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Q: What keeps you rocking out, Axl? A: A healthy lifestyle


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Anyone know where this was?

Man he has put on the weight, but that comes with age

Nah comes from not moving around. :)

Whatever though.

OMG I laughed so hard and I'm normally against fat axl jokes HAHAHAHAHA. That was funny.

Anyone know where this was?

Man he has put on the weight, but that comes with age

Nah comes from not moving around. :)

Whatever though.

I bet he moves around in bed though with his 100's of gfs :tongue2:

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he was obviously being sarcastic. :lol:

the guy probably burned the candle at both ends for years. he may not have been a hard drug user like slash and them, but he also never really went fully sober as far as we know. he's always been a drinker after gigs and stuff, sleeps all day, obviously enjoys the rock star life -- i guess at 50 years old i would sit back and enjoy it too. but that stuff catches up with you. i'd like to see him get more in shape and be more physically fit like springsteen and all the other rock legends who still manage to run around on stage all night, but axl has always played by his own rules.

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