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Why Is Liking GN'R A Minority Opinion?


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Forgive me if I missed the point but Chinese Democracy was a collaborative effort. I always find it strange that people don't want to say that it was a collaborative effort, more like Axl picking whatever sound his "hired hands" write. Each song has been written as a band by past and present band members. It has always been like that, always will be.

No one here denies what the AFD/UYI lineup has done in the past, I just think the forum members here are more concerned with the present. If anybody wants to talk past GN'R there's another board for that.

Excellent post.

The OP needs to join Star.

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BBA (for Bring Back Adler I guess) is one of the biggest cupcake/reunionist (not that all reunionists are cupcakes, because at least they usually post in the right section).

he keeps making threads about how the new band "sucks", that Axl "stole" the GNR name, that BBF does not have "the Slash feel" when playing the solos...

He gets banned endlessly, but keeps coming back.

the legend says he holds 1/14th of all the accounts created under this board (jk)

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Umm, Roush. Go take a couple more tokes and drinks and talk somebody else's ear off with your ranting, wandering drivel. If you wish to engage an audience, learn how to concisely, humbly, and politely state your thesis and points before launching into self-important rhetoric which alienates and bombards the reader with obscure, usually self-serving and crass references.

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What (or who) is BBA? I feel like an idiot for not knowing this...

He's a banned moron that loved nothing more than to cupcake. Now he spend his time at some dipshit forum recruiting people to cupcake here and spreading rumors that only a complete idiot would believe. He's quite the waste of space and you're better off not knowing because you definitely aren't missing anything special.

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BBA (for Bring Back Adler I guess) is one of the biggest cupcake/reunionist (not that all reunionists are cupcakes, because at least they usually post in the right section).

he keeps making threads about how the new band "sucks", that Axl "stole" the GNR name, that BBF does not have "the Slash feel" when playing the solos...

He gets banned endlessly, but keeps coming back.

the legend says he holds 1/14th of all the accounts created under this board (jk)

Ah, thanks.

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What (or who) is BBA? I feel like an idiot for not knowing this...

BBA stands for bring back adler aka Incognito and numerous other S/Ns. An older balding notorious Bitch and shitstirrer.Haterade brigade member.

And I have reported this thread :xmassrudolph:

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What (or who) is BBA? I feel like an idiot for not knowing this...

BBA stands for bring back adler aka Incognito and numerous other S/Ns. An older balding notorious Bitch and shitstirrer.Haterade brigade member.

And I have reported this thread :xmassrudolph:

D'oh. I was having fun.

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Sorry Damn Smooth,if I had known you were bitchslapping this fkn idiot for theraputic and cathartic purposes,I wouldn't have snitched!!


It's all good. Every time we get rid of one, another takes it's place. I don't foresee a shortage of dumbasses in the future.

God must love stupid people,he made so many of them!! Dispensable Dumbfucks must breed like bunnies :xmassrudolph:

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Eu4ric, speaking of long-winded, concise, succinctness- how many adjectives was that? Looks like you took 9 lines to say something I could in 1.

"Say it with your chest".

Sailaway: you reported this thread?

Was that supposed to sound imposing? You sound like the hall monitor we used to pick on in Primary. Don't forget to wipe now. Do you wish to report me again? Perhaps this time you can use bold font to emphasize your conviction, and big boy voice.

Snot-nosed brats. When did GN'R become a haven for whinging nerds?

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