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Can We All Agree On One Thing?


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Since the start of this tour there's been speculation as to whether or not Axl's vocally "up to it" so to speak. Due to the very public exposure of his voice at the start of the tour, a lot of people felt that all of the power was gone from his voice and he was in an even worse place performance-wise than in 01-02. After watching videos from Miami. Orlando and Greenville, can a consensus at least be reached that while he's not entirely consistent -YET- he has not in fact permanently lost his vocal ability or indeed the "rasp" we all know and love?

As far as I'm concerned he seems to have managed to dig himself out of the start of tour rut almost completely, is sounding better than he did at any point in the early 00s and has a head of steam to build up even as we speak. He's not "past it" by any stretch of the imagination, and that's a good thing from any Guns N Roses fan's perspective!

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Agree. and I think that some of the attendance issues are reflective of what people expected based on past performances in the states. If they continue on with this energy than any future tour will be based on the how well this one went and I would expect people to be even more enthusiastic about attending a GNR concert. So far, This tour, in my voew (musically) is a hit.

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I don't think he's lost it at all...I even said after the Rio incident (and I will call it an incident, because that was not a Guns N' Roses worthy show in my opinion) that I knew that he had it in him to get back on track.....he always does...history has shown that plenty of times before..but I will not act like Rio was an OK show or something...because it was dreadful, I watched all of it...even the band realized it and Axl self-reflections on stage:'the guys keep asking me what drugs am I on' made it very clear that he was not very happy with his own performance either...so to take offense at people calling Rio a miss is just plain stupid...

you must be one of those guys who just nods his head to anything...I agree that music should be spontaneous and I'm sure that the people enjoyed the performance because there is more to a live event than just the music...it's the feel that you don't get watching the show...I mean I got goosebumps when the whole thing started with CD...but that turned into a disappointment once the show carried on....and it's OK to have a fucking opinion....and this should be encouraged as long as it doesn't turn into needless name-calling and just vile hatred...which unfortunately seems to be the case a lot of times....

so in response...yes, I agree that Axl is getting better with each show and I believe that once they hit the east coast...he'll be as good as in 2010 if not better...and I'm excited because I'll be seeing 3 of their shows!

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I don't think he's lost it at all...I even said after the Rio incident (and I will call it an incident, because that was not a Guns N' Roses worthy show in my opinion) that I knew that he had it in him to get back on track.....he always does...history has shown that plenty of times before..but I will not act like Rio was an OK show or something...because it was dreadful, I watched all of it...even the band realized it and Axl self-reflections on stage:'the guys keep asking me what drugs am I on' made it very clear that he was not very happy with his own performance either...so to take offense at people calling Rio a miss is just plain stupid...

you must be one of those guys who just nods his head to anything...I agree that music should be spontaneous and I'm sure that the people enjoyed the performance because there is more to a live event than just the music...it's the feel that you don't get watching the show...I mean I got goosebumps when the whole thing started with CD...but that turned into a disappointment once the show carried on....and it's OK to have a fucking opinion....and this should be encouraged as long as it doesn't turn into needless name-calling and just vile hatred...which unfortunately seems to be the case a lot of times....

so in response...yes, I agree that Axl is getting better with each show and I believe that once they hit the east coast...he'll be as good as in 2010 if not better...and I'm excited because I'll be seeing 3 of their shows!

I don't like you because you think it's okay for people to have opinions ;-p ha ha- (Sarcastic) Anyway, totally agree, I don't see any reason for someone to be hung here because they think a show (ie..Rio) sucked. However, I almost (need a few more shows to confirm) disagree, I think he may already be as good as 2010 on vocals. I'll have to wait and see if he carries on as he has or not but the performances so far have been amazing.

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The words "Guns N Roses", "agree" and "fans" go together about as well as Ellen Degeneres and femininity. As a collective whole, we will never agree on anything...ever.

I think you just found something.

If it's not a million dollars that someone...forgot, I don't care.


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I agree. I know it was many people's "darkest hour," but I actually enjoyed Rock in Rio. I took my computer to the lounge at my college and stayed up the whole night for that livestream just watching it myself since no one else here's a fan. It was worth it for me, first entire concert I "watched" through, I sang along, etc.

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