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Who is the most exciting act around?


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It recently dawned on me that there are very few bands around these days that I actively follow what they are up to, and even less of those have not been around forever and the majority of my interest in their future work simply stems from affection for what they have done in the past.

For example, excluding old acts that I have gotten into lately, the last few records I have followed the release of are things such as Radiohead, Beady Eye, Mark Lanegan + Isobell Campbell....

I keep up with Frank Turner, Gaslight Anthem, The Duke Spirit etc etc and do love them but they are somewhat....unremarkable? I am too comfortable with them now.

I would appreciate it oh so very very much if you could find me a current band to get excited about. Have had a few decent recommendations before for various things so genre is not necessarily important...

So tell me, which acts around today are you genuinely excited about and are looking forward to see what music they come up with in the future?

Edited by JAC185
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It recently dawned on me that there are very few bands around these days that I actively follow what they are up to, and even less of those have not been around forever and the majority of my interest in their future work simply stems from affection for what they have done in the past.

For example, excluding old acts that I have gotten into lately, the last few records I have followed the release of are things such as Radiohead, Beady Eye, Mark Lanegan + Isobell Campbell....

I keep up with Frank Turner, Gaslight Anthem, The Duke Spirit etc etc and do love them but they are somewhat....unremarkable? I am too comfortable with them now.

I would appreciate it oh so very very much if you could find me a current band to get excited about. Have had a few decent recommendations before for various things so genre is not necessarily important...

So tell me, which acts around today are you genuinely excited about and are looking forward to see what music they come up with in the future?

I didn't read, but i saw the name "Beady Eye" there.

Just gotta say, saw their video on MTV and it's complete crap.

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Frightened Rabbit, Modest Mouse, The Hold Steady, The Kills, Alex Turner, The National, Dirty Summer, Jenny and Johnny, Richard Hawley, The Flaming Lips, Arcade Fire, David Holmes, Foals, Crystal Castles, Caribou, Arctic Monkeys, Primal Scream.

Edited by Snake Eyes
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30 Seconds to Mars, My Chemical Romance, Tool, Avenged Sevenfold, Foo Fighters, Rise Against, Shinedown, Five Finger Death Punch, Papa Roach, Stone Sour, Skillet, Linkin Park






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At the moment Charlie Sheen seems to be the most exciting act around. He's going on tour without a show and he's selling out almost everywhere.

I don't really know of any exciting new musical acts. Tomorrow I'll likely pickup the new Strokes album, but I can't say I'm all that excited.

Edited by ITW 2012
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I was underwhelmed by the latest Strokes and Radiohead. Not sure if that is due to overly high expectations or them simply not firing on all cylinders anymore.

I did really like the last Arcade Fire record, should probably check out the rest of their discography. Have seen them live already and they were pretty damn good.

As for Rammstein, this may be sacrilege on here, but everyone I know who likes them, it seems to be kind of.....ironic? Maybe I am wrong and they are genuinely that magnificent.

Snake Eyes, that is a decent list, have records by most of those and alot of them I found just....ok to good I guess. Should probably go back to a few, alot of the time I find records a bit plain first time round then rediscover them six months later and it turns out they are the best thing ever.

I just find it a little disheartening that most of the great bands out there that I want to see I have already seen, and many of them I feel have peaked and if I were to see them again it would be in an even larger arena for an even more disengaged sort of a show.

I mean, in recent memory the best live acts I've seen have been AC/DC, Faith No More, RATM etc.... and there is obviously a reason they are as esteemed as they and can headline festivals and so on, but it does not feel particularly relevant to me. More like seeing a travelling stage show than being a part of an experience.

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I find a lot of these NME hyped bands like Arcade Fire, Foals etc. to be tremendously dull. I guess I'm a real stickler for technical profiency and these half of these indie bands can barely play their instruments. And no, before anybody makes the comparison, I don't like punk either.

For me the most exciting acts are The Answer, the best 'classic-rock' band in a very long time, and - while I'm sure I'll get panned for this - Avenged Sevenfold. Honestly, Nightmare was one of the freshest, most original metal records I've heard in years.

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I did really like the last Arcade Fire record, should probably check out the rest of their discography. Have seen them live already and they were pretty damn good.

Best "new" live-band imo. You should definitley check out their previous records, they're both so much better than the Suburbs. And I consider the Suburbs as one of the best records 2010.

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For me the most exciting acts are The Answer, the best 'classic-rock' band in a very long time, and - while I'm sure I'll get panned for this - Avenged Sevenfold. Honestly, Nightmare was one of the freshest, most original metal records I've heard in years.


When I heard their first album I found it pretty meh, so I wasn't gonna give them another chance. But then I saw them open for AC/DC, where they mostly played stuff off Everyday Demons and they blew my mind; both the songs and the performance were fantastic! So I love the second album, but the first I still think is unimpressive.

I've tried to listen to some of the more successful bands from the last decade, like The Killers, The Strokes, Drive By Truckers, Gaslight Anthem and some others I can't remember right now. I didn't specifically dislike any, but I just found them very forgetable. Minus that one song Human by The Killers, which is pretty famous anyway, 20 seconds after a song would end I honestly would not be able to tell you what it sounded like, because I couldn't remember. (Although, I have to be fair and say that DriveBy Truckers were a notch above the others!)

And there's so much of this English pop-rock around here (not entirely strange, since I live in England) that straddles the line between bland and annoying.

I think the world needs more songs like

. Bring the drama back into rock, and take the irony out! Oh, speaking of: I guess Alter Bridge aren't bad.

Buckcherry... (But they're not really a new band, are they?) Reminds me a lot of 90s Aerosmith, but much harder.

And of course, there are the older ones that are still going very strong, The Black Crowes, Iron Maiden, Pearl Jam, GNR, but I'm guessing that's not what the point of this thread was.

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