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Guitarists that can match up to Bucket?

Vincent Vega

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IMO Bumblefoot is the best lead guitarist GN'R ever had.

Let's see...

- Perfect timing

- Perfect pitch

- Can play most music on earth by ear, just hand him any guitar and he will play it

- Master of practically all techniques on guitar, love his picking dynamics

- Incredibly great at improvisation (just see the vid of him playing with Govan at NAMM this year)

- Fretless guitar

- Writes some deep experimental shit and kick-ass punk rock with a twist ("Sex Pistols meets Queen", as he said), always has humour present in his music

- Sexy versatile tone

- Uses modelling gear with great results

- Also a great person

That said, love Bucket as well.

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IMO Bumblefoot is the best lead guitarist GN'R ever had.

Let's see...

- Perfect timing

- Perfect pitch

- Can play most music on earth by ear, just hand him any guitar and he will play it

- Master of practically all techniques on guitar, love his picking dynamics

- Incredibly great at improvisation (just see the vid of him playing with Govan at NAMM this year)

- Fretless guitar

- Writes some deep experimental shit and kick-ass punk rock with a twist ("Sex Pistols meets Queen", as he said), always has humour present in his music

- Sexy versatile tone

- Uses modelling gear with great results

- Also a great person

That said, love Bucket as well.

Soothsayer stands on that, pulls it's blade from it's sheath, stares directly in it's eyes and MURDERS IT.

Edited by Nintari
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IMO Bumblefoot is the best lead guitarist GN'R ever had.

Let's see...

- Perfect timing

- Perfect pitch

- Can play most music on earth by ear, just hand him any guitar and he will play it

- Master of practically all techniques on guitar, love his picking dynamics

- Incredibly great at improvisation (just see the vid of him playing with Govan at NAMM this year)

- Fretless guitar

- Writes some deep experimental shit and kick-ass punk rock with a twist ("Sex Pistols meets Queen", as he said), always has humour present in his music

- Sexy versatile tone

- Uses modelling gear with great results

- Also a great person

That said, love Bucket as well.

Soothsayer stands on that, pulls it's blade from it's sheath, stares directly in it's eyes and MURDERS IT.

Oh u wanna fight?!?

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No, Govan is much (and by much I mean so fucking much) above Bucket's level.

Now look who's claiming their opinion as fact. The hypocrisy is amazing.

One area that Bucket wipes the floor comprehensively with Govan (in my opinion) is his effortless compositional ability. Now, Govan might have the same or higher potential, I don't know - until he actually creates more output, we can't know for sure. I wish he'd stop teaching and focus on recording for a few years, it's a fucking shame he won't do this.

No, there's no hypocrisy here. In fact you simply don't know what you're talking about. There's the subjective side of the music... then there's the objective. You may light Bucket's sound better, but Ron is a better guitarist and all around musician.

So, do you really think that Bucket is a better composer than Govan? Yeah, sure, because his recycled music and the same patterns being played over and over give him the lead. Erotic Cakes is probably a better album musically than any of Bucket's album. I said 'probably' because I haven't listened to all of Bucket's work, but a good part of it. Technically (and musically for that matter), though, Govan wipes the floor completely with Bucket. Ron, on the other hand, easily matches him musically - possibly even technically... and Govan is probably the best guitarist of his era.

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Guitarists on Bucket's level include Chris Broderick of Megadeth and Guthrie Govan.

To the people who automatically say BBF(which is their opinion and thats cool) but then proceed to shit on Bucket. This is for you. Bumble's Riad solo was shit, there was a vote here and the majority liked Bucket's initial solo. Fact. Bucket's TWAT solo is one of the defining moments on Chidem, Fact. Bucket's solos on Sorry, If the World, TWAT etc were all praised, none of Ron's were. Ron's Shackler's solo sucked and recieved alot of backlash(elephant noises etc) Fact. Bumble can do acoustic sweeps? Big fucken deal, im sure Bucket has never done those before. Bumble uses a fretless so it automatically makes him a better guitarist? WOW, i should just learn "Happy birthday" on the fretless and that would make me better than Yngwie Mamlsteem. Someone said Ron knows more theory? Um how do you know this? Is it just because Bucket never says "ok this is a C minor arpeggio started at the fifth"??

Can you imagine if Ron was to do the TWAT solo, it would have been a disaster, all squeals, thimble harmonics, elephant noises and shredding wankery. I do think Ron is a really nice guy and a very very good guitarist. But Bucket is on a different level.

No, Govan is much (and by much I mean so fucking much) above Bucket's level. Just like Ronald. Funny when you say that BBF's own TWAT solo would have (here we have an important thing: you assume something that never happened to fit your useless post, a post solely based on your own ignorance toward's BBF's style, technique and playing) a lot of patterns thrown in, when Bucket's solo is nothing more than a collection of his own patterns put together in a solo. I listened to a lot of his solo work, and if you haven't heard the huge amount of patterns the guy played with GNR you don't know a thing about the man. Ron's Catcher in the Rye solo, on the other hand, sound much more diverse, there's no patterns in it and there's no thimble and shredding wankery neither!

The thing about fretless guitar (again, here you show all your ignorance on the subject) is about the tone and the fretting hand, since there's no frets and the fingers should be placed exactly where the frets would be. If Bucket's bending couldn't even be accurate on the NR outro solo, I can't imagine him being a very good fretless player. Ron's perfect ears (He's got a really impressive perfect pitch) and his immense accuracy and technique make him one of the best fretless players out there, so there you go.

Don't go out there claiming that your opinion is a fact - the only fact here is that you have shown us all your immense ignorance towards BBF.

Pot, meet the kettle(the parts in bold, considering you probably are not too intelligent), you seem to be the authority on what is right. Are you arguing that most people liked Ron's solo on Riad over Buckets?? HAHAHA . Are you arguing that Bucket's TWAT solo is not one of the highlights of the album??? Many members disagree. Are you arguing that Bucket's solos were not praised while Ron's were cherished? Those are not my opinion, notice i said "most people liked" before i typed that stuff. Majority prefer Bucket. I also said everyone is entitled to an opinion. Learn to read.

I based the hypothetical Ron TWAT solo on his past work, some of his stuff strays from the typical wankery, but most of it, does not. A collection of patterns? Um no shit, thats pretty much what a solo is. The solos in TWAT has different patterns in there, 5 note, 6 note etc, spanning several modes. I know about fretless guitars, i know it is hard on the fretting hand and you need good ears, but compare oranges with oranges, Bucket doesn't play one, does that make him a worse guitarist?

Ron's perfect ears??!? HAHAHAHAHAHA PUH-LEASE!! He couldn't even do Bucket's solos live back in 2006 when he didn't have the transcriptions, he was way off. What happened to his "perfect ears" then buddy??

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By that logic the question "what tastes better - shit or champagne?" could not be answered objectively either.

Really? That's the analogy you're going with? But yes. Although the vast majority of people would prefer champagne there are still skat enthusiasts. And the minority's opinion is not any less legitimate than the majority's. So indeed that is also a subjective matter. Well done.

How can you legitimize your belief that champagne tastes better than shit? The reality is you perceive champagne to taste better than feces. And your perception is not superior to anyone else's.

italics, italics everywhere.

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I don't think I've ever heard anybody on here praise Bumble for his solos on CD. It's pretty much unanimous that we'd rather have May's solo on CITR and Bucket's solos on Riad and Shackler's.

love your new sig

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I don't think I've ever heard anybody on here praise Bumble for his solos on CD. It's pretty much unanimous that we'd rather have May's solo on CITR and Bucket's solos on Riad and Shackler's.

no doubt Bumble-bee-foot has talent. His style sounds kinda spontaneous, like he's joining in, rather than leading. Which was great for Axl at the begining (after Buckethead walked away). It ment BF coulld fill a void. His playing ain't my thing. No disrespect to the guy. And yes, Brain Mays guitar work on CITR made the sound so much better. Chinese Democracy without Frank, BF would have been better. Chinese Democracy without Pittman would have been better too.

All that synth sh-t :vomit:

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No, Govan is much (and by much I mean so fucking much) above Bucket's level.

Now look who's claiming their opinion as fact. The hypocrisy is amazing.

One area that Bucket wipes the floor comprehensively with Govan (in my opinion) is his effortless compositional ability. Now, Govan might have the same or higher potential, I don't know - until he actually creates more output, we can't know for sure. I wish he'd stop teaching and focus on recording for a few years, it's a fucking shame he won't do this.

No, there's no hypocrisy here. In fact you simply don't know what you're talking about. There's the subjective side of the music... then there's the objective. You may light Bucket's sound better, but Ron is a better guitarist and all around musician.

So, do you really think that Bucket is a better composer than Govan? Yeah, sure, because his recycled music and the same patterns being played over and over give him the lead. Erotic Cakes is probably a better album musically than any of Bucket's album. I said 'probably' because I haven't listened to all of Bucket's work, but a good part of it. Technically (and musically for that matter), though, Govan wipes the floor completely with Bucket. Ron, on the other hand, easily matches him musically - possibly even technically... and Govan is probably the best guitarist of his era.

You sir are a complete fucking tool, and the definition of hypocrite.

When you get a free moment from swinging on Ron and Guthrie's nuts, listen to the rest of Bucket's body of work and then you'll realise that this bile you're spewing is exactly that.

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There's a little more to a guitarist than how well he can play the instrument. He must also have a ear for writing. Even if it's just writing solos. We have to keep in mind that we are not talking about solo work here, we are taking about guitarists for a band. So it's essential that the collaboration between the guitarist and his band mates must be at a level comparable to his own talent. I've heard so many songs where the guitarist just plays for himself, does a solo that comes out of nowhere and has nothing to do with the song, and that just ruins everything.

But let's remember that this topic is not about Bucket vs BBF, but about other guitarists at their level.

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1)Buckethead is more stylish and melodic. His character goes hand in hand with his playing which makes him a very original player. His style is probably catchier.

2)Bumblefoot is ( way ) more technical : FACT.

I can understand why people wouldn't like his playing ( too many dissonances, micro tonal stuff, TOO MANY NOTES etc...but at the end of the day, what he plays is way harder ).

You can deny that all you want but you just have to try and play both Bumble's hardest solo material and Bucket's and Ron is WAY harder...

But yeah, Bucket's part on Chinese stand out way more, probably because of 1)

Guthrie Govan shits on Bucket ( technically speaking ) at any hour of the day with one hand tied in the back.

Andy Timmons is equally as melodical as Bucket.

Paul Gilbert is a heavy metal version of Buckethead.

Thus, Buckethead, even though he is an incredible guitarist and artist, isn't THE ultimate guitarist at all...There is no such thing anyway.

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1)Buckethead is more stylish and melodic. His character goes hand in hand with his playing which makes him a very original player. His style is probably catchier.

2)Bumblefoot is ( way ) more technical : FACT.

I can understand why people wouldn't like his playing ( too many dissonances, micro tonal stuff, TOO MANY NOTES etc...but at the end of the day, what he plays is way harder ).

You can deny that all you want but you just have to try and play both Bumble's hardest solo material and Bucket's and Ron is WAY harder...

It's harder to take a shit in the woods than it is to use a toilet, doesn't mean it's better.

Music is all about melodies, it's VERY important and bucket is far better at that (even you say so).

I like both the guys, btw.

2)Bumblefoot is ( way ) more technical : FACT.

How did you measure and quantify this FACT? and what does it mean anyway.

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2)Bumblefoot is ( way ) more technical : FACT.

How did you measure and quantify this FACT? and what does it mean anyway.

I...don't think I understand your question...

John Petrucci is more technical than Kurt Cobain. This is a fact. Do I really need to go into details and explain why ? ^^'

Same applies for Bucket and Bumble.

Bumble sometimes uses very unusual time signatures, sometimes time signatures that are completely different between left and right hand ( which is very disturbing ), his choices of notes are very unusual too, he plays microtonal stuff on the fretless, his use of the thimble is very difficult because he often mixes it with chicken picking ( good luck on playing with your fingers, your pick and your thimble at the same time while doing tapping with the left hand...and singing ), he never re-uses any pattern ( while Bucket's music is really full of it ), and, well, he's a fast motherfucker...

On the other hand Buckethead signature techniques : killswitch and 3 finger tapping. They are..mmh...let's say, not really hard to master...He has very distinctive patterns with both of these techniques but even though they sound impressive, they don't really require much work. Just Youtube "chromatic tapping" on Youtube for Buckethead's best known technique, pick up your guitar, do the lesson, and I'll bet that 3 hours from now you'll be playing chromatic tapping better than Bucket himself because, as I said, it's very easy. . .

To put it simply, after ten years of guitar, I'm able to play some of Bucket's average stuff but I just know that Bumblefoot's average stuff is completely out of reach for me and will probably remain so...

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On the other hand Buckethead signature techniques : killswitch and 3 finger tapping. They are..mmh...let's say, not really hard to master...He has very distinctive patterns with both of these techniques but even though they sound impressive, they don't really require much work. Just Youtube "chromatic tapping" on Youtube for Buckethead's best known technique, pick up your guitar, do the lesson, and I'll bet that 3 hours from now you'll be playing chromatic tapping better than Bucket himself because, as I said, it's very easy. . .

Don't you mean 4 (or 8, depending on how you look at it) finger tapping?

And I wouldn't say it's "very easy", maybe for someone like yourself who's very comfortable with the instrument it is easy, but not for mere mortals.

See this video at 1:42, for most of us it doesn't even come close to easy. Also, playing it is one thing - but writing it is what separates the men from the boys;

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2)Bumblefoot is ( way ) more technical : FACT.

How did you measure and quantify this FACT? and what does it mean anyway.

I...don't think I understand your question...

John Petrucci is more technical than Kurt Cobain. This is a fact. Do I really need to go into details and explain why ? ^^'

Same applies for Bucket and Bumble.

Bumble sometimes uses very unusual time signatures, sometimes time signatures that are completely different between left and right hand ( which is very disturbing ), his choices of notes are very unusual too, he plays microtonal stuff on the fretless, his use of the thimble is very difficult because he often mixes it with chicken picking ( good luck on playing with your fingers, your pick and your thimble at the same time while doing tapping with the left hand...and singing ), he never re-uses any pattern ( while Bucket's music is really full of it ), and, well, he's a fast motherfucker...

On the other hand Buckethead signature techniques : killswitch and 3 finger tapping. They are..mmh...let's say, not really hard to master...He has very distinctive patterns with both of these techniques but even though they sound impressive, they don't really require much work. Just Youtube "chromatic tapping" on Youtube for Buckethead's best known technique, pick up your guitar, do the lesson, and I'll bet that 3 hours from now you'll be playing chromatic tapping better than Bucket himself because, as I said, it's very easy. . .

To put it simply, after ten years of guitar, I'm able to play some of Bucket's average stuff but I just know that Bumblefoot's average stuff is completely out of reach for me and will probably remain so...

Easy to say, I don't see it. Same patterns? Please show us an example of Bucket re-using a pattern.

Bucket's "tapping" is not just chromatic runs, stop playing it down, he goes through various scales and modes VERY fast. 3 hours of tapping exercises and we will be tapping better than Bucket? Oh lord i have heard it all now. Ask any guitarist who is not biased, Bucket's tapping IS NOT easy. Half the questions on ultimateguitar.com involve sweeping and tapping. Don't make it out as if its like learning open chords.

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