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"Axl Rose is an asshole," "Do not know how Axl fans can have", "Axl destroyed the name Guns N 'Roses" ... Among all these phases spoken by some people, the most intriguing of them and also pretty much sums up all these questions is: "Why Axl can not act like a normal person?" And the answer is very simple: Simply because he is not a normal person. And this is not something that I, a fan, I'm saying to try to increase my idol and try to put him above other artists. Axl Rose was in the 90 clinically diagnosed as bipolar.


Of course, for the layman, bipolar sounds just like a nicer name for mood change, and appears to be just an excuse to be stupid, putting the blame on the disease. However, the true scientific name of this condition is not so friendly ... Manic depressive. That's what Axl Rose suffers, and explains many of the actions of the musician that normal people have difficulty understanding.

You must understand that Axl Rose is the definition of crazy. Most people when they say he's crazy, he says in jest, but the fact is that he is indeed crazy ... Manic psychosis to be exact. In past centuries, Axl Rose would have been interned in asylums, where the waves of depression or magnitude / mania would not affect anyone but himself. Luckily for those who suffer from this disease, there are treatments for some decades the basis of Lithium that inhibit these waves, so that the person can live normally. But for the unlucky fans, Axl refused to either start their treatment. We will then understand more of the disease and how it has affected Axl Rose.

The ADEB (Association for the Support of Patients Depressive and Bipolar) defines the Manic-Depressive Illness as a psychiatric disorder characterized by sharp changes of mood, with repeated bouts of depression and mania. Either of the two types may predominate in Crisis same person being its frequency varies considerably. The crises can be severe, moderate or mild.

The mood swings, one way or another have an important effect on feelings, emotions, ideas and behavior of the person with a significant loss of health and independent personality.

The ADEB also defines the two stages of the disease, describing its main symptoms:

The main symptom of mania is a state of elevated mood, expansive, euphoric or irritable. In the early stages of the crisis the person may feel more cheerful, sociable, active, talkative, self-confident, intelligent and creative. With the progressive elevation of mood and mental acceleration can arise some or all of the following symptoms:

- Extreme irritability; person becomes demanding and angry when others do not heed their wishes and desires;

I'm sure that no music fan has the slightest difficulty in associating Axl with this symptom. Most people call him spoiled, whiny baby, diva ... And even though I agree that these adjectives apply, it is apparent that it is more a symptom of the disease. In St. Louis, in 1991, Axl demanded security from the show to remove a person from the audience. As his wish was not granted, he became angry and one hour for another man jumped on to punch him. More recently still, in 2010, Axl was told during the show Reading that case delayed the band's sound would be cut. But Axl can not be defeated ... By having the sound cut off, the show continued with a megaphone and guitars. Not that his attitude was not amazing, but it's just more proof that he does not accept to be contradicted. And when it is, closes the face, as in show of Guns N 'Roses in Dublin in 2010, when he was legally obligated to finish the show, despite his intention to leave the stage after being bombarded by bottles and glasses due to delay of the band.

- Sudden and unpredictable emotional changes;

There are countless cases where a band was playing and just like that, Axl Rose left the stage and occasionally not returned. Who was at Rock in Rio in 2011 or saw the show on TV can see clearly how Axl Rose started the show humorous and so continued till the middle of it, when suddenly frowned and said nothing more during the entire show.

- Excessive reaction to stimuli, interpretation of events wrong, irritation with little things, leading to banal comments;

During the Rock in Rio in 2001, Axl see during It's So Easy a man in the audience with a shirt Slash. Begins to show the middle finger to him during one of the verses, and when the soil begins, ask Mr. Security to withdraw the poor guy and give him the damn shirt. Exaggerated? The same goes for Leeds in 2002, when one of the fans asked "Where's Slash" - in analogy to the "Where's Izzy?" 1991 - Axl and said on the tin "It's in my ass! Go home, loser. "Or even in São Paulo in 2010 when Axl embore literally threatened to leave the show and 40 thousand people show without having been hit by a glass of water. Really, all these events would be uncomfortable for anyone, but, consistent with the symptom, there is a reaction and excessive irritation with little things by Axl.

- Increased interest in various activities, overspending, debt offerings and exaggerated;

This aspect of the manic phase of Axl is well visible. His plans for the Guns N 'Roses Chinese Democracy Album were astronomical ... triple, $ 14 million, beloved video clips (Axl tells in his letter in the art of alternative Chinese Democracy his trip to China, and there are rumors that it was up to Shangrila, looking for locations to shoot a clip Catcher In The Rye). Tom Zutaut, famous businessman from Guns N 'Roses in the 80s, said that in 2002 he heard - gasp - 70 demos recorded for Chinese Democracy. 70! In 2002!

- Greatness, increased self-esteem. The person may feel better and more powerful than any people;

Even the most fanatical fans of Axl has to admit that at times he acts like he was putting himself above the others.

- Excessive Energy, enabling uninterrupted hyperactivity;

Axl certainly record their demos - 70!? - In waves of hyperactivity before sinking in a wave of depression, being unproductive for weeks. A critic from Rolling Stone, when making his - excellent - criticism of Chinese Democracy, said he was fascinated with Axl Rose's vocal music Sorry. He said the versatility of vocal, which went 8-80 in seconds it was fantastic. He said the beauty of Axl and Chinese Democracy is that probably at some bar in Los Angeles or somewhere lost in HD musician's house in Malibu, and who say there are hundreds maybe thousands of different recordings of Axl singing "But I do not want to do it "in different ways, and that he probably chose that distinctive form that was after listening to the album and test each one over and over again. I do not doubt.

- Inability to recognize the disease, tendency to refuse treatment and to blame others for what goes wrong;

See what Axl said in an interview about the disease in the 90s: Then suddenly I'm diagnosed manic depressive. 'Let remedies Axl.' Well, these remedies do not help me deal with stress. The only help is that people go out of my foot, because they realize that I'm medicated. "

- Abuse of alcohol and substances.

Needless comment ...

These are the main symptoms of the manic phase of the disease, and relate to the desires of Axl to make the Guns N 'Roses a huge phenomenon, with multiple albums, touring massive. At the beginning of the last decade it was more visible. Certainly when Axl said at Rock in Rio in 2001 they would be back next summer with new songs, he was telling the truth. Certainly he had the urge to release their new album, had confidence in the new band, and marked a grand tour around the world, but suddenly everything went downhill with no explanation. In 2002, the same thing: the album promises, trust, until the VMA appearance, but not Axl suddenly rises to the stage at a concert in Philadelphia and then the whole world tour is canceled, and he is not seen for over 4 years . Again no explanation. Or is there an explanation?

The depression phase and the manic phase, may come suddenly, without warning ... A person's self-esteem drops immensely, she feels helpless and powerless, and this relates strongly with the sudden cancellations of concerts and tours. As the waves of euphoria relate to the manic phase. In 2010 Axl posted on his Twitter that all future shows Guns N 'Roses were canceled. In 2011 he published in MyGNR Forum in 2012 that would launch a new album by Guns N 'Roses. In both cases, the staff of Guns N 'Roses Axl said he hacked off - twice?! But in my humble opinion, both the case of the sudden cancellation of the tour in 2010 - and in 2001 and 2002 - as the case of sudden announcement in 2011 of the album works are waves of depression and mania, respectively, arriving unannounced out of nowhere. Axl, extremely depressed or extremely optimistic, certainly made these announcements without consulting entrepreneurs, which led them to take drastic measures later to fix these errors.

Let us now turn to the definition phase of depression made by ADEB and analyzed their symptoms: The main symptom is a mood of sadness and despair. Depending on the severity of depression, may feel some or many of the following symptoms:

- Preoccupation with failures or disability and loss of self-esteem. You can stay up obsessed with negative thoughts, unable to drive them away; Feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness, and excessive guilt;

Again, I see this with respect to cancellation of the tour, canceled the releases of albums etc.

- Loss of interest in work, hobbies and by the people, including family members and friends;

This is just a guess, but despite making sure Axl has its waves of hyperactivity when passing his years locked up at home, certainly spends days doing nothing.

- Changes in appetite and weight;

Needless comment too, right?

- Excessive use of alcohol or other substances;

Same as above.

- Loss of sense of reality, of time;

Many fans joke that Axl lives in his world and time. The fact is that he actually lives.

The ADEB concludes by saying that the notion of mental illness in public opinion is generally very confusing and somewhat correct. There is a tendency to adversely consider people suffering from psychiatric illness and often the idea that mental disorders are qualitatively different from other diseases. It is very common to think that there is a [mental illness] only ([mental illness]), attributing to people who have experienced crises, a negative prognosis of incurable, wrongly measured by cases of severe mental illness and chronic. Sometimes the medical diagnosis of various psychiatric illnesses is not done in time, for various reasons, and this happens with some frequency in Bipolar Disorder.

The knowledge, even though simplified characteristics of Bipolar Disorder facilitates its recognition to themselves (the suffering) and others, providing greater help to many people who lack adequate medical treatment and a sympathetic human understanding.

Another site on medical illness characterized as follows:

The patient has periods of intense depression (which can lead to suicide), and periods of intense euphoria (mania), taking it almost always serious social unrest. Between these periods, the patient recovers all lucidity.

Until very recently known as manic depression, bipolar disease is characterized by periods of a depression, usually severe in intensity, alternating with periods of depression frames opposite, that is, the person presents euphoric, with many activities, sometimes making unnecessary financial expenses and higher, with feelings of omnipotence, often accompanied by insomnia and talking more than your usual. This condition is known as mania. Both the period of depression and the mania can last for weeks, months or years.

The person who presents the picture of mania shows an abnormally and persistently elevated, expansive, overly euphoric and joyful, sometimes with periods of irritability and outbursts of anger, in contrast to a period of normalcy before the disease manifests itself. Moreover, there is a great self-esteem (the person feeling powerful and capable of anything), with reduced need for sleep (sleeps little and the person feels rested).

Unlike the depressive phase, the patient does not feel sick manic, which can greatly complicate treatment.

In short, the vast majority of symptoms are visible on Axl: Some periods of lucidity alternating with periods of euphoria and depression that can last for years (was 8 years out of the spotlight in the 90s and 6 in the 2000s), feelings of grandeur with huge financial outlays, small things with great irritability and irrelevant, weight gain, among others that have already quoted above.

I'm no psychiatrist to diagnose anyone with an illness, even a disease as serious. But Axl has been tested in the 90's and this was their clinical condition. In an interview with Rolling Stone recently he said his mood swings have nothing to do with the disease, and that disease is just an excuse that people interested in taking some financial benefit found him to justify some of his actions. Psychiatrists disagree ...

In an episode of the tenth season of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, the daughter and the mother of one of the detectives are diagnosed with the disease. There is an interesting conversation that the two are in prison, where they say how they feel different from the rest of society, living in their world. The grandmother says that some days wakes up wanting to sleep for another 12 hours, and then gets in the room for days, but sometimes wake up with a sudden desire to go to Paris to learn to paint and also travel the world. She then recounts a time when she was forced to take medication Lithium Axl apparently refused to take ... She said she acted normal, no waves of euphoria or depression, but it felt empty, soulless, hollow. And he would rather live a life of ups and downs than having to spend again the sensation of treatment with lithium. She concludes by saying that he lived life as he wanted, and paid a terrible price for it.

Sort of like Axl. He does only what he wants. If I had continued with the old Guns N 'Roses they would currently one of the biggest bands on the planet, at a level that few have achieved. Had he realized his initial plans of Chinese Democracy, the band would certainly vastly larger and more respected. But he refused. And now pays the price. Not that he would call for it ...

Leave your opinion in the comments on the subject.

Written by Luke Surjus and originally published by Axl Rose - Fan Club


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and Axl never lies right?

I think he's sick and feel bad for him and I'd never make fun of him, if it got confirmed one day.

He COULD change his life, he has all the resources to treat whatever he has. Unfortunately, he hires vibe sniffers, his manager probably believes in unicorns. He was unlucky and very stupid to surround himself with this kind of people.

If he had treated his mental problems correctly, today we would have a very different Axl, maybe more motivaed, maybe taking care of his body... I don't know, at least he would be aware that this is it, his past lifes don't matter, his eternal life doesn't matter. He's sick but he's also very stupid.

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Axl said in the chats, that he was never diagnosed as being bi~polar.

Snap! Delete this thread please..

We all know Axl is good for his word.

Never said he didn't lie. But I'll take his word over an assumption, until I see something legit saying otherwise.

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Axl said in the chats, that he was never diagnosed as being bi~polar.

Snap! Delete this thread please..

We all know Axl is good for his word.

What's next eh?

If Axl comes here with the medical papers saying that he's not bipolar you fuckers gonna say its photoshoped right?

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well, watch the interview again, read any interview where he talks about his late starts, oxygen breaks, the break-up, new album.... is it possible to take him seriously? IN MY OPINION it isn't, in my opinion he is hiding the real stories and reasons, and to me, that's lying and acting cowardly. and that's what axl has been doing since original GNR broke up. that's just my opinion, unless i post some link or source my posts will always be opinions.

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I used to be convinced Axl was Bipolar as well, but i would have to imagine at some point he would have been involuntarily hospitalized during a manic phase. i would be next to impossible for him not to be as severe as mania can be. He would have to be incredibly adept at concealing his condition to make it 50 years without being diagnosed. Clearly his mood swings and erratic behavior are well-documented, but there's really no reason for him to lie about his mental health at this point. I'm not saying he's stable by any means, but I'm not a shrink.

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I'm Lucas Surjus, I wrote this article.

well, watch the interview again, read any interview where he talks about his late starts, oxygen breaks, the break-up, new album.... is it possible to take him seriously? IN MY OPINION it isn't, in my opinion he is hiding the real stories and reasons, and to me, that's lying and acting cowardly. and that's what axl has been doing since original GNR broke up. that's just my opinion, unless i post some link or source my posts will always be opinions.

Exactly. I'm kinda busy right now, but as soon as possible I'll elaborate more on this. For now I'll just post a piece of Scraped lyrics:

Sometimes I feel like
The world is on top of me
Breakin' me down with
An endless monotony

Sometimes I feel like
There's nothing that's stopping me
All things are possible
I am unstoppable


Sometimes I feel like
My life's a catastrophe
Can't understand why
It seem's like it has to be

Sometimes I feel like
It's all opened up for me
Nothing's impossible
I am inconquerable

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Didn't he supposedly check into a mental hospital after the 2002 tour ended?

2002 axl kind of screamed crazy.

Is there a source for that? He must have been to a rehab type facility at least once in his life, they all have. It's a rockstar right of passage!

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I'm Lucas Surjus, I wrote this article.

well, watch the interview again, read any interview where he talks about his late starts, oxygen breaks, the break-up, new album.... is it possible to take him seriously? IN MY OPINION it isn't, in my opinion he is hiding the real stories and reasons, and to me, that's lying and acting cowardly. and that's what axl has been doing since original GNR broke up. that's just my opinion, unless i post some link or source my posts will always be opinions.

Exactly. I'm kinda busy right now, but as soon as possible I'll elaborate more on this. For now I'll just post a piece of Scraped lyrics:

Sometimes I feel like

The world is on top of me

Breakin' me down with

An endless monotony

Sometimes I feel like

There's nothing that's stopping me

All things are possible

I am unstoppable


Sometimes I feel like

My life's a catastrophe

Can't understand why

It seem's like it has to be

Sometimes I feel like

It's all opened up for me

Nothing's impossible

I am inconquerable

Weren't you the guy who made up this story of Axl in a Brazilian restaurant some years ago? The golden Motorola ? :rofl-lol:

Anyway, as an advice, stop watching crappy TV shows. Walk the streets, live life. Then make an article based on what you really know. You are not a psychologist, and you certainly don't know(like the rest of us) Axl Rose.

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I'm Lucas Surjus, I wrote this article.

well, watch the interview again, read any interview where he talks about his late starts, oxygen breaks, the break-up, new album.... is it possible to take him seriously? IN MY OPINION it isn't, in my opinion he is hiding the real stories and reasons, and to me, that's lying and acting cowardly. and that's what axl has been doing since original GNR broke up. that's just my opinion, unless i post some link or source my posts will always be opinions.

Exactly. I'm kinda busy right now, but as soon as possible I'll elaborate more on this. For now I'll just post a piece of Scraped lyrics:

Sometimes I feel like

The world is on top of me

Breakin' me down with

An endless monotony

Sometimes I feel like

There's nothing that's stopping me

All things are possible

I am unstoppable


Sometimes I feel like

My life's a catastrophe

Can't understand why

It seem's like it has to be

Sometimes I feel like

It's all opened up for me

Nothing's impossible

I am inconquerable

Weren't you the guy who made up this story of Axl in a Brazilian restaurant some years ago? The golden Motorola ? :rofl-lol:

Anyway, as an advice, stop watching crappy TV shows. Walk the streets, live life. Then make an article based on what you really know. You are not a psychologist, and you certainly don't know(like the rest of us) Axl Rose.

What story, man?

Oh, and because I watch TV I don't have a life, and I don't walk the streets? lol good one man.

I know I'm not a psychiastrit, but the people who diagnosed Axl were. I just picked the disease symptoms and compared it to some of Axl actions, which could be easily explained by the disease. I'm just pointing it out.

Didn't he say he was diagnosed, but didn't agree with it?

Yes. He said they put him into a 500 question exam and that was the result, but he didn't agree.

Didn't he supposedly check into a mental hospital after the 2002 tour ended?

2002 axl kind of screamed crazy.

Is there a source for that? He must have been to a rehab type facility at least once in his life, they all have. It's a rockstar right of passage!


Woah, I never new that.

Well, another evidence. But you guys probably know better than all those bullshit psychiatrists.

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