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GNR sends condolences to Oklahoma tornado victims


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"Axl only sends condolences about tragedies in Brazil bla bla bla"

Our prayers and thoughts are with the victims and families affected by the Tornados that ripped through Oklahoma.

Check out this page
to learn how people are contributing to the Red Cross to help restore things.
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Let's see if we can have one thing that's not about "haters" vs. "real fans," please. It would help if you took "are the haters gonna shut up?" out of the title, Manets. For the record, many would call me a hater and I'm the one who posted the link to this in the Oklahoma thread.

The situation in Oklahoma is awful for those affected. It's good that some entity representing the band acknowledged the tragedy. Eye on the ball, people.

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I like how this tragedy is now being used as bait to try and prove how much axl fan are made to suffer here. Know who has it even worse? People who died in the tornadoes.

I agree. pathetic intentions by the OP to use a national tragedy to further his agenda against "haters"

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I know what Manets is saying. I don't think it's a "pathetic attempt" at anything or anything like that. There was a large number of people who bitched and complained when Guns sent condolences for disasters in Brazil and with a little bit of digging that evidence can easily be found.

Am I supporting Manets' intention for the thread? No. Do I understand what he was getting at? Yes.

All that said, let's not turn it into a bitch first towards anyone. Guns sent a condolences post to the Oklahoma victims, so that's that.

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I know what Manets is saying. I don't think it's a "pathetic attempt" at anything or anything like that. There was a large number of people who bitched and complained when Guns sent condolences for disasters in Brazil and with a little bit of digging that evidence can easily be found.


I'd interested to know if it was really a 'large number' or if it was maybe two or three people, and that it was just another case of a few freakishly sensitive pussies overreacting to everything. After all, this is a thread about how the tornado deaths can be used to prove how mean people who criticize axl are. Edited by HisRoyalSweetness
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