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Future Of Stuff To Come

Guest King Of Spades

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gnr are irrelevant unless they have a reunion. Just listen to the mashups and there you have it.

They might be irrelevant but I can't say I care...

The only reason I care about GnR is because Axl hired people I happened to like for his band.

I don't really give a crap about Guns n' Roses in itself, the original lineup, the legacy etc...

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gnr are irrelevant unless they have a reunion. Just listen to the mashups and there you have it.

They might be irrelevant but I can't say I care...

The only reason I care about GnR is because Axl hired people I happened to like for his band.

I don't really give a crap about Guns n' Roses in itself, the original lineup, the legacy etc...

you are a very lucky person, because actually caring for this "band" is not a very pleasant experience.

Really? I've had an awesome 5 years out of it... and the best gigs I've ever seen... Long live the current Guns N Roses.

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My secret hope is that they are going to write new material after the tour as DJ said.

But I'm not holding my breath. I'm grateful that I will get to see them in september.

If they don't do anything after the tour, then I don't see the point :shrugs:

gnr are irrelevant unless they have a reunion. Just listen to the mashups and there you have it.

I'm with Bacardimayne, you need to let go of your obsession with these mash-ups. Yeah, they're fun to listen to. But everybody will forget about them by next month. Just like the multi-tracks themselves. These mash-ups are not the "true" GN'R. As far as I'm concerned, the true GN'R are Axl, Ron, Richard, DJ, Tommy, Frank, Dizzy, and Chris.

Edited by HB3
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We all know that there are more songs to come and perhaps a remix album which seems to be in the process of being compiled.

Ugh...remix album. Hope it's an Itunes only release or something

Have to say I'm not too fussed about a remix album either. Would love a live album though maybe a retrospective of shows from 01-11 will surface at some point.

New material would be awsome however given how long CD took to come out... I try to remain hopeful though.

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What do you think could be in store?

For New Guns? More of the same.

"Secret" tours, no radio airplay, no TV appearances, no magazine interviews or cover stories, and another interminable wait for new music.

You missed out: Promise of video's, then don't deliver :D

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I can make shit pie, shit biscuits, shit strussel and a shit shake, but its still shit aint it?

Not only that but you have proven you have shit for taste,make shit posts on shitty amateurish mixups,

and you probably have shit for brains,that said there are new songs that have been confirmed, mentions of writing new material, I'm remaining optomistic that these will see the light of day.

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I can make shit pie, shit biscuits, shit strussel and a shit shake, but its still shit aint it?

Not only that but you have proven you have shit for taste,make shit posts on shitty amateurish mixups,

and you probably have shit for brains,that said there are new songs that have been confirmed, mentions of writing new material, I'm remaining optomistic that these will see the light of day.

It pains me to say this, it really does but... well said. In some respects.

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I can make shit pie, shit biscuits, shit strussel and a shit shake, but its still shit aint it?

Not only that but you have proven you have shit for taste,make shit posts on shitty amateurish mixups,

and you probably have shit for brains,that said there are new songs that have been confirmed, mentions of writing new material, I'm remaining optomistic that these will see the light of day.

funny post, give ya credit for that. meanwhile, 17 years later, you will have your new material. In all fairness I have been o.p.t.o.m.i.s.t.i.c

since 1993.

That's "o.p.t.i.m.i.s.t.i.c" you spanner.

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If we wait more 17 years, i think that axl's band will release a single :)

There are many Reunion threads on the forum dude, you don't need to spread your hate here. Go live your illusions with other of your kind.

Edited by ManetsBR
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If we wait more 17 years, i think that axl's band will release a single :)

In 17 years, the current 'hired hands' will be a distant memory, their replacements distant memories also, replaced by ever newer blood.

..and Axl? possibly an animatronic, controlled from the shadows by the man himself, unrecognisable :D

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I can make shit pie, shit biscuits, shit strussel and a shit shake, but its still shit aint it?

Not only that but you have proven you have shit for taste,make shit posts on shitty amateurish mixups,

and you probably have shit for brains,that said there are new songs that have been confirmed, mentions of writing new material, I'm remaining optomistic that these will see the light of day.

funny post, give ya credit for that. meanwhile, 17 years later, you will have your new material. In all fairness I have been o.p.t.o.m.i.s.t.i.c

since 1993.

That's "o.p.t.i.m.i.s.t.i.c" you spanner.

oh shit, your right...lol ...meatloaf?

If we wait more 17 years, i think that axl's band will release a single :)

There are many Reunion threads on the forum dude, you don't need to spread your hate here. Go live your illusions with other of your kind.

I think that calling this new line up guns and roses is the best illusion yet. quite frankly, I don't want to use it.

If we wait more 17 years, i think that axl's band will release a single :)

In 17 years, the current 'hired hands' will be a distant memory, their replacements distant memories also, replaced by ever newer blood.

..and Axl? possibly an animatronicun, controlled from the shadows by the man himself, unrecognisable :D

and, by judging from the multitracks and his voice i.e autotune robot shit, he is well on his way.


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Okay so now we have Chinese Democracy, and after the delay of what Azoff tried to do the band is finally on tour. With the occasional break between legs. With all the stuff going on it's got me wondering what's in store for the future. I enjoy hearing the opinions of other fellow GN'R fans so I decided to make a discussion topic.

We all know that there are more songs to come and perhaps a remix album which seems to be in the process of being compiled.

Everyone knows of the other demos that have been rumored to be circulating around whether unheard or old demos of what we have anyone feel we might hear them anytime?

and lastly... We have heard the rumors/hopes for the concerts to be brought to us in some format online or in other ways.

Have not posted for a while but will take a shot at this one. Firstly I believe in what GNR has done and achieved since the CD album release and start of the tour is just incredible. Overcoming many obstacles and nonsense to play great live shows which have been well attended and showing that this version of the band has great chemistry/potential for the future. The news songs are magnificent played live.

I do not believe Chinese democracy has ran its course or this tour for that matter. I expect this tour to finish late, late 2011 especially now that the band have a new management team. Touring is also where the money is made and now that there is momentum, choices and opportunities should be built upon.

In the short term, I think we will have a few more dates of the UK including Glasgow in Scotland and possibly some Germany dates too. A little break and off to OZ. I would be surprised with that distance we will just have a one off gig so GNR will travel around the major cities and finish off in New Zealand b4 xmas. These dates were very well attended in 2007 with mostly double dates at each city.

If it happens a remix album would be great for end of 2010 for an xmas present. There are different versions of songs out there which I love. Madagaskar from RIR 2001 for example. Scrapped with the new intro as another example.

2011 could be interesting for GNR. Great way to start the year would be another visit and play Rock in Rio in Jan and another big tour again of South America. Fans are still crying and demanding a return. Chile would and could get there stadium gig. Another visit to Central America and a successful gig for the Costa Rica fans. At the end of this leg finish off in Mexico.

After that who knows, possible a return to Asia with added new dates in new countries/new markets in Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore. Europe has great festivals in their summer and there has been unvisited countries so far in Greece, Turkey, Poland, Hungary and Israel. If the Germany thing does not happen this year this could be a good time to visit in 2011. Then we can finish the home straight with a combined tour of Canada and The United States and add closure to Chinese Democracy. A live DVD at the end of the tour would be a great gift to the fans.

After a rewarding break I would love another album out at the end of 2012 and then we get the whole tour again.

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