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Admit it, you love the shenanigans surrounding Guns n Roses


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When I first heard of GNR they were this big band who had videos on MTV and such. I was a child, easily impressed by all that.

I grew up a little and got more involved with music, being a fan of a wide variety of music styles and bands, big and small. GNR just faded out of my radar I was so interested with other stuff. I was a teenager.

Then I heard Oh My God and it fit with the kind of music I was into at the time. It had a mesmerizing computerized production that sounded huge, it was frantic and heavy and axl's vocal delivery was exactly the kind of thing that I liked. It also had a hook hidden in there, a good one at that.

Then time went by again. millennium comes and goes.

Then, one time at our rehearsal place, the rest of our then-band came in with their mouths open asking me, did you see the VMA's? Guns was there and they looked like clowns and were SHOCKINGLY AWFUL. We laughed about it, I hadn't seen it. Then I went and watched it and the next time we were there I had to admit it to them, it was so bad it kind of left me with my mouth open too. I found it completely amazing how bad Axl, this guy with insane vocal talents, sounded. Looked like a plastic surgery clown aswell. And the fucking sport jersey. The fake hair...

Time goes by again. Then they sign up with sanctuary records. high profile manager. people start talking about the new album again. then there is news, axl fires the manager. album probably never coming out. drama.

I start digging stuff up about the album. I land on the forums. I find the shenanigans. I read A LOT about everything that went down, 90's. early 2000's. I find the concept of this album, the most costly album ever, completely mesmerizing and interesting. I guess I become addicted.

Now the album has arrived. it sounds unfinished. hurried. mashed together in a hurry. illconcieved... dont know what to think anymore. the shenanigans have tided me over and Ive had fun but I'd still like to, very much, hear the robin finck/buckethead/paul tobias -stuff. fuck...

I want the Oh My God things. I want to hear the music that is, as Axl says it, "too advanced for GNR fans"... fuck the shenanigans if I can hear this music, hidden in axl's secret vault.

but I also figure that it might very well be that ill never hear it. so ill take the shenanigans, stupid debates, fucking with axl nûtswíngers and such.

its sad but it is what it is, you know.

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i want to know what is going on with "guns n roses", but it doesn't mean I enjoy, "what's going on", when i find out; coming here doesn't mean I love (as the op asked), the drama (as most my opinions/post suggest); None of the drama that has went on over the last 15 years or so, paint this band in a positive light. I don't enjoy seeing one of my fave bands distinegrate and become a parody; i've just learned to accept it and if it all went away, that would be cool with me. I would still come here everyday.

can you idiots comprehend that.

Well they're not a parody, so you have nothing to worry about.

the us disagrees.

You speak for the whole country? I didn't know.

"the US disagrees? either you are attempting to speak for an entire country,or your name is "Sybil" :scared:

I'm from the US, and I alway's disagree with what SunnyDre has to say. Especially his biased opinion on New GN'R and Chinese Democracy.

key word in your post being OPINION

Im from the US and i happen to agree with sunny

for the most part there are facts to back him up

no US tour this year, the album didnt sell well in the states, "06 tour did not sell out most of the venues, shows were cancelled and the tour was cut short with the excuse of finishing an album........that took another 2 years to get out

the shenanigans surrounding this band makes them a punchline for the media, fans, and well respected artists in the industry

like some others have said, it was cool when Axl was in his 20's when they were releasing music, videos, and on top of their game

now its sad to see a guy pushing 50 who needs regular prostate exams at his age and still trying to pull the same shit

Axl makes the news here because he bit a security guard, hes fodder for a soft drink company or hes filing another lawsuit, not because of his music

if he was all about integrity like some claim, it would be about the music, not the ridiculous drama he creates for himself

Edited by AngelZ
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It's like, you sort of have gotten used to not talk about this band and it's music, so you come here hoping for a funny thread with randy lahey and wasted doing their charming antics around Axl and his lawsuit crusades or whatever.

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SunnyDre proves my point.

He/she/it bitches and moans constantly, inserting cynical complaining snarky commentary into every thread he/she/it ventures into.

Is it kind of pathetic that he/she/it has no other purpose on this site than to cupcake incessantly? Kind of? With all the bitching and less-than-worthy commentary from sunnyfail, why is he/she/it even on this site? Ask yourself that.

You see, sunnyfail proves my point, albeit in a sad, pathetic way. He/she/it is obsessed and compulsed to spread negative energy about GNR on this site because sunnyfail has manufactured some idealistic reality of what he/she/it thinks the band should be doing, and what the band should sound like. Because GNR doesn't conform to sunnyfail's self-created paranoid delusional psychosis, he/she/it can't help but try to piss in everyone's cheerios. You see, it drives sunnyfail batshit insane that many people don't actually agree with him. It bothers him that people aren't boycotting GNR. It bothers him that people can accept lineup changes as a part of rock n roll. It bothers sunnyfail that CD went platinum in countries all over the world.

To quote Axl, he doesn't work for you. But by all means sunnyfail, keep trying to promote that never-was in your sig. I hope she endures the same trolling you dole out on a perpetual basis. Punk.

this is a classic example of the common misconception all you overly defensive Axl fanboys have and post about on this site every day

People register to this site because its a Guns N' Roses fan forum and they are Guns N' Roses fans. This is true for about 99.9% of the people who join, and its not too difficult to see that... What seems to be difficult for you to see, is that not everybody who is a Guns N' Roses fan is on board with well... everything thats gone on over the past decade in a half. Is that such a crime? I dunno... you seem to think theres some kind of agenda, when really, its just fans voicing their opinions as fans. A Guns N' Roses fan, just like you are, thinks the band is run like shit, you disagree, so what? Oh, well, he must be on a crusade to spread hate for Axl on the internet, this eats at him every day, OBVIOUSLY thats whats going on. You kidding me?

Look, it probably gets annoying for you to see your idol put down all the time on a fan site. But did you ever stop to think that maybe, just maybe, it might possibly be warranted? I mean you acknowledge in this very thread that GNR fans have to put up with a lot of shit so I know you have the capacity to understand this. When you have a band that only has one original member left amidst a revolving door with the output this band has... not all of the fans are going to be hunky dory. That's just the way it is man, and mygnrforum showcases that reality pretty damn well.

There's no agenda, just a heterogeneous conglomerate consisting of disappointed fans, imagine that. Why do all of these dissatisfied fans continue to post here? Well, crazy thing, they seem to have figured out they have more in common than liking Guns N' Roses, theres a few sections that get way more traffic than this one, occasionally (lol daily) some of those who think the band is a bit of a joke at this point end up in here... spewing their rhetoric, but try to remember they're still Guns N' Roses fans, and have every bit of the right to say what they think about this mess that you do.

There is a forum that focuses heavily on the new band and bans people who don't love everything about it, if that's more your thing.

I hear its a great community over there -> http://www.heretodaygonetohell.com

Oh please, spare me the defense force act. You're trying rationalize and defend the whining. And that's what it is: whining. SunnyDre is the biggest fucking whiner. And you know it. So while you churned a nicely written post there which I do applaud, it was all for naught, as one quick glance at sunny's posting history shows an angry, bitter, disgruntled curmudgeon.

As I said earlier, there's a difference between being nostalgic over the old band versus PERPETUALLY talking shit, being purposely annoying, and trolling anything and everything about the new band.

HERE'S A THOUGHT: If sunnyfail doesn't like GNR in its current incarnation, as he's said MANY times, then fuck off and stay in the pre-94/reunion/VR forums. That simple really.

But hey, bravo at trying to defend "disappointed fans." If they're so disappointed, they should leave.

Oh and by the way, google is your friend: there is actually a group of posters on this site who discuss ways to cupcake this place over at other sites. They have the same screen names in most cases and even the same pictures. They start threads on gnfnroses talking about this place. Talk about pathetic. At least I don't do shit like that.

By the way I'm flattered you called me an Axl fanboy. I'm just fighting the good fight against all the whiners. ; )

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Guest NewGNRnOldGNR

I'm not sure I necessarily love the "shenanigans". Certainly I deal with all the bullshit which comes as naturally as the good times. My interest in Guns N' Roses is fuelled primarily by the music (having said that the nonsense is undoubtedly engaging to an extent).

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SunnyDre proves my point.

He/she/it bitches and moans constantly, inserting cynical complaining snarky commentary into every thread he/she/it ventures into.

Is it kind of pathetic that he/she/it has no other purpose on this site than to cupcake incessantly? Kind of? With all the bitching and less-than-worthy commentary from sunnyfail, why is he/she/it even on this site? Ask yourself that.

You see, sunnyfail proves my point, albeit in a sad, pathetic way. He/she/it is obsessed and compulsed to spread negative energy about GNR on this site because sunnyfail has manufactured some idealistic reality of what he/she/it thinks the band should be doing, and what the band should sound like. Because GNR doesn't conform to sunnyfail's self-created paranoid delusional psychosis, he/she/it can't help but try to piss in everyone's cheerios. You see, it drives sunnyfail batshit insane that many people don't actually agree with him. It bothers him that people aren't boycotting GNR. It bothers him that people can accept lineup changes as a part of rock n roll. It bothers sunnyfail that CD went platinum in countries all over the world.

To quote Axl, he doesn't work for you. But by all means sunnyfail, keep trying to promote that never-was in your sig. I hope she endures the same trolling you dole out on a perpetual basis. Punk.

this is a classic example of the common misconception all you overly defensive Axl fanboys have and post about on this site every day

People register to this site because its a Guns N' Roses fan forum and they are Guns N' Roses fans. This is true for about 99.9% of the people who join, and its not too difficult to see that... What seems to be difficult for you to see, is that not everybody who is a Guns N' Roses fan is on board with well... everything thats gone on over the past decade in a half. Is that such a crime? I dunno... you seem to think theres some kind of agenda, when really, its just fans voicing their opinions as fans. A Guns N' Roses fan, just like you are, thinks the band is run like shit, you disagree, so what? Oh, well, he must be on a crusade to spread hate for Axl on the internet, this eats at him every day, OBVIOUSLY thats whats going on. You kidding me?

Look, it probably gets annoying for you to see your idol put down all the time on a fan site. But did you ever stop to think that maybe, just maybe, it might possibly be warranted? I mean you acknowledge in this very thread that GNR fans have to put up with a lot of shit so I know you have the capacity to understand this. When you have a band that only has one original member left amidst a revolving door with the output this band has... not all of the fans are going to be hunky dory. That's just the way it is man, and mygnrforum showcases that reality pretty damn well.

There's no agenda, just a heterogeneous conglomerate consisting of disappointed fans, imagine that. Why do all of these dissatisfied fans continue to post here? Well, crazy thing, they seem to have figured out they have more in common than liking Guns N' Roses, theres a few sections that get way more traffic than this one, occasionally (lol daily) some of those who think the band is a bit of a joke at this point end up in here... spewing their rhetoric, but try to remember they're still Guns N' Roses fans, and have every bit of the right to say what they think about this mess that you do.

There is a forum that focuses heavily on the new band and bans people who don't love everything about it, if that's more your thing.

I hear its a great community over there -> http://www.heretodaygonetohell.com

one quick glance at sunny's posting history shows an angry, bitter, disgruntled curmudgeon.

I'm none of those things. You problem with me is that I don't agree with your OPINION or how you see the current state of Guns.

HERE'S A THOUGHT: If sunnyfail doesn't like GNR in its current incarnation, as he's said MANY times, then fuck off and stay in the pre-94/reunion/VR forums. That simple really.

Here's a thought: How about I post where I please, thank you. I didn't realize that one had to agree with all the goings on in the band to post in news discussion.

But hey, bravo at trying to defend "disappointed fans." If they're so disappointed, they should leave.

Or maybe you should leave and post on the board where the fans think of GNR as 95 - Present. HTGTH

Oh and by the way, google is your friend: there is actually a group of posters on this site who discuss ways to cupcake this place over at other sites. They have the same screen names in most cases and even the same pictures. They start threads on gnfnroses talking about this place. Talk about pathetic. At least I don't do shit like that.

Nope you just rant and rave, call names, and tell people what they should think, what the really think (like you would know :rolleyes: ), when they don't agree with you.

At least I don't do that.

I'm just fighting the good fight against all the whiners. ; )

Naw, your just another deluded dude who refuses accept reality. You're right there with Volcano, Trilogy, and this Lucrecia person....and it doesn't suprise me, that they are your friends (profile) or they agree with the most the bullshit you post.

It's funny I don't even really know who the three of you are (save volcano), but you guys have hard-ons for me. Maybe it's that you see someone posting the truth and it bothers you or something (thou doth protest to much)....So you name-check me in your post to get my attention I suppose.......I bet you sit there hitting the refresh button, hoping I respond to your tomfoolery.

I'm not sure I necessarily love the "shenanigans". Certainly I deal with all the bullshit which comes as naturally as the good times. My interest in Guns N' Roses is fuelled primarily by the music (having said that the nonsense is undoubtedly engaging to an extent).

lol i said the exact same thing, and your butt buddies, Mindsaber and trilogy had heart attacks. maybe the should read what a poster actually says and not what they want it to say.

Edited by SunnyDRE
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one quick glance at sunny's posting history shows an angry, bitter, disgruntled curmudgeon.

I'm none of those things. You problem with me is that I don't agree with your OPINION or how you see the current state of Guns.

Your posting history speaks for itself. You do know people can click that little gear in the upper righthand part of the site and find all your posts in a nice little list, right? Hahaha owned.

By the way, I've disagreed with countless people, and have been able to reach amicable resolutions. You just cupcake incessantly. Admit it already. The question is: if the current state of GNR is not your cup of tea... then why are you here? Oh right, to constantly tell us it's not your cup of tea. Thanks for that, by the way. We all appreciate it.

Here's a thought: How about I post where I please, thank you. I didn't realize that one had to agree with all the goings on in the band to post in news discussion.

Hey I'm all for your freedom of expression. Really, I am. It's just... you constantly have to piss in everyone's cheerios. Like, most of your posts are just unnecessary. What are you hoping to accomplish is my question?

Or maybe you should leave and post on the board where the fans think of GNR as 95 - Present. HTGTH

But again, I ask you, why do you feel compelled to constantly remind everyone that you don't approve of GNR anymore? That's what I wanna know.

Oh and by the way, google is your friend: there is actually a group of posters on this site who discuss ways to cupcake this place over at other sites. They have the same screen names in most cases and even the same pictures. They start threads on gnfnroses talking about this place. Talk about pathetic. At least I don't do shit like that.

Nope you just rant and rave, call names, and tell people what they should think, what the really think (like you would know :rolleyes: ), when they don't agree with you.

At least I don't do that.

Actually I can prove there are posters who spend time discussing this board, and discuss using dummy accounts to cupcake. Go ahead, dare me to post the links.

Hey btw that's a great psychological analysis there, except it's all horseshit. I can accept differing opinions and viewpoints. Sure I get into spirited debates, that's what the internet is for. I just don't tolerate the trolling.

If you actually had read my thread in the pre-94 forum (instead of trolling it), you'd notice that I acknowledge the counterpoints about Axl's behavior. Oops sorry to shatter your reality there. Perhaps you should re-peruse it and you'll see. Hmmm.

I'm not sure I necessarily love the "shenanigans". Certainly I deal with all the bullshit which comes as naturally as the good times. My interest in Guns N' Roses is fuelled primarily by the music (having said that the nonsense is undoubtedly engaging to an extent).

lol i said the exact same thing, and your butt buddies, Mindsaber and trilogy had heart attacks. maybe the should read what a poster actually says and not what they want it to say.

You're the one who fails at reading. I have on many occasions acknowledged opposing viewpoints and accepted counterpoints in debates. You're just a cupcake. You can't hide your posting history.

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SunnyDre proves my point.

He/she/it bitches and moans constantly, inserting cynical complaining snarky commentary into every thread he/she/it ventures into.

Is it kind of pathetic that he/she/it has no other purpose on this site than to cupcake incessantly? Kind of? With all the bitching and less-than-worthy commentary from sunnyfail, why is he/she/it even on this site? Ask yourself that.

You see, sunnyfail proves my point, albeit in a sad, pathetic way. He/she/it is obsessed and compulsed to spread negative energy about GNR on this site because sunnyfail has manufactured some idealistic reality of what he/she/it thinks the band should be doing, and what the band should sound like. Because GNR doesn't conform to sunnyfail's self-created paranoid delusional psychosis, he/she/it can't help but try to piss in everyone's cheerios. You see, it drives sunnyfail batshit insane that many people don't actually agree with him. It bothers him that people aren't boycotting GNR. It bothers him that people can accept lineup changes as a part of rock n roll. It bothers sunnyfail that CD went platinum in countries all over the world.

To quote Axl, he doesn't work for you. But by all means sunnyfail, keep trying to promote that never-was in your sig. I hope she endures the same trolling you dole out on a perpetual basis. Punk.

this is a classic example of the common misconception all you overly defensive Axl fanboys have and post about on this site every day

People register to this site because its a Guns N' Roses fan forum and they are Guns N' Roses fans. This is true for about 99.9% of the people who join, and its not too difficult to see that... What seems to be difficult for you to see, is that not everybody who is a Guns N' Roses fan is on board with well... everything thats gone on over the past decade in a half. Is that such a crime? I dunno... you seem to think theres some kind of agenda, when really, its just fans voicing their opinions as fans. A Guns N' Roses fan, just like you are, thinks the band is run like shit, you disagree, so what? Oh, well, he must be on a crusade to spread hate for Axl on the internet, this eats at him every day, OBVIOUSLY thats whats going on. You kidding me?

Look, it probably gets annoying for you to see your idol put down all the time on a fan site. But did you ever stop to think that maybe, just maybe, it might possibly be warranted? I mean you acknowledge in this very thread that GNR fans have to put up with a lot of shit so I know you have the capacity to understand this. When you have a band that only has one original member left amidst a revolving door with the output this band has... not all of the fans are going to be hunky dory. That's just the way it is man, and mygnrforum showcases that reality pretty damn well.

There's no agenda, just a heterogeneous conglomerate consisting of disappointed fans, imagine that. Why do all of these dissatisfied fans continue to post here? Well, crazy thing, they seem to have figured out they have more in common than liking Guns N' Roses, theres a few sections that get way more traffic than this one, occasionally (lol daily) some of those who think the band is a bit of a joke at this point end up in here... spewing their rhetoric, but try to remember they're still Guns N' Roses fans, and have every bit of the right to say what they think about this mess that you do.

There is a forum that focuses heavily on the new band and bans people who don't love everything about it, if that's more your thing.

I hear its a great community over there -> http://www.heretodaygonetohell.com

Oh please, spare me the defense force act. You're trying rationalize and defend the whining. And that's what it is: whining. SunnyDre is the biggest fucking whiner. And you know it. So while you churned a nicely written post there which I do applaud, it was all for naught, as one quick glance at sunny's posting history shows an angry, bitter, disgruntled curmudgeon.

As I said earlier, there's a difference between being nostalgic over the old band versus PERPETUALLY talking shit, being purposely annoying, and trolling anything and everything about the new band.

HERE'S A THOUGHT: If sunnyfail doesn't like GNR in its current incarnation, as he's said MANY times, then fuck off and stay in the pre-94/reunion/VR forums. That simple really.

But hey, bravo at trying to defend "disappointed fans." If they're so disappointed, they should leave.

By the way I'm flattered you called me an Axl fanboy. I'm just fighting the good fight against all the whiners. ; )

My post really has nothing to do with Sunny, just how clowns like you over dramatize everything negative that gets said about a blatantly controversial band. Plenty of loyal fans have said negative things before, you don't need to love everything this band does to be a fan of it. You can "fight the good fight against all the whiners" (pfffffff) all you want but you'll never stop Guns N' Roses fans from whining, the fanbase is damaged goods. Say a reunion happens, a huge group of people would be ecstatic, and a lot of people would still be disappointed, this band can never please everybody. You want to blame somebody for that? Blame Axl, Slash, or any of the original members you feel like blaming, just don't blame fans, they're mostly just people who give a shit.

Oh and by the way, google is your friend: there is actually a group of posters on this site who discuss ways to cupcake this place over at other sites. They have the same screen names in most cases and even the same pictures. They start threads on gnfnroses talking about this place. Talk about pathetic. At least I don't do shit like that.

cant say i care all that much about what some internet gossip nerds say about this rock band fan forum i post on... of all the ones i've browsed this one is worth returning to significantly more

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Say a reunion happens, a huge group of people would be ecstatic, and a lot of people would still be disappointed, this band can never please everybody.

This is not directed at you Sweetness and I am not a reunionist per say, as I have seen the real deal back in 1987 and again in 1988, but a reunion could never live up to the band in their youth and would be anticlimactic for me. But I predict all the NuGnR fans who hate Slash and are do dead set against a reunion would be the first ones fighting for tickets if it ever happened.

The boys are all still in decent health and still young enough to put on a great show and even if it was a short lived money grab I hope it happens so all the younger members who have never seen the real thing would get a chance to see what we debate about here everyday..for them I think it would be epic........

Ain't happening rawker,and you well know who posts at that other forum, (gunsfnRoses) you are a major contributor,you and Bacardi,Bonham,BBA,SOB,Manets and others go into chats to discuss how to fuck up this forum,and degrade the mods

That said, Sunnydull needs to post in the reunion threads,if he/she/it detests this GNR so much that it prompts it to interject it's snarky comments and hateful diatribes toward the band in every single thread,back on topic, I enjoy the unconventional mindset that drives GNR to "Shenanigans" I enjoy the rants,the rebellious attitude, and the spirit of Rock that most 20 year olds don.t have anymore,and most 40 somethings have lost or never possessed, living life at full throttle may not appeal to some,but I say "Let the Shenanigans continue!!" Guess I have a similar outlook on life :)

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true a reunion does play into the lame mainstream heartland which is profitable for many bands but wouldn't be particularly exciting. I mean it could happen, it might good. detach my colostomy bag hop on my zimmer frame and crawl to the arena for the GNR Reunion. it just seems like a step backwards when they about to play Rio 4.

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true a reunion does play into the lame mainstream heartland which is profitable for many bands but wouldn't be particularly exciting. I mean it could happen, it might good. detach my colostomy bag hop on my zimmer frame and crawl to the arena for the GNR Reunion. it just seems like a step backwards when they about to play Rio 4.

HA! loving ur terminology on this post wasted! don't forget your dentures, and don't dance,you'll break a hip!! :lol:

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SunnyDRE speaks of the band disrespectfully in most of his posts. I think that is childish, deliberately provocative, not very constructive and in my opinion, that is not what you do on a fan forum. Or on any forum, in fact. Thus, you are a cupcake.

It is as simple as that.

i'm sorry you feel that way, but i do no such thing. you put your own perspective on my post. it is not my problem. if my opinions bother you, mindsaber, trilogy, or anyone else, block me. it is as simple as that.

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SunnyDRE speaks of the band disrespectfully in most of his posts. I think that is childish, deliberately provocative, not very constructive and in my opinion, that is not what you do on a fan forum. Or on any forum, in fact. Thus, you are a cupcake.

It is as simple as that.

you are straight up right Karri, SunnyD is a plague on the forum,

nobody who truly liked GNR would come here each and every day to demean and criticize endlessly, it is senseless,annoying, and won't accomplish a damn thing! :thumbsup:

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SunnyDRE speaks of the band disrespectfully in most of his posts. I think that is childish, deliberately provocative, not very constructive and in my opinion, that is not what you do on a fan forum. Or on any forum, in fact. Thus, you are a cupcake.

It is as simple as that.

i'm sorry you feel that way, but i do no such thing. you put your own perspective on my post. it is not my problem. if my opinions bother you, mindsaber, trilogy, or anyone else, block me. it is as simple as that.

Can we actually block you????????????

Yeah it's doable.

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SunnyDRE speaks of the band disrespectfully in most of his posts. I think that is childish, deliberately provocative, not very constructive and in my opinion, that is not what you do on a fan forum. Or on any forum, in fact. Thus, you are a cupcake.

It is as simple as that.

i'm sorry you feel that way, but i do no such thing. you put your own perspective on my post. it is not my problem. if my opinions bother you, mindsaber, trilogy, or anyone else, block me. it is as simple as that.

Oh Sunny,get real,I don't even pretend to assess what satisfaction you receive for logging in every day only to be disagreeable with any and all things GNR does,your posts are hateful and mean-sprited,and negative to the core,you are a "Forum Grinch" who is upset the band won't cater to your little wants and demands,it is as simple as that.

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No chance in hell would I go to a reunion show. It would NOT be Guns N' Roses.

it would.

It would not. Guns N' Roses has evolved since those days. It's like calling all humans homo erectus'.

it still easily would. You put those people together, it's GNR.

Or by the other logic, anyone no matter how random that plays in the band with Axl, is GNR, then if those guys played with Axl again, it would be GNR.

It would be so GNR it would make your head spin....

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