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Is Axl too protected/insulated?


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Just watched Alice Cooper on the 'Joy Behar ' show.....(I know...wife had JB on, not my thing). Anyways- Alice Cooper was the guest. Dude was awesome. He mentioned how he met Elvis once and that Elvis was so protected by his people. He couldn't think, breathe, pee, crap or do anything without his people being around. Alice even saw Elvis months later and Elvis tried to say hi or whatever and his people shuffled him away in a hurry. Is Axl too protected/insulated? Wonder what would happen if he could break those chains & get away from the hangers on and yes men (Beta etc....). The users & hangers on. I don't know, Alice was interesting though.

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Just watched Alice Cooper on the 'Joy Behar ' show.....(I know...wife had JB on, not my thing). Anyways- Alice Cooper was the guest. Dude was awesome. He mentioned how he met Elvis once and that Elvis was so protected by his people. He couldn't think, breathe, pee, crap or do anything without his people being around. Alice even saw Elvis months later and Elvis tried to say hi or whatever and his people shuffled him away in a hurry. Is Axl too protected/insulated? Wonder what would happen if he could break those chains & get away from the hangers on and yes men (Beta etc....). The users & hangers on. I don't know, Alice was interesting though.

I think you think too much, Axl is not in the situation you are describing.

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Just watched Alice Cooper on the 'Joy Behar ' show.....(I know...wife had JB on, not my thing). Anyways- Alice Cooper was the guest. Dude was awesome. He mentioned how he met Elvis once and that Elvis was so protected by his people. He couldn't think, breathe, pee, crap or do anything without his people being around. Alice even saw Elvis months later and Elvis tried to say hi or whatever and his people shuffled him away in a hurry. Is Axl too protected/insulated? Wonder what would happen if he could break those chains & get away from the hangers on and yes men (Beta etc....). The users & hangers on. I don't know, Alice was interesting though.

What makes you think Axl doesn't know exactly what he's doing? That's the problem around here, people misinterpret so much about GNR it's staggering.

Axl operates with intent. You should know this by now. He's not out for fortune and glory any more. What's so hard to understand about that? He's low key. Is that a crime? He does what he wants. He's not driven to ascend to the top of the pop charts. He's not driven to constantly be in the public's eye. What proof do you have that he can't "think, breathe, pee, crap, or do anything without his people being around"? I'll answer that for you: YOU HAVE NO PROOF.

I'm not sure how he can be surrounded with hangers-on and yes-men and at the same time be too "protected/insulated" when it's obvious he determines his own destiny, and has encountered plenty of dissenting opinions. Read the fuckin chats, hell.

As Axl said in one of his chats, he doesn't work for you. I guess what I don't understand is why people manufacture these grandiose ideas as to why he isn't out to be in the public spotlight any more. He's older, wiser, and from all indications, seems to be following his own path, with no help from yes-men and hangers-on.

Your perception is flawed, that's all I have to say. Axl's an artist. Why you and other people seem to hold him to some unattainable unrealistic standard that no human being can achieve is beyond me. GNR has released an album, done some touring, is booked for Rock in Rio, and there are indications another album may be on its way. WHAT THE FUCK MORE DO YOU WANT? He's low key and there's a bit of mystery surrounding GNR: BIG FUCKING DEAL.

Axl knows what he's doing. Once you grasp that, you'll be able to move on from your misconceptions.

Edited by mindsaber
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Just watched Alice Cooper on the 'Joy Behar ' show.....(I know...wife had JB on, not my thing). Anyways- Alice Cooper was the guest. Dude was awesome. He mentioned how he met Elvis once and that Elvis was so protected by his people. He couldn't think, breathe, pee, crap or do anything without his people being around. Alice even saw Elvis months later and Elvis tried to say hi or whatever and his people shuffled him away in a hurry. Is Axl too protected/insulated? Wonder what would happen if he could break those chains & get away from the hangers on and yes men (Beta etc....). The users & hangers on. I don't know, Alice was interesting though.

The "yes men" have been a major impediment to Axl's career for 15 years now. It is the nature of the beast when people's livelihoods in your inner circle are entirely dependent on you.

Without naming names I am sure we can all think of more than a few people in that circle Axl would be better off without micromanaging his career and leading him to make continuous poor decisions.

When one of your house keepers core job functions is to censor GNR message boards and co-opt moderators (and no one tells him how loony that is) you know he is surrounded by people who could give 2 shits about his well being or what is good for his career.

Edited by Naupis
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Just watched Alice Cooper on the 'Joy Behar ' show.....(I know...wife had JB on, not my thing). Anyways- Alice Cooper was the guest. Dude was awesome. He mentioned how he met Elvis once and that Elvis was so protected by his people. He couldn't think, breathe, pee, crap or do anything without his people being around. Alice even saw Elvis months later and Elvis tried to say hi or whatever and his people shuffled him away in a hurry. Is Axl too protected/insulated? Wonder what would happen if he could break those chains & get away from the hangers on and yes men (Beta etc....). The users & hangers on. I don't know, Alice was interesting though.

I think you think too much, Axl is not in the situation you are describing.


Axl and Elvis are far from being on the same level of stardom. Elvis couldn't be left alone for 10 seconds because his fans were fucking insane. Axl is nowhere near a situation like that.

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There's a big difference...Elvis was a physical and mental mess in his latter days. He was hooked on a bunch of different kinds of medications and had to be held up at times just to stand and basically shuffled through the last two or three years medicated like a zombie. He gave away his control gradually, and became truly, legitimately dependent on others to just simply get by. Watch his last performances--he was a shadow of himself, and he knew it I think. He went from being a thin, energetic, fun, down to Earth legitimate sex symbol to being a paranoid, obese, agoraphobic and Howard Hughes-esque drug addict whose life consisted of a variety of pills just to get him through the day and a whole HUGE circle of medicine dispensers, yes men, sychopants, revolving doors of such inner circle types.

Axl seems to be OK physically for a man his age, the same as he ever was mentally (except a bit more bitter and a bit more guarded with his feelings and opinions) and as far as anyone knows isn't an addict. He has a small circle of friends and has had the same people in his life--Del, Beta, etc--for over a decade.

I think a better comparison to Elvis' last years is Michael Jackson's last years. They took a very similar course.

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I think if a label exec/doctor told Axl what to do he'd run over his legs with a mountain bike. didn't one of the US prez's give Elvis ATF privelges so he could transport prescription drugs over the boarders of states. He just had to do Say No to Drugs ad?

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Just watched Alice Cooper on the 'Joy Behar ' show.....(I know...wife had JB on, not my thing). Anyways- Alice Cooper was the guest. Dude was awesome. He mentioned how he met Elvis once and that Elvis was so protected by his people. He couldn't think, breathe, pee, crap or do anything without his people being around. Alice even saw Elvis months later and Elvis tried to say hi or whatever and his people shuffled him away in a hurry. Is Axl too protected/insulated? Wonder what would happen if he could break those chains & get away from the hangers on and yes men (Beta etc....). The users & hangers on. I don't know, Alice was interesting though.

I think you think too much, Axl is not in the situation you are describing.

Sorry but your wrong. He was not in the situation Elvis was in, as like someone said before, Elvis could not even walk outside without being SWAMPED by fans, reporters, media etc. However Axl is guarded, like in the video where he is taking pictures with fans at an Australian airport and Vanessa(what is her job anyway?) says "OK, we have to go now". This was after about, oh, 20 seconds. Yeah, not guarded at all. Next you are going to tell me that she is a mind reader and knew Axl did not want to take more photos and was merely following his request. Yeah..

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There's a big difference...Elvis was a physical and mental mess in his latter days. He was hooked on a bunch of different kinds of medications and had to be held up at times just to stand and basically shuffled through the last two or three years medicated like a zombie. He gave away his control gradually, and became truly, legitimately dependent on others to just simply get by. Watch his last performances--he was a shadow of himself, and he knew it I think. He went from being a thin, energetic, fun, down to Earth legitimate sex symbol to being a paranoid, obese, agoraphobic and Howard Hughes-esque drug addict whose life consisted of a variety of pills just to get him through the day and a whole HUGE circle of medicine dispensers, yes men, sychopants, revolving doors of such inner circle types.

Axl seems to be OK physically for a man his age, the same as he ever was mentally (except a bit more bitter and a bit more guarded with his feelings and opinions) and as far as anyone knows isn't an addict. He has a small circle of friends and has had the same people in his life--Del, Beta, etc--for over a decade.

I think a better comparison to Elvis' last years is Michael Jackson's last years. They took a very similar course.

Great post.

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Maybe in the UYI daze. When NIN was opening for GNR, Trent said Axl had a bunch of yes men around. I think mid-late 90s, he just wanted to enjoy his life and do his own thing. If you think about all the work it took him from the time he arrived in LA to dealing with the court bullshit in the mid-late 90s, he needed to get away from everything. I don't know if he was living the life of this Salinger-like eccentric as much as just being able to get the hell out and enjoy his money, see some sights, and experience life at his leisure, and not deal with "dude when's the next album" or "dude when's the next tour" stuff.

A lot of artists are able to not live the life of a celebrity. Some people are able to just go "it's a nice living, but it's still a paycheck" and not get sucked into the stereotypes. You've seen fan behavior, there's a mix of amusement and fear to it.

Axl has no idea who's going to approach him and what they're going to do. They might be overzealous and try to hug him, break down crying, or try to throw a punch at him. They might want an autograph so they can make money, they might want to take a picture to brag to their friends. But when someone wants something from him, it's a proceed with caution situation. I'm sure he knows most people have good intentions and rolls with it, but at the same time, he might be a little cautious when he's out in public. On the stage, he has control, offstage, it's a vulnerable place to be. Anyone with a high profile gig, and this could even be the local weatherman, can relate.

Malibu's kind of a hike from LA and Santa Monica, most celebs of the moment don't live in Beverly Hills or Bel Air, they're either renting a place, or have a condo in Studio City.

Elvis at Graceland had people waiting in front of his house because everyone knew where he lived. But in Palm Springs, he was able to go about his business.

Alice was on "Ghost Stories".




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I remember about a year and a half ago or so on the radio late at night i caught Alice's radio show and after he played a GNR song he talked about Axl and this was that period after CD was released and Axl was doing nothing for it, and Alice was talking about how Axl just needs to decide what he wants he said it would appear that Axl wants nothing to do with the music world anymore or has no ambition anymore type of thing. Alice said he could understand that because he has made enough money blah blah stuff, but he said if he still does want to be part of music world and what not he needs to actually do things to support what he does and his fans and to do that Axl actually needs to get out there do stuff and release albums. It should be mentioned that Alice really likes Axl, he said the world is better with Axl than without.

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I remember about a year and a half ago or so on the radio late at night i caught Alice's radio show and after he played a GNR song he talked about Axl and this was that period after CD was released and Axl was doing nothing for it, and Alice was talking about how Axl just needs to decide what he wants he said it would appear that Axl wants nothing to do with the music world anymore or has no ambition anymore type of thing. Alice said he could understand that because he has made enough money blah blah stuff, but he said if he still does want to be part of music world and what not he needs to actually do things to support what he does and his fans and to do that Axl actually needs to get out there do stuff and release albums. It should be mentioned that Alice really likes Axl, he said the world is better with Axl than without.

But don't forget he was very outgoing in 2006 doin the VMAS and attending fashion shows amongst other things. After 2006 that really appears to be the case where he cut himself off from the the industry. Besides performing or goin to his own bands' afterparties Axl never attends any public or industry event. It's a pity coz it wud be so interesting to see him. Why didn't he do any promo performances for CD release in 2008? Not one talkshow? I read somewhere that he disappeared and the rec company were trying to find him? Is that true?

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Guest NewGNRnOldGNR

Axl is largely in control. Whilst the Lebeis structure might regard itself as pulling the punches, the only “control” they have over Axl is his desire for a caring family (certainly I couldn't imagine their opinions and “powers” having a great deal of persuasion in terms of Guns N' Roses' affairs).

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Just cause he wants his privacy/being with his family doesnt mean he is being over protected or even protected at all.

Look at the LAX incident and think about that.

Also I dont see people giving Izzy shit for not being in the limelight at all. Nobody knows where the fuck he is half the time. Nothing wrong with that at all. What im saying is why the double standard?

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* a lot of bullshit etc.*

Axl knows what he's doing. Once you grasp that, you'll be able to move on from your misconceptions.

Your stuff is all fine and dandy, but you did take into consideration the fact that Axl refers to Beta as his "mother", even when that is not the actual case.

Axl does not operate with intent and whatever else you are trying to tell yourself. He is borderline insane, fragile, emotional. As an artist should be.

The guy went into past life regression therapy and other mumbo jumbo crap, and has made a surrogate mother out of his housekeeper. You call that operating with intent and knowing what you're doing? no, you don't. you just ignore these facts.

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Just cause he wants his privacy/being with his family doesnt mean he is being over protected or even protected at all.

Look at the LAX incident and think about that.

Also I dont see people giving Izzy shit for not being in the limelight at all. Nobody knows where the fuck he is half the time. Nothing wrong with that at all. What im saying is why the double standard?

Because Izzy actually puts out music on a fairly regular basis

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* a lot of bullshit etc.*

Axl knows what he's doing. Once you grasp that, you'll be able to move on from your misconceptions.

Your stuff is all fine and dandy, but you did take into consideration the fact that Axl refers to Beta as his "mother", even when that is not the actual case.

Axl does not operate with intent and whatever else you are trying to tell yourself. He is borderline insane, fragile, emotional. As an artist should be.

The guy went into past life regression therapy and other mumbo jumbo crap, and has made a surrogate mother out of his housekeeper. You call that operating with intent and knowing what you're doing? no, you don't. you just ignore these facts.

Talk about a lot of bullshit. Maybe it's a language thing, I dunno, or to paraphrase Axl, maybe there's a comprehension thing going on.

All your tangent-laden rambling doesn't really address "intent." I guess in your head it makes sense. but the thread creator is asking if Axl's too "protected/insulated"? Well my response is Axl is PURPOSEFULLY reclusive and elusive and off the radar. Why that is so hard for you to grasp is beyond me.

Axl is very purposeful with what he does. He doesn't want a reunion. He doesn't want to do interviews. He doesn't want to make the same music he did 20 years ago. He doesn't want to be in the limelight any more. In addition, he regards Beta as a mother figure and a trusted confidante. All those things are all intentional and purposeful. And just so you know, you're a total asshole for being so judgmental about his relationship with Beta. He developed a close bond with her and they've formed a family of sorts. Who the fuck are you to pass judgment? You haven't walked in his shoes. You haven't lived his life.

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* a lot of bullshit etc.*

Axl knows what he's doing. Once you grasp that, you'll be able to move on from your misconceptions.

Your stuff is all fine and dandy, but you did take into consideration the fact that Axl refers to Beta as his "mother", even when that is not the actual case.

Axl does not operate with intent and whatever else you are trying to tell yourself. He is borderline insane, fragile, emotional. As an artist should be.

The guy went into past life regression therapy and other mumbo jumbo crap, and has made a surrogate mother out of his housekeeper. You call that operating with intent and knowing what you're doing? no, you don't. you just ignore these facts.

Talk about a lot of bullshit. Maybe it's a language thing, I dunno, or to paraphrase Axl, maybe there's a comprehension thing going on.

All your tangent-laden rambling doesn't really address "intent." I guess in your head it makes sense. but the thread creator is asking if Axl's too "protected/insulated"? Well my response is Axl is PURPOSEFULLY reclusive and elusive and off the radar. Why that is so hard for you to grasp is beyond me.

Axl is very purposeful with what he does. He doesn't want a reunion. He doesn't want to do interviews. He doesn't want to make the same music he did 20 years ago. He doesn't want to be in the limelight any more. In addition, he regards Beta as a mother figure and a trusted confidante. All those things are all intentional and purposeful. And just so you know, you're a total asshole for being so judgmental about his relationship with Beta. He developed a close bond with her and they've formed a family of sorts. Who the fuck are you to pass judgment? You haven't walked in his shoes. You haven't lived his life.

So what makes you some sort of an authority on his life or his intentions?

He got milked for tens/hundreds of thousands of dollars by a circle of 'psychics' who protected his magical auras or some shit like that. How's that for intent and purposeful for you.

Maybe it ain't as insane as it was during the glory years of chinese democracy, ~1999-2002, when he had psychics on his "friend payroll" to determine if they were harmful for his auras or whatever. People have straight up taken advantage of Axls insecurities and fragility. Do you disagree?

There's probably a whole host of people who make their living in hollywood by catering to the fragility of very rich people. Lawyers and plastic surgeons and personal stylists and such, who pretend to be a friend and then tell the people who they are decieving that they are gods and can do no wrong, so that they can get free dinners and a fat paycheck every now and then. Beta and his son may not be the worst of Axl's yes-men entourage since they probably give him a feeling of happiness and security and family, but they've also done their dirt, mixing up with running a rock n roll enterprise.

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but they've also done their dirt,

Wasn't it Fernando who gave out the initial CD demos that MSL leaked? I could be wrong but it's the story I've heard

Yeah I remember this angle as well. It was floated out and about on the forums and it got shouted down hard, nothing was proven.

I recall there was a lot of forum-drama around this, but can't remember the exact nature of it.

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Just watched Alice Cooper on the 'Joy Behar ' show.....(I know...wife had JB on, not my thing). Anyways- Alice Cooper was the guest. Dude was awesome. He mentioned how he met Elvis once and that Elvis was so protected by his people. He couldn't think, breathe, pee, crap or do anything without his people being around. Alice even saw Elvis months later and Elvis tried to say hi or whatever and his people shuffled him away in a hurry. Is Axl too protected/insulated? Wonder what would happen if he could break those chains & get away from the hangers on and yes men (Beta etc....). The users & hangers on. I don't know, Alice was interesting though.

What makes you think Axl doesn't know exactly what he's doing? That's the problem around here, people misinterpret so much about GNR it's staggering.

Axl operates with intent. You should know this by now. He's not out for fortune and glory any more. What's so hard to understand about that? He's low key. Is that a crime? He does what he wants. He's not driven to ascend to the top of the pop charts. He's not driven to constantly be in the public's eye. What proof do you have that he can't "think, breathe, pee, crap, or do anything without his people being around"? I'll answer that for you: YOU HAVE NO PROOF.

I'm not sure how he can be surrounded with hangers-on and yes-men and at the same time be too "protected/insulated" when it's obvious he determines his own destiny, and has encountered plenty of dissenting opinions. Read the fuckin chats, hell.

As Axl said in one of his chats, he doesn't work for you. I guess what I don't understand is why people manufacture these grandiose ideas as to why he isn't out to be in the public spotlight any more. He's older, wiser, and from all indications, seems to be following his own path, with no help from yes-men and hangers-on.

Your perception is flawed, that's all I have to say. Axl's an artist. Why you and other people seem to hold him to some unattainable unrealistic standard that no human being can achieve is beyond me. GNR has released an album, done some touring, is booked for Rock in Rio, and there are indications another album may be on its way. WHAT THE FUCK MORE DO YOU WANT? He's low key and there's a bit of mystery surrounding GNR: BIG FUCKING DEAL.

Axl knows what he's doing. Once you grasp that, you'll be able to move on from your misconceptions.

What makes you think Axl does not what he is doing? Do you really think the last 15 years were part of some sort of grand plan?

Indeed pretty much any time Axl has talked about his plans: whether to record an industrial album , to record a solo album, to relase chi dem by such and such or at least update the fans if he didn't to realse the 2nd album in 2010 and the third in 2012 etc etc.

Its hard to see how the band isn't being run simply by Axl's capricous whims.

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