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Question to all Guns fans


Guns N' Roses   

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I am kind of torn between all three really.

I would love to have a new album with this lineup and a USA tour. But when I honestly look at all the time it took just to get CD released and all the stuff that went along with it's release, I am kind of wondering if that is what I truly want.

We as fans only see the surface and have no idea what it takes to make a record let alone what Axl and company goes through to give us music. We all think, "hey just all get together, jam and cut a record like back in the AFD era" but again, with technology and everything advancing, so has music and how it's made.

Also, shows like American Idol hasn't helped rock n' roll. When you have Jimmy Iovine on their giving advice to posers it kind of confirms that the USA isn't where rock n' roll is aliive and I understand fully why bands like GNR tour other countries.

It wouild be cool to see the original GNR on stage again all together but everyone would have to be at the first show because it more than likely would implode within the first 15 minutes. Seriously, for my own selfish purposes it would be cool to go down memory lane but somethng tells me that the energy the original GNR had in the late 80s wouldn't work today.

So where does that leave my thoughts? After reading the oringial artwork scans that were uploaded the other day, and reading what Axl wrote, I wonder if now is a good time to just end it?

I see that DJ has said Axl has 3 albums worth of material, etc. But what good is saying that if it's never to be heard?

So I voted undecided.

What are your thoughts?

Edited by Tabitha27
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Guest siliconmessiah

I have been thinking about this for a long time, and come to the conclusion that a reunion would be the best.

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I have been thinking about this for a long time, and come to the conclusion that a reunion would be the best.

Why do you feel that would be best?

Like I said, I'd like to see a reunion just for my own selfish reasons but is that the best angle to go for the current GNR lineup?

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New album and continual touring from the current band. You can see in the live performances that everyone in the current band is on stage because they genuinely enjoy playing with one another. You wouldn't get that with a reunion.

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reunion. not all of us had the opportunity to see the band before guns broke up. personally id just love to see the original guys on stage playing the songs the 5 of them wrote together. i saw the 2010 incarnation and it was great. i have chidem and its great. even so, i would certainly pick a reunion show over a new nugnr album (although thatd be more than welcome).

so yeah, reunion show i can attend without question. i dont care if its not 1988 or 1991 anymore, i wasnt around to see those shows. they still created that music and still have a right to play it.

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Guest siliconmessiah

Why do you feel that would be best?

Like I said, I'd like to see a reunion just for my own selfish reasons but is that the best angle to go for the current GNR lineup?

I have been a fan since 1999. For a long time, I supported Axl´s cause and his promises that he took hold of the Guns N´ Roses name, only to let the legacy live on and release new music, as he once stated he would.

But you could say he lied.

I can understand it can take a couple of years to get things going. So I still held on, until it all felt like things were falling apart, in 2004-2005-2006.

Buckethead left.

Finck left.

Brain left.

And yeah, you could say my support for "the new vision" died somewhere here when all things just went in a loop without any new stuff released.

And then, suddenly, a half assed release of Chinese Democracy gets made in 2008. When half of the band had already left. It was so fucking shitty handled that you now can laugh at it.

A great band releases a great record, but...the band does not exist when the record gets released. Ridiculous and unprofessional.

Therefore, I think, the only way to rebuild the legacy, is for the real Guns N´ Roses. The Guns N´ Fuckin´ Roses to reunite.

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if axl and slash could bury the hatchet one day itd be pretty cool... for their sake's if nothing else.

it kind of sucks. no matter what they do and what they accomplish, they will always be associated with one another. slash and axl have released great music since guns n roses broke up but they still cant escape that association. slash has dont a good job of establishing his name out there outside gnr but even still... yeah. sucks for them kind of.

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Guest siliconmessiah

Whether YOU like it or not, the 2011 incarnation fo the band IS GUNS N' FUCKIN' ROSES.

This is coming from somone that has been a fan since almost the beginning. :shrugs:

Well. Is it so hard for you to understand, that I am of a different opinion, and I have my full right to have that opinion, even if you like it or not.

Just as I think it´s totally ok for you to have your opinion and go on your daily defend-axl-rose-and-bash-everyone-who-has-another-view-than-me-because-axl-rose-is-god-even-though-he-ran-guns-n-roses-into-the-ground-tirade on this forum. I have no problem with that.

But this is not Guns N´ Fuckin´ Roses. It could have been, but instead it became Axl Roses flying circus with randoms. Now. go watch Appetite for Destruction this october, if the band still exists and shows up, that is...

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Guest siliconmessiah

But this is not Guns N´ Fuckin´ Roses. It could have been, but instead it became Axl Roses flying circus with randoms.

Why must you come on here daily and push you hatred and propaganda? It's very unpleasant. I would love for the day I can come here and chat with GNR fans in a respectful manner.

I am not coming on here daily. Nor am I pushing hatred or propaganda.

I am only a fan, that want my favourite band to be succesful, release music and live on.

But the way that things played out, has turned this band into a real mess, come on, one album released between 2001 and 2011...when the lead singer said he took hold of the GNR-name and legacy to let it live on and release new music.

As a fan, I don´t think that is too cool. But if you think that´s cool, it´s alright with me Volcano, I won´t flame your ass, even if you take every little chance you get to flame my ass. It´s ok, keep on living in your little beautiful world.

And then, in 2008, Axl seemed clutching at straws when Guns N´ Roses fell apart once again. Then, he couldn´t do anything else but to employ DJ Ashba, a caricature of Guns N´ Roses legendary guitarist Slash.

Well...you get my point.

Edited by siliconmessiah
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Guest NewGNRnOldGNR

I advocate continuity to Guns N' Roses - a reunion's an irreversible move - furthermore, I can't see it entailing anything beyond a "Greatest Hits" tour - moreover, a spark just can't be reignited at the click of a finger... I think even attempting an album would reveal the chemistry once in existence between those five guys simply isn't retrievable (in terms of being successfully rejuvenated).

There's potential with Bumblefoot and Dj - so long as potential remains I don't feel Axl should resort to an incarnation... idealism, romanticism aside, which just isn't going to have the effect some desire ("Oh awesome Slash and Axl... Jungle and Sweet Child... cool... what's next... uh this album isn't as good as I'd anticipated" - a reunion is endgame and its impact would be detrimental to Guns having a future, it's a fairytale illusion fuelled by the dire state of music - "old" Guns would be digested by a "Chinese Democracy" type hype... then what?

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Reunion with new album is the best option, which isn't on the poll

Then if this were to happen, it wouldn't really be a reunion would it? I mean can you see the original members agreeing to play new GNR music? I can see Duff and Izzy doiing it and of course Steven because he is itching for a reunion but Slash? I can't see Slash playing anything off CD at all. It isn't his style.

With reunion, I guess I should have specified Greatest Hits tour.

Edited by Tabitha27
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I have been thinking about this for a long time, and come to the conclusion that a reunion would be the best.

ummm just no.....

Hate to break it to you....it's not 1988 anymore.

it would not be the same at all.

1988 or not......a reunion of the Original Guns N Roses would be an EVENT.......it would create a gigantic buzz in the music industry and easily be in the top 5 if not the top grossing tour of the year in which it's happened. Numerous polls have shown that many fans would love to see a reunion......so while I do agree it's not the best move......and I also feel that it WON't happen.........make no mistake that an original Guns reunion would be huge........ (I remember reading that a sum in excess of 100 mil was turned down already from a promoter......source?)

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Like I said, I'd like to see a reunion just for my own selfish reasons but is that the best angle to go for the current GNR lineup?

How is a reunion for "selfish reasons" any different than wanting a tour or a new album?

I 'd like to once again witness the original members together on stage. But would that same chemistry I witnessed be recreated once again? I don't know. I also witnessed the chemistry and atmosphere at Hammerstein in NYC in May 2006 and that was just as awesome.

That is why I voted undecided.

I think reading Axl's liner notes did it for me. I think CD drained him and let's face it, the music industry has gone to pooh.

I mean look what the USA deems as rock n' roll. It's disgusting and when you have Jimmy Iovine promoting American Idol and we get one hit wonders gracing the airwaves and the touring industry it's no surprise that bands like GNR fair better in Europe and other countries.

I don't even think a reunion or a new album would make it better for GNR over here in the USA given the current music industry these days and that's sad.

Edited by Tabitha27
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I would only want a reunion if ALL the guys from the original band wanted to make music together. Not for money, not for publicity, etc. Otherwise - no.

And if they got back together what would the Axl-haters on here post about then?

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I would only want a reunion if ALL the guys from the original band wanted to make music together. Not for money, not for publicity, etc. Otherwise - no.

And if they got back together what would the Axl-haters on here post about then?

Some of them would just keep on hating: "it's the same band, but without the emotion from the early days"

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And if they got back together what would the Axl-haters on here post about then?

How we were right all along..

Ya. Because you know what is better for the life of these grown men. Bet you are glad you don't constantly have people telling you that your living your life wrong, that your a scum bag, that you will never be successful....because of a job you left 20 years ago or because of a girl you broke up with 20 years ago.

Axl, Slash, Duff and Izzy are going to make decisions in their lives to do what they feel is best for THEM - not because of what some hate-filled posters on a music forum think.

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Guest gunns5

We as in sunny and his lame hate patrol ;), guns n roses 2010-11 is a band and a great one at that , fuck the 'oppoREUNIONISTS'

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