridley Scott, let alone the rest of Hollywood. I suppose you are just very unhappy in your personal life and choose to make blanket stupid statement like this to get a rise out of people, so I wont indule you other than to say....dude...that was pretty fucking lame.

p.s. A Few Good Men, Godfathers 1+2, Black Hawk Down, Shawshank, Jaws, etc.> your opinion on films.

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when does the new version of 'If The World" leak ???

How can it leak if it is on an official medium such as a film?

Anyway, people are complaining about the lack of promotion for SR and ITW, how do you promote a song being used on a film? Its not on the soundtrack so why would you want to promote it? The songs ARE promotion! SR is just a throw away song being used to drum up some interest in GNR, ITW is being used for the same thing, you wouldn't make a commercial, then make another commercial to advertise your first commercial would you?

Good point. I guess I'm using "You Could be Mine" as the way I would have wanted to see ITW used, tied to the movie more. YCBM as you know had nothing to do with T2, wasn't about the movie, wasn't made for the movie. But.. What do you think of though when you hear that song? T2. It had a video with with clips of the film, even the end with Arnie and the band. It also was on the soundtrack for T2.

I would have hoped to have seen ITW on the soundtrack at least. At this point, you can't officially download Shackler's or ITW, I think that's a shame for the masses.

But hey, it's not 1991 and I'm not in GNR's marketing team.

Yep, that movie was made for gnr, Remember when arnie pulled out that shotgun from the box of roses?

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Finally a positve review!!

Guns N' Roses - If The World

Axl's Body of Lies contribution comes off smoothly.

by Spence D.

US, October 9, 2008 - It may have taken Axl Rose more than a decade (actually 15 years) to deliver a new Guns N' Roses album, but the light at the end of the tunnel is slowly beginning to shine a little brighter.

While Rose has been coy with the media and harsh with anybody who has leaked tracks online, he's been a shrewd man in terms of how he is officially setting up the proposed November 25th release of the long-awaited Chinese Democracy.

First was the high profile placement of "Shackler's Revenge" on Rock Band 2. Now comes the equally high profile placement of the next official track from the album, "If The World."

Tacked on at the end of Ridley Scott's new international thriller Body Of Lies, starring box office icons Leonardo DiCaprio and Russell Crowe, the song is the first thing you hear once the end credits begin to roll.

In stark contrast to the abrasive electro shock and generic industrial glitz of "Shackler's", this track flips a complete 180 in the opposite direction.

Keeping in tune with the film's distinct Middle Eastern thematics, Axl and band have laid out a slinky, neo-soul number that is surprisingly good.

Drenched in electronic funk slither with Rose affecting a slightly effeminate vocal croon, the track would actually have made a stellar James Bond theme song.

At the core of the song is a syncopated drum and bass groove that is warm and supple. It's wrapped around a slow burn expanse of guitar and then topped off with Rose's sedated caterwaul cum croon.

As with the sinewy vibe of the music itself, the core lyrical refrain of " If the world would end today/then all the dreams we had would all just drift away, oh/You know there's nothing more to say/if the world would end and our love slipped away..." is a perfect fit to the film's thematics of global peril and dangerous love.

Having only gotten one listen (and the song is relatively short, to boot), it's hard to really nail the song and how it will fit in with the rest of Chinese Democracy, but first impressions were strong, with the strange floating funk ambiance working surprisingly well for Mr. Rose. If the rest of the album is along these lines GN'R may be back in force, albeit on a uniquely different tact.

The only bummer is that those looking to score a copy of the track will have to settle for going to the movies instead. As of now there are no plans to include it on the official soundtrack.


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Finally a positve review!!

Guns N' Roses - If The World

Axl's Body of Lies contribution comes off smoothly.

by Spence D.

Drenched in electronic funk slither with Rose affecting a slightly effeminate vocal croon, the track would actually have made a stellar James Bond theme song.



Anyone remeber that post Randy made...

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It sounds pretty close to the version that was leaked a few months ago. The only difference is this version stops playing just right before the gay 'lalalala' part..... The song sucked monkey balls then and it still sucks monkey balls now.

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It sounds pretty close to the version that was leaked a few months ago. The only difference is this version stops playing just right before the gay 'lalalala' part..... The song sucked monkey balls then and it still sucks monkey balls now.

I'm gonna' be honest with you, you are just coming off stupid.

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It sounds pretty close to the version that was leaked a few months ago. The only difference is this version stops playing just right before the gay 'lalalala' part..... The song sucked monkey balls then and it still sucks monkey balls now.

What a great insight. My opinion is a song never "sucks balls" unless the musican ship is shitty. Which is not the case. Otherwise it's "I'm not a fan of the style"

To me it sounds more like something Led Zeppelin might experiment with back in the day.

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Thats a dick comment to make:

Have you ever seen the following:

American Beauty

No Country For Old Men

There Will Be Blood

Requiem For A Dream


Little Children

Body of Lies is just one more dumb American movie.

What's the last great American film ? Perhaps Citizen Kane.

That was a long time ago...


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