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Guns N' Roses and the new generation


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If anyone is overrated on this forum its Ron. He is not even close to being as good as BH. And how is BH overrated? Go listen to the TWAT solo again.

As for the 2002 band looking worse image wise I beg to different, that was the most interesting looking and diverse band. The band now is just a generic looking and generic talented band.

Like I have said before people knew who BH was, no one knows who Ron is. BH was the one person in this band who beside Axl had hte IT factor. When BH was playing all eyes were on him and off Axl.

No one since slash could do that. RON cant even come close to doing that, Ron is a bore to watch on stage. DJ is just a poser, the guy is EMO. You really like his EMO look? Please, id take BHs look or Fincks goth look over that any day. DJ looks like he should be in an emo band He is far from a rock star look.

While I think he can play the AFD stuff better than Finck, he still struggles with the industral stuff Finck was doing, and that is why DJ was not really a great pick for the new songs. But I still like DJ more than Ron. Dj can cover BHs parts very well, I will give him that.

If the 2002 version of gnr (with BH, Finck and Brain) and Axls non braided look, the band would be much bigger and better than they are now.

The 2002 version of this band was the most talented version of gnr, even better than the AFD version of the band. But Axl blew it because he took so long.

The 2002 version of this band with that look would be HUGE right now. That is the kind of stuff kids eat up. Hell kids love slip knot and bands like that.

god help me i think i agree with all this :o

except, i wouldn't discard the afd guns quite so hastily no.gif theirs was a 'kinda' magic

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This is why I enjoy not giving a fuck about what the general public think about the bands I like. Their music isn't for everyone, if they don't like it then I respect that, I'm sure there are bands they like that I don't.

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I can't stand today's generation of music fans. They like Hip Hop and the Lady Gaga, Nickelback crap. What else I can't stand is that people let it being shoved down their throats. How bought turn the dial, maybe you'll find more, better music.

Even at the gym's their playing 99.3 the Buzz (the hip hip/ pop station) I could'nt stand working out and hearing Taylor Swift and Black Eye Pea's songs. There are Rock stations!

I also cannot stand people that can think Nickelback, Linkin Park and the Jonas Brothers are good rock bands. Good? You have got to be kidding me. I don't wanna listen song's with a guy with a TERRIBLE voice, about "giving up," and sound like girls. Jonas Brother's arent even a Rock band! Their pop, boy-band crap!

Rock and Roll will always be my thing. I like Motley Crue, GN'R, Aerosmith, Metallica, Def Leppard, Rob Zombie, Skid Row, Velvet Revolver, The Bealtes, The Who, Pink Floyd, Black Sabbath and Led Zeppelin and I'm fuckin' proud! I'm proud to not let this crappy pop trash get shoved down my throat. I hope many of you Rock fans are still liking the Rock and didnt sell out to the pop music or your friends.

Keep Rock and Roll alive!

I know quite a lot of people my age who absoluely hate rap. I dont know what its like anywhere else but in England there still is a large rock following.

Im 16 and I dont see GNR as has beens, their an amazing band and more people should see this.

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I miss the 80's guys.

Is that you, BBA? ;)

No but seriously, people don't miss the 80's or miss certain trends in music. When people say such things, what they really miss is their primetime in youth (The fucking years, as Eddy Murphy calls them in Raw). And with that goes the music you listened to while in your 'fucking' years. Those kids you speak of, in 2030 they will all be longing back to the days when music really mattered, the days of the White Stripes and Muse. And this cycle will keep repeating itself with every new generation.

So let's face it boys n girls, it's not about GNR.....we just want our 'fucking' years back. :)

Edited by Roy79
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To be perfectly honest, in Belfast I actually see a lot of people in Guns N' Roses shirts. Whether they're fans or it's just a fashion thing is another story, but I see a lot of them. I've seen a good few with 2006 tour t-shirts as well, always nice to see.

And there's very few people who don't know Sweet Child O' Mine. People just don't listen to the music anymore, it's got nothing to do with them being has-beens. Today, rock n' roll music in general has had it's time. It's nothing to do with the individual bands.

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This is why I enjoy not giving a fuck about what the general public think about the bands I like. Their music isn't for everyone, if they don't like it then I respect that, I'm sure there are bands they like that I don't.

Yeah that is because they dont agree with you but you do give a fuck about what a bunch of posters on a message board agree with you.

You should give the same advice for the others bashing other bands. Maybe that is not for them. You see how that works?

Of course they are a "have been". People outside this forum define GN'R as the line ups between '87-'93. Since those lineups haven't released any albums since '93, it's not hard to realise why people view them as "have been".

This pretty much sums it up. GNR is a classic rock band. Most people don't care what the band is doing now they only care about the hits. Younger people still like GNR now just like when GNR were huge they still liked Led Zeppelin. GH has been consistently in the top 200 for about six years now. That's pretty amazing seeing as most "older" people already owned AFD and UYI. So, the younger people are buying the music. Just not the new stuff.

In other words people only care about the AFD/UYI version of the band.

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This is why I enjoy not giving a fuck about what the general public think about the bands I like. Their music isn't for everyone, if they don't like it then I respect that, I'm sure there are bands they like that I don't.

Yeah that is because they dont agree with you but you do give a fuck about what a bunch of posters on a message board agree with you.

You should give the same advice for the others bashing other bands. Maybe that is not for them. You see how that works?

If people don't agree with me on here than that's fine, I'm not going to lose sleep over what faceless screen names think about my faceless screen name. It's called having a debate with people and 9 times out of 10 they're civil about it and don't take everything so seriously. Sometimes I'm not all that civil but no one is perfect and also it's the internet, who honestly gives a rat's sweaty bollock.

You are the one who seems to get all bent out of shape when people don't agree with you, hence the repetitive rambling posts day after day day. That's why you get so much attention, because people see responding to you the same way as poking a very angry caged bear, it can't actually damage you or do anything of significance but boy how it will try.

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We live in an attention deficit society today. Any band that takes 15 years to release one album would be forgotten. Look at the business plan for most rappers. They churn out several albums in a very short time to capitalize on the momentum of a hit single,especially the up and comers. People want what they want NOW.

As someone else stated, rock is dead. There is no scene to speak of today. The last great gasp for a rock scene was the Seattle scene of the 90s. Everything today is very fractured.

And lets face it, Axl Rose rubs a lot of people the wrong way. Say you're a young fan that loves the band, you get tix to a show and the motherfucker comes on 2 hours late. That's not a good first impression and with so many other bands out there why bother with a band that can't even be respectful to its fans?? When I first saw them in 88 they were young and had that hunger to them and they were on time. Success doesn't give you the right to treat your fan base like shit.

Gnr could have been the next Stones but they blew it. You can blame who you want but the basic fact is that they blew it.

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I think most people agree that old GNR was a great band and I really have never came across anyone who doesn't like at least one song. Most like several of their songs. As far as the newest version of GNR goes, most common fans won't accept a GNR that doesn't have Slash in it, When I tell people I went and saw them in concert, the first question asked is was Slash there?

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I think most people agree that old GNR was a great band and I really have never came across anyone who doesn't like at least one song. Most like several of their songs. As far as the newest version of GNR goes, most common fans won't accept a GNR that doesn't have Slash in it, When I tell people I went and saw them in concert, the first question asked is was Slash there?

This is true and itt happens very often to me

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They're very famous between young people in Brazil. I'm glad rock still on top on South America

75% of the public of the tour here in Brazil was very small or wasn't even born in the AFD/Illusions era.

Of course that what's on the radio is Lady Gaga and that stuff, and the biggest part of the girls only like sertanejo (country music).

But, look that.... Yesterday I went to the Rodeo Music Festival here in my city with my friends, only country groups played. And one of them played the riff of Sweet Child O' Mine and went straight to the chorus. Everyone singed it along! And it was a country music festival!

And I think (with all respect for fans from all around the world) that the biggest difference in South America is that we don't care to some stuff. In a good way. I don't care if Slash is there or it's not, I like Dj, I'd prefer Slash, but I won't act like some people in this forum, which I suspect wouldn't go to a GN'R concert nowadays due to the formation. They play as good as, actually better in my opinion, and that's what matter in a rock concert. Good music!

We like simple stuff. Rock, women, football and caipirinha :thumbsup:

Edited by ManetsBR
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This is why I enjoy not giving a fuck about what the general public think about the bands I like. Their music isn't for everyone, if they don't like it then I respect that, I'm sure there are bands they like that I don't.

Yeah that is because they dont agree with you but you do give a fuck about what a bunch of posters on a message board agree with you.

You should give the same advice for the others bashing other bands. Maybe that is not for them. You see how that works?

If people don't agree with me on here than that's fine, I'm not going to lose sleep over what faceless screen names think about my faceless screen name. It's called having a debate with people and 9 times out of 10 they're civil about it and don't take everything so seriously. Sometimes I'm not all that civil but no one is perfect and also it's the internet, who honestly gives a rat's sweaty bollock.

You are the one who seems to get all bent out of shape when people don't agree with you, hence the repetitive rambling posts day after day day. That's why you get so much attention, because people see responding to you the same way as poking a very angry caged bear, it can't actually damage you or do anything of significance but boy how it will try.

I am the one who gets bent out of shape? That is a good one, I make one comment in another thread and you and others cry about it. I would say that is losing sleep over it, wouldnt you say?

I could not care less if people agree with me but you and others always pull a nutty and cry to mods when anyone does not like a certain member in this band or think a former member is better.

And you said it yourself, that is why I get to much attention, its because on this board i'm in the minorty on my view on this band, and those other memembers are the ones who get bent out of shape not me.

That is why you will have 10 people crying over what I say right??

The reason people get so pissy with me is because I can make a cause for my point of view, and there is really nothing most can do to even dispute it.

I also love how it was ok back in the day for people to bash Finck for his playing or BH for his looks, and that was always allowed but now if anyone says anything bad about Ron or Frank they get warnings and get bannings.

The only difference is oh Ron dresses normal , he visits the boards sometimes and he is such a NICE guy, so oh we cant say anything constructive about him as true as it may be. That is a double stanard.

There were always threads about how Finck so called butchered songs all the time back in the day and those were always allowed, but if anyone made that kind of thread about Ron, it would get locked and they would be banned.

You speak so much about respecting other people views but that is a two way street but it seems like that only applies if you are 100% PRO, if anyone says anything constructive oh we need to report themto the mods because they are not really fans. LOL

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I think they still look cool as fuck when I look at the 80's/90's videos and the 00's ones (and obviously the 2010 ones).

Sorry man, I could not look at videos from 2001/2002 and think "man they look cool as fuck" I couldn't even really do it with 2006 to be honest with you, but it was an improvement. I like Buckethead and think he's brilliant, but could you SERIOUSLY go "wow he looks bad ass" - same with Finck!

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Guest Apollo


Isnt the topic about Gnr being viewed as has beens? Or The OP going to other boards and no one talking about gnr?

I was just pointing out why that is.

But your typical axl-hate taints everything you post.

VR has slash, duff and sorum ..... Plus a well known singer from a famous band. And their second album was a dissapointment and they got dropped by their label.

Would you consider ozzy's last album a success? Iron maiden? Motley crue? Aerosmith? In 1988, those bands RULED the world. Now they would consider selling a million copies and having 10,000 to 20,000 a night on tour would be a success. But your hatred of axl and the new Guns taints everything you post.

U2, Metallica and Bon Jovi are still successful today. 99 perent of the major bands from that era are NOT.


Axl put out a great record. A shame that some clowns judge the quality of an album by the name of the band and not the actual music, and by how many copies the album sold. Nickleback sells 5 million everytime outM does that mean they are the best rock band alive right now????

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To me, it seems more organic...closer to the spirit of Guns N Roses now then it did back in the day. Back in the early 90's, Guns N Roses had just as many soccer moms listening to UYI (November Rain/Don't Cry) as they did rebellious people or true fans. They were mainstream and liking them and their music was easy to do because it was "cool". Now, if you crank CD in your car or even bring up your support for it people collectively rip you apart like an angry mob. To me, it's like....I take pride in that. I take pride in the fact that I'm not a sell out...or mindlessly follow the latest shit just to fit in. You don't like this stuff? Ok, fuck YOU...leave me alone and go listen to your manufactured Disney shit.

Guns is underground again....and I think it's better that way because it means the posers are gone.

Edited by Nintari
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You speak so much about respecting other people views but that is a two way street but it seems like that only applies if you are 100% PRO, if anyone says anything constructive oh we need to report themto the mods because they are not really fans. LOL

You aren't constructive! You are a miserable GnR hating cupcake!

I doubt anyone here cares about fans being constructive. They care about people who spam this board everyday with the same anti-axl, anti-guns bullshit over and over and over and over, you are a broken record dude. A bit of advice: step away from the computer and take a break.

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Isnt the topic about Gnr being viewed as has beens? Or The OP going to other boards and no one talking about gnr?

I was just pointing out why that is.

But your typical axl-hate taints everything you post.

VR has slash, duff and sorum ..... Plus a well known singer from a famous band. And their second album was a dissapointment and they got dropped by their label.

Would you consider ozzy's last album a success? Iron maiden? Motley crue? Aerosmith? In 1988, those bands RULED the world. Now they would consider selling a million copies and having 10,000 to 20,000 a night on tour would be a success. But your hatred of axl and the new Guns taints everything you post.

U2, Metallica and Bon Jovi are still successful today. 99 perent of the major bands from that era are NOT.


Axl put out a great record. A shame that some clowns judge the quality of an album by the name of the band and not the actual music, and by how many copies the album sold. Nickleback sells 5 million everytime outM does that mean they are the best rock band alive right now????

How is what I say Axl hate? Is it because I dont kiss his ass like 90% of the people on this board. Ask anyone here that has been here as long as I have been if I am an Axl hater.

Only the newbies think I am a Axl hater. I just call Axl on his bullshit and point out when he is in the wrong. Others tend to blame everyone else but Axl even when its clear its Axls fault.

How is that being a hater? And people are judging CD based on the music, that is why most old gnr fans did not like it. They were expecting something like AFD or UYI but got something way different.

Its just like Oasis fans, most of them think Liam is a total asshat but that doesnt mean they are haters of the band.

People really need to get this through their head. Gnr fans back in the UYI days thought Axl was an asshole for going on so late.

I am sure you went tot shows back in the day, how many asshole chants did you hear when waiting for 2 hours plus after the opening band got off stage and you are waiting on Axl to take the stage?

If CD sounded like AFD and actually had hit singles then it would have been huge but Axl does not write songs that will sell, he just writes what he wants and that is fine.

Its just like pearl jam, the dont care if their fans hate their albums, they write the songs they want to write. Their albums dont sell like they used to but if you like their albums great, if you dont that is fine too but it doesn't make you a hater of that band.

CD was way over produced and way atoo many overdubs, just look at the liner notes, it reads like lyric sheets.

And BEST and most popular are two different things. You can be the best band out there and not sell as many albums as another band. It just means the band that sells more is more popular.

Axls band is BETTER than NIckelback, it doesnt mean they are more popular.

Edited by gnr-dave
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