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Axl Rose not attending HOF


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LOL people on these forums are so delusional

A month from now, nobody other than a handful of bitter fucks in the online community will care about Axl not showing up at this event

Virtually nobody in "real life" cares about the RRHOF

Yup. Well said. Anyone on board prior to this letter won't stop being a fan now.

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What does it represent? What did you or anyone else learn about Axl and his thoughts on Slash/a reunion that weren't already abundantly clear?

This literally changes nothing. By next week the general public and casual fan will not care about this. It's a non-story.

All the "heroes" thinking they're going to take a stand and make a statement by not supporting Axl anymore because he didn't attend an awards ceremony represent a tiny, tiny fraction of the fanbase. And let's be honest, the vast majority of them had already made up their mind about where they stood in regards to Axl and the new lineup anyway.

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..as I thought. As I wrote in a previous thread:

Axl can't possibly show up. Would you want to walk on stage and appear with 4 former band members who got you to where you are, knowing the kind of stunts you pulled to own the name etc etc etc.

My guess is, Axl will either ignore the whole thing, because he is too busy touring, or he just might do a live video link, because that's a safe thing to do, and would suite him better.

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And let's be honest, the vast majority of them had already made up their mind about where they stood in regards to Axl and the new lineup anyway.

This is correct.

Guns N' Roses with the HOF line-up were the biggest band in the world and sold out arenas everywhere, in every country (often on multiple nights in same city).

Axl N' Roses is not at that level.

The people clearly have spoken about their preference on the GNR line-up issue.

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What does it represent? What did you or anyone else learn about Axl and his thoughts on Slash/a reunion that weren't already abundantly clear?

This literally changes nothing. By next week the general public and casual fan will not care about this. It's a non-story.

All the "heroes" thinking they're going to take a stand and make a statement by not supporting Axl anymore because he didn't attend an awards ceremony represent a tiny, tiny fraction of the fanbase. And let's be honest, the vast majority of them had already made up their mind about where they stood in regards to Axl and the new lineup anyway.

Exactly. It isn't going to effect the band or these forums if this small minority stops supporting them.

The funny thing is that all of these people promising to be done actually won't be. They've been bitching for far too long to quit now.

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Note all the usual proclamations of doom. It's laughable at this point.

If the search feature were working, I could go through this forum and dig up hundreds, no... THOUSANDS of identical posts to the ones in this thread. It's the same shit every time. Every godamned time. There's always some imminent collapse or failure according to the whiners. And then it doesn't happen. And so they wait for people to forget so they can launch their next campaign of bitching and moaning.

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What does it represent? What did you or anyone else learn about Axl and his thoughts on Slash/a reunion that weren't already abundantly clear?

This literally changes nothing. By next week the general public and casual fan will not care about this. It's a non-story.

All the "heroes" thinking they're going to take a stand and make a statement by not supporting Axl anymore because he didn't attend an awards ceremony represent a tiny, tiny fraction of the fanbase. And let's be honest, the vast majority of them had already made up their mind about where they stood in regards to Axl and the new lineup anyway.

Exactly. It isn't going to effect the band or these forums if this small minority stops supporting them.

The funny thing is that all of these people promising to be done actually won't be. They've been bitching for far too long to quit now.

yeah they "are done" but will manage to bitch piss and moan for another 20 years or so

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The biggest problem is when you hold that much anger for someone, it's stops you from living life and doing the things you like to do and should be doing. If you hold a ball under water it will take both of your hands to do it. The problem is now all your energy is being used up to hold the ball under the water, now you can't swim. Let the fuck go of the hate and swim away. This is not very healthy to harbor this shit for ever. At some point you die and fine out you wasted half of your life. Talk to someone that can help, so you can get this shit of your back and start to breath again.

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What does it represent? What did you or anyone else learn about Axl and his thoughts on Slash/a reunion that weren't already abundantly clear?

This literally changes nothing. By next week the general public and casual fan will not care about this. It's a non-story.

All the "heroes" thinking they're going to take a stand and make a statement by not supporting Axl anymore because he didn't attend an awards ceremony represent a tiny, tiny fraction of the fanbase. And let's be honest, the vast majority of them had already made up their mind about where they stood in regards to Axl and the new lineup anyway.

It's called stating an opinion. Nobody's trying to be a "hero". Are you trying to "be cool" and go with what Axl says in hopes that he might think you're cool and give you his approval sealed with a big thanks?

And sure, "let's be honest" here.... This isn't 1993 anymore. The fanbase isn't what it used to be. I've seen footage of this band playing to half filled arena's so don't talk like we're still in the peak of all this. That ended years and years ago pal.

We make ourselves like this band whether we openly admit it or not. Atleast most of us do anyway. You know the feeling..... We've all played CD around other non hardcore fans and got the "what the hell is that shit" reaction. Don't kid yourself any longer. We've been hanging on to a has-been for a while and now this is just another reason to go ahead and let it go.

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The biggest problem is when you hold that much anger for someone, it's stops you from living life and doing the things you like to do and should be doing. If you hold a ball under water it will take both of your hands to do it. The problem is now all your energy is being used up to hold the ball under the water, now you can't swim. Let the fuck go of the hate and swim away. This is not very healthy to harbor this shit for ever. At some point you die and fine out you wasted half of your life. Talk to someone that can help, so you can get this shit of your back and start to breath again.


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The biggest problem is when you hold that much anger for someone, it's stops you from living life and doing the things you like to do and should be doing. If you hold a ball under water it will take both of your hands to do it. The problem is now all your energy is being used up to hold the ball under the water, now you can't swim. Let the fuck go of the hate and swim away. This is not very healthy to harbor this shit for ever. At some point you die and fine out you wasted half of your life. Talk to someone that can help, so you can get this shit of your back and start to breath again.

Are you talking to Axl or the reunionists that have blamed him for everything for 20 years?

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The biggest problem is when you hold that much anger for someone, it's stops you from living life and doing the things you like to do and should be doing. If you hold a ball under water it will take both of your hands to do it. The problem is now all your energy is being used up to hold the ball under the water, now you can't swim. Let the fuck go of the hate and swim away. This is not very healthy to harbor this shit for ever. At some point you die and fine out you wasted half of your life. Talk to someone that can help, so you can get this shit of your back and start to breath again.

seems like axl is living a good life right now he probably did this so he could keep doing so :shrugs:

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24 years I've been obsessed with GNR and I have to say I am truly gutted with what has happened to my favourite band

Never seen another band that had it all like that, the music, the imagery, the rags to riches tale. Been a constant thing in my life since I was 8. Obsessed

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The biggest problem is when you hold that much anger for someone, it's stops you from living life and doing the things you like to do and should be doing. If you hold a ball under water it will take both of your hands to do it. The problem is now all your energy is being used up to hold the ball under the water, now you can't swim. Let the fuck go of the hate and swim away. This is not very healthy to harbor this shit for ever. At some point you die and fine out you wasted half of your life. Talk to someone that can help, so you can get this shit of your back and start to breath again.

Are you talking to Axl or the reunionists that have blamed him for everything for 20 years?

You can't be serious.

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The biggest problem is when you hold that much anger for someone, it's stops you from living life and doing the things you like to do and should be doing. If you hold a ball under water it will take both of your hands to do it. The problem is now all your energy is being used up to hold the ball under the water, now you can't swim. Let the fuck go of the hate and swim away. This is not very healthy to harbor this shit for ever. At some point you die and fine out you wasted half of your life. Talk to someone that can help, so you can get this shit of your back and start to breath again.

It is the GNR name, and not Slash, that is at the center of all of his problems.

If he walked away from that and started something fresh without the baggage the way the rest of the band did after the break-up, his life would be much easier and more stress free. Everything wouldn't be a fight, he wouldn't be having all his courtroom issues, and people would probably respect him alot more for trying to blaze his own trail.

Look at how liberating Slash's solo stuff has been for him.

If Axl had half a brain, and wasn't so worried about how it would impact his ticket sales and income, he would do the same.

At some point it is time to cut bait, and the GNR name has turned into nothing but a black cloud for him that brings nothing but misery.

I suspect if it didn't pay so well, he would have walked away from it years ago as it is not worth the hassle it brings him.

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The biggest problem is when you hold that much anger for someone, it's stops you from living life and doing the things you like to do and should be doing. If you hold a ball under water it will take both of your hands to do it. The problem is now all your energy is being used up to hold the ball under the water, now you can't swim. Let the fuck go of the hate and swim away. This is not very healthy to harbor this shit for ever. At some point you die and fine out you wasted half of your life. Talk to someone that can help, so you can get this shit of your back and start to breath again.

Are you talking to Axl or the reunionists that have blamed him for everything for 20 years?

You can't be serious.

You act like there's a difference.

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The biggest problem is when you hold that much anger for someone, it's stops you from living life and doing the things you like to do and should be doing. If you hold a ball under water it will take both of your hands to do it. The problem is now all your energy is being used up to hold the ball under the water, now you can't swim. Let the fuck go of the hate and swim away. This is not very healthy to harbor this shit for ever. At some point you die and fine out you wasted half of your life. Talk to someone that can help, so you can get this shit of your back and start to breath again.

It is the GNR name, and not Slash, that is at the center of all of his problems.

If he walked away from that and started something fresh without the baggage the way the rest of the band did after the break-up, his life would be much easier and more stress free. Everything wouldn't be a fight, he wouldn't be having all his courtroom issues, and people would probably respect him alot more for trying to blaze his own trail.

Look at how liberating Slash's solo stuff has been for him.

If Axl had half a brain, and wasn't so worried about how it would impact his ticket sales and income, he would do the same.

At some point it is time to cut bait, and the GNR name has turned into nothing but a black cloud for him that brings nothing but misery.

I suspect if it didn't pay so well, he would have walked away from it years ago as it is not worth the hassle it brings him.

if he was worried about money and ticket sales he would have reunited by now

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it's funny when those "whiners" are called obssessed and told to get a life. guys, don't worry, i'm sure all the "whiners" have an ok life. they sure won't post about their frustration with work, family, other bands on a gnr thread. so if these fans can't talk about they don't like about gnr on a gnr forum, hell, i don't know where they can.

i won't post here about how i wish nin would release the limited edition of 'the fragile', got it? and i believe that's the right thing to do.

i love chinese democracy, i'm not a hater. but axl really pisses me off with his arrogance and the bullshit he speaks, always trying to be the victim.

if people like me can't post about it here. well, be happy in your HTGTH 2.0.

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He has talked just as much shit. They've all done stupid shit, the difference is the others would admit to it and say 'yeah we made mistakes' if you talked to them. Axl never did anything wrong ever, in his mind

Then leave. And stop whining.

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‘I strongly request that I not be inducted in absentia and please know that no one is authorized nor may anyone be permitted to accept any induction for me or speak on my behalf. Neither former members, label representatives nor the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame should imply whether directly, indirectly or by omission that I am included in any purported induction of "Guns N' Roses".’

By inducting Guns N’Roses doesn’t that automatically include Axl Rose weather he likes it or not ? - maybe Axl is lining up yet another legal battle.

‘..current lineup of myself, Dizzy Reed, Tommy Stinson, Frank Ferrer, Richard Fortus, Chris Pitman, Ron "Bumblefoot" Thal and DJ Ashba.’

So its official. Drummer Brain / Brian is out.

‘I wish the Hall a great show, congratulations to all the other artists being inducted..’

Hmm.. Lol! - There’s a sense that’s Axl’s still doing all he can to control. The last thing he wants is the real Guns N’Roses getting up on stage and collecting an award for their achievements, all the while Axl and his hired hands are on the road performing the real Guns N’Roses music. What a situation. A situation with no end in sight anytime soon.

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