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GNR facebook rant


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via GNR facebook.

Seriously sick and tired of all the crap that lingers on and on and on. Low-life e-bayers who slime around shows begging for autographs to sling merch, prob knock-offs, rippin off fans. Lazy-ass bloggers and so called writers, media horrors (being nice here) that cut and paste other idiot's crap like 2nd graders misleading people and misrepresenting. Lethargic whiny lil bitches who will probably never ever get it cause their heads are decades into the last century and buried up someone's ass. Luckily, for sanity's sake, there are good people who have a life and put in an honest day's work (or in this case night's). We found this review and obviously like it but more importantly respect it and what it represents. Go ahead share this and follow these guys cause they seem to get it. Thanks to ARTISTdirect and @RickFlorino for keepin it real. http://bit.ly/zVfqlX

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I get the e-bayers, I get the media hate....but I really can't stand the reviews that guy writes...he's basically taking 'cool' expressions and a bunch of epithets from a fucking thesaurus and then just machine gunning them on his computer screen...the reviews feature very little author perspective...I know nothing about his experience, which what I think a review should be about...the people on this forum write better reviews...you can really feel that they were there and how they felt about the songs and the show....this review is written in a chick-magazine type of literary style, where everything is so polished and artificial that it makes me cringe...I have nothing against the message of the review, because I fucking love this band and I'll stand by the live shows, they're amazing...but posting reviews like that makes it look like they only like the most obvious ass kissers...however, that's just my opinion...there's plenty of people out there who write great reviews about the shows, even on this board...why go with this guy?

i just re-read it...quoting: Their songs balance sex and violence like the greatest Shakespearian drama performed on a train about to derail at 200 miles per hour—with Axl Rose as the poet laureate and pilot of course.

what the fuck is that supposed to mean? I highly doubt that that guy sleeps with 'King Lear' on his night stand...

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Fucking low life needs to shut up. If Axl can't stand the people that asks for an autograph he better lock himself up in his mansion. Redhead seriously needs to realise that he is nothing without his fans. You gave some, you win some.

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I get the e-bayers, I get the media hate....but I really can't stand the reviews that guy writes...he's basically taking 'cool' expressions and a bunch of epithets from a fucking thesaurus and then just machine gunning them on his computer screen...the reviews feature very little author perspective...I know nothing about his experience, which what I think a review should be about...the people on this forum write better reviews...you can really feel that they were there and how they felt about the songs and the show....this review is written in a chick-magazine type of literary style, where everything is so polished and artificial that it makes me cringe...I have nothing against the message of the review, because I fucking love this band and I'll stand by the live shows, they're amazing...but posting reviews like that makes it look like they only like the most obvious ass kissers...however, that's just my opinion...there's plenty of people out there who write great reviews about the shows, even on this board...why go with this guy?

i just re-read it...quoting: Their songs balance sex and violence like the greatest Shakespearian drama performed on a train about to derail at 200 miles per hour—with Axl Rose as the poet laureate and pilot of course.

what the fuck is that supposed to mean? I highly doubt that that guy sleeps with 'King Lear' on his night stand...

Yes I totally agree that the people on this forum who go to the shows actually write their reviews with such passion you almost feel you are living their experience through them.

I wonder if any of the powers that be in Guns read them, they don't get published of course but maybe it would be nice if they acknowledged gratitude as it's these reviews that make other fans go to the show - some who were on the brink of whether to go or not simply bought tickets after reading someone else's perspective.

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Whoever wrote that needs to grow a set of nuts, man up... Childish rant..

Sounds very similar to a previous rant on here aimed at a moderator, yet I don't imagine this was written by a member of the band. :question: Same type of wording though, or is it my imagination? :huh:

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Whoever wrote that needs to grow a set of nuts, man up... Childish rant..

Sounds very similar to a previous rant on here aimed at a moderator, yet I don't imagine this was written by a member of the band. :question: Same type of wording though, or is it my imagination? :huh:

I believe it's Fernando, trying to sound cool, talking like Axl. Just my opinion though.

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This doesn't look professional for the band... These guys are in there 40's/50's and shit like this shouldn't be put out there, there not in there 20's when shit like this was cool. I don't want to speak for the members but I'm sure most wouldn't agree with how it was handled. would be interesting to see who is behind the monitor for this one. I do agree there are some stupid shit reviews of shows out there but let's be honest the review GNR FB just put up here is pathetic. Love this band but come on wtf is this shit, grow up

Edited by bumblerose
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Fucking low life needs to shut up. If Axl can't stand the people that asks for an autograph he better lock himself up in his mansion. Redhead seriously needs to realise that he is nothing without his fans. You gave some, you win some.

he's not talking about fans retard

Thats right - this person is referring to the arseholes that target Axl to sign stuff to sell on Ebay. Like I just wrote - Axl could just fire a few questions at them to see if they are genuine fans - if they fail to answer then refuse them.

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Fucking low life needs to shut up. If Axl can't stand the people that asks for an autograph he better lock himself up in his mansion. Redhead seriously needs to realise that he is nothing without his fans. You gave some, you win some.

he's not talking about fans retard

Fuck off poser. A fan can also ask for an autograph and sell it on ebay.

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Easy answer to the Ebay Scum problem - Ebay Scumbag "Axl can i get you to sign this guitar ?". Axl " What's your favourite song off Chinese Democracy and which song do we end our live gigs with?". Ebay Scumbag " :( ??? ".

If I heard correctly he said he couldn't believe some of the stuff he was signing but he could have been surprised with what people had given him more than the amount of stuff.

Great idea, have people line up rather than all pushing & screeching at him & have Fernando/Beta asking questions about lyrics, songs etc to see who is genuine & who is ebaying. Also don't sign multiple items,

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Fucking low life needs to shut up. If Axl can't stand the people that asks for an autograph he better lock himself up in his mansion. Redhead seriously needs to realise that he is nothing without his fans. You gave some, you win some.

he's not talking about fans retard

Fuck off poser. A fan can also ask for an autograph and sell it on ebay.

True Droezle that fans can sell an autograph on ebay but most fans will only get one autograph & treasure it rather than part with it. Ebayers are handing over multiple copies of stuff for signing.

I don't think Axl minds signing as such, he seems to be courteous to people who ask & even puts their name on it if he isn't rushed. Its the pushing, shoving & yelling his name constantly that seems to get to him.

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If the fans and other people are free to express their opinions, their anger, their bullshit, their stupid agendas, their good feelings and their bad feelings...etc, why can´t the gnr camp do it as well?. I seriously don´t understand why all the hate and the bashing for this little facebook rant.

And to whoever suggested that Axl should ask stuff to people when signing autographs...please, don´t be ridiculous. The guy signs lots of autographs and meets lots of people and he can´t be playing detectives to find out who is a fan and who isn´t :rolleyes:

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Easy answer to the Ebay Scum problem - Ebay Scumbag "Axl can i get you to sign this guitar ?". Axl " What's your favourite song off Chinese Democracy and which song do we end our live gigs with?". Ebay Scumbag " :( ??? ".

Ive fixed your post for you

Ebay Scumbag "Axl can i get you to sign this guitar ?".

Axl " What's your favourite song off Chinese Democracy and which song do we end our live gigs with?".

Ebay Scumbag "Sorry I dont have a favorite of Chinese Democracy. I prefer the old stuff. And I havent been to a gig cos its not really the same without Slash and the rest of the guys. Whoa hold up, keep back keep back, put the guitar down man OUCH. Fuck he's biting me, HE FUCKING BIT ME!!!

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Easy answer to the Ebay Scum problem - Ebay Scumbag "Axl can i get you to sign this guitar ?". Axl " What's your favourite song off Chinese Democracy and which song do we end our live gigs with?". Ebay Scumbag " :( ??? ".

Ive fixed your post for you

Ebay Scumbag "Axl can i get you to sign this guitar ?".

Axl " What's your favourite song off Chinese Democracy and which song do we end our live gigs with?".

Ebay Scumbag "Sorry I dont have a favorite of Chinese Democracy. I prefer the old stuff. And I havent been to a gig cos its not really the same without Slash and the rest of the guys. Whoa hold up, keep back keep back, put the guitar down man OUCH. Fuck he's biting me, HE FUCKING BIT ME!!!


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I wasn't bother at all by the facebook post. I can see why it gets to him and probably the rest of the band. Original GNR started when they were young - they had problems. Just like many who marry young - you go in different directions and can't make it work anymore between you. The current GNR band has been together for awhile. I would think if Axl was "so difficult" he would not be able to hold a band together for any length of time. He has been the one member of GNR to hold a consistent band together. But it has to get on your nerves when you try and try to move on and people won't let you. Imagine if you had a company and then started a new company and all you wanted to do was build your new company and move on and all your clients consistently talked about your old company. It would get on your nerves. Come on people - think about it. If Axl was in it for ONLY the money - he would do a reunion and go on for a half hour sing a few hits and leave. But he is not doing that - he is working his ass off performing 3 hour shows night after night. Axl is Axl and he isn't going to change - you either love him or hate him. But it is what it is. I think he is a great performer. I have seen GNR several times - both the original and the new band. I loved the original band and I love the new band. I don't care if they are performing the same set list - it is just great seeing it live. All who complain about the set list - have they ever been to other shows. I have gone to duplicate shows of the same band and they always play the same songs. Heck some of lead singers say the EXACT same thing at the SAME time night after night. That is what most bands do! GNR is not different. And the vocal thing - again many bands I have gone to that I see several times in a row - the lead singer will have a great night and the next night he will be having some vocal problems. It has to be a strain on your vocals to sing night after night - especially when it is for 3 hours. Axl is NOT the only lead singer who has good and bad nights with his vocals. At least he goes out there and gives all he can. Would I love new songs - yeah of course I would but I am happy to see the band out there performing. Yet I am even sick of reading reviews that continuing reference the old band - enough. I work in sports and I know many athletes who structure autograph signing because they are so pissed off with the ebay people. So it is not just Axl who is annoyed with it. GNR camp is just the only ones with balls to actually put it out there.

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