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Slash wishes happy bday to AXL!


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Just because people don't play together for years, doesn't mean they're unable to. It's not like any of them stopped playing music or in 2 weeks time, can't figure out songs they haven't played since then. Even Axl would have to relearn a fair amount of it.

I am not denying they could play together (of course they could), I was just curious as to why you think they'd still have chemistry.

Have you heard the new Van Halen album?

When you have chemistry like that with someone, you don't lose it. It's like riding an old bike that just comes back to you. 28 years in between albums and they still kick as much ass today as back in the day.

Lock Axl/Slash/Izzy/Duff in a room together and the music that would come out would be amazing.

Hell look at Izzy/Slash on Ghost from his album. Totally had that sound they had, and they hadn't done anything together in 7-8 years.

Slash's guitar sound was/is the best compliment to Axl's voice (and vise versa) that he has ever had. No amount of time is going to change that.

Definately not true in all cases ie:David Gilmour and Roger Waters,semi-buried the hatchet but I hear no chemistry,only a group of nostalgic fans singing the praises of this.

Another candidate for the myth-pile,Chemistry doesn't last forever,nor does love,the check really isn't "in the mail".

All this from a single tweet? Drama team working overtime here.

It took a lot for Roger and David to be in the same room together, but once they were, they were able to work. Gilmour had reached out to Roger in 94 to do Dark Side live and he refused to. Roger said it's up to David if Pink Floyd was to perform live again, but I think with Rick gone and at their age, that time passed. I always thought they should've done a series of shows just to get Dark Side, Wish You Were Here, and Animals down for posterity, because they never recorded the 75 and 77 tours.

Chemistry on stage and in the studio has nothing to do with friendship as much as a shared goal, whether it's to become the biggest band in the world, or the challenge to see if you can still write new songs and do it well. I didn't think Tyler and Perry were ever going to work together again, but Aerosmith recorded a bunch of songs, and I'm hoping that fire they have to create will make a "back to Rocks" type album that a lot of people have been waiting to hear. Feuds can happen, but some bands just pull their shit together better than others. Even if Joe tried to make Aerosmith happen without Steve, keep in mind he walked years ago and Tyler would've just brought that to court. He showed up at Joe's solo show to make it known Aerosmith will always have Tyler at the front and no matter how sick he gets, that'll always be.

It's possible Steve and Joe completely stopped talking to each other for years, and only recently started being able to talk again. That might have been why we haven't seen new music in a long time.

Hopefully Aerosmith takes part in the Stones 50th. They've never played together.

Nice Commentary! Have you considered writing professionally Dalsh? You have a firm grasp on facts,and a great knowledge about rock,from what I've perused here,the world would benefit from some responsible,nonbiased journalism,instead of the sensationalists,and bitter pricks that are spewing garbage as we speak.

You are spot on regarding Aerosmith,I did a serious cringe when S.T. agreed to be a regular on American Idol,I detest that show with a Passion,and all the "instant talent" it spawns,just my opinion.

Thanks, appreciate it, maybe.

Tyler does a lot of stuff to make people cringe... the famous "leer" and all that. But I don't think that show really has much affect on what he does with Aerosmith. He wanted to do something apart from the band, and they offered him a lot of money to do it. But the down side in it is having to tell a kid they're not going to go to the next level and watch their hopes and dreams sink. He's had rejection plenty of times, plus Aerosmith was washed up in the early 80s.

But I do think when the band still has everyone around, and they're still playing, if they were to go in a room, put differences aside, and just get down to creating new music, it would take off like a rocket, or completely fall apart.

That's just my opinion on A.I.,and shows of that ilk,I think of all the Rockers that wouldn't have made the cut on that show,and hate the "instant icon" idea it plants in people's heads.

It totally depends on the individuals involved as to whether it could "click" again,or whether it even should be attempted,but I grew up listening to Aerosmith,I can't say I'm enthusiastic about ST's involvement with AI but that's my issue,nobody elses.

IMO,Gun's were imploding long before the big explosion,that was the aftershock effect of issues that had been building for years.

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Other sign that show Slash is a better person than Axl Rose. Better musician, Better Artist and better person.

Yeah, when I think of "better" people, I immediately think of drug addicts. They always tend to treat those around themselves well. :rolleyes:

cancer: something evil or malignant that spreads destructively. (i.e. the cancer of hidden resentment)

Slash proved over and over throughout the years the term fits.

Edited by Axl4Prez2004
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All I know is Axl is cancer free. No need to go and get cancer again.

People who want Axl to hire Slash again have obviously had no personal experience with cancer. It's devastating. I wouldn't wish it on my own worst enemy.

Normal people who have had personal experience with cancer wouldn't use it is a derogatory term to describe other human beings.

Especially to describe people they don't even personally know.

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All I know is Axl is cancer free. No need to go and get cancer again.

People who want Axl to hire Slash again have obviously had no personal experience with cancer. It's devastating. I wouldn't wish it on my own worst enemy.

Normal people who have had personal experience with cancer wouldn't use it is a derogatory term to describe other human beings.

Especially to describe people they don't even personally know.

I can't even tell you how many times I've heard sportswriters and broadcasters describe a particular athlete in a team sport, like Terrell Owens, as a "locker-room cancer" or "clubhouse cancer". Maybe that's made me more insensitive to the term, but I understand the metaphor there and really don't think it is in any way making light of the disease of cancer.


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Guest NewGNRnOldGNR

Slash extended wishes to Axl on his 50th, cool, but this isn't anything new. Slash has tried attempting to reconcile with Axl for, well, a decade at least.

The fact is until Axl openly declares a current affection for Slash we can assume the situation of division remains the same.

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Slash extended wishes to Axl on his 50th, cool, but this isn't anything new. Slash has tried attempting to reconcile with Axl for, well, a decade at least.

The fact is until Axl openly declares a current affection for Slash we can assume the situation of division remains the same.

..and to add to that: What would you know anyway ?

Pure speculation, on your part.

Edited by vaida
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Guest NewGNRnOldGNR

..and to add to that: What would you know anyway ?

I know that Slash turned up at Axl's residence in LA drunk & received no response. I also know that Axl has never declared an end to the feud. Those are both established facts no?

There is the chance both have privately reconciled; but until that becomes an open fact there is nothing concrete to suggest Axl & Slash are back on terms of toleration.

Slash's public attempts at diluting Axl's hatred don't mean anything so far as actual reconciliation of the two, as again, it isn't a recent & new thing.

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Well vaida (and the rest of us as well lol) what would you know though, none of us really knows.

To the fool who said that Axl needs a reunion/Slash, umm, yeah if he wants to suck up to a bunch of "pseudo" fans begging for them to like/respect him. At the tend of the day let him do what he and the reast of the band past present, and maybe future lol, do whatever they want to do, not as if we're able to stop them anyhow.

Well some complain about this thread (righfully so lol) but just look at the other threads or blogs over the past few days who "claim" to wish Axl happy birthday, all they do is just make the usual potshots and/or have other responders bring/drudge up old stuff about him as "this or that" now I know they don't do that on anyone else's birthday that was/is in the band so I mean REALLY on a man's birthday, just too ignorant; and yeah to the other ones who got mad at Axl calling him a cancer but of course no one says anything when the media just ran loose with the word when describing athletes such as T.O. Now it's not the issue whether you agree or not just the hypocrisy on so many levels.

"Yeah but Axl split viewpoints from the start, he's who he is and doesn't become a chameleon for different environments."

This ftw I may not agree with the guy all the time about much, but he is consistent in his beliefs and vision I guess. Ces't la vie, and yeah they if they lock this thread then I wouldn't cry about it lol!

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All I know is Axl is cancer free. No need to go and get cancer again.

People who want Axl to hire Slash again have obviously had no personal experience with cancer. It's devastating. I wouldn't wish it on my own worst enemy.

Normal people who have had personal experience with cancer wouldn't use it is a derogatory term to describe other human beings.

Especially to describe people they don't even personally know.

I can't even tell you how many times I've heard sportswriters and broadcasters describe a particular athlete in a team sport, like Terrell Owens, as a "locker-room cancer" or "clubhouse cancer". Maybe that's made me more insensitive to the term, but I understand the metaphor there and really don't think it is in any way making light of the disease of cancer.


It is not only just the term "cancer" (although I still find coolranch and iftheworld's use of it very distasteful) but its just assuming motives behind a person's actions and attacking said person on such a level only the people who know them personally could be truly capable of knowing and be able to feel so strongly about.

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do people really thing Slash is wishing Axl happy birthday because he wants to reconcile and get in GNR again?

the way i see it, Slash doesn't even care about the feud anymore, he can name Axl without feeling remorse, if anything he might as well feel sympathy.. let's face it, GNR are stuck, doing a 10 year old tour, Axl signing abilities are always questioned, creative abilities? dude only released a cd in what 15 years?

With Slash being as active as he is, why on earth would he like to go back to have his carrer in a "almost suspended state" at this and age....

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