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I don't know... I just think Chinese Democracy was Axl's masterpiece and the work of his life. I don't think he ever intended to release another album after it.

I think he just thought he would release and tour it for a couple of years. I mean, Chinese Democracy is a great album. The best GNR album, actually. But he didn't reach not even 10% of what he could have with the album and the band. And now, I don't think he cares anymore. The way I see it, he looks back and thinks "I had A LOT of chances and I threw'em all away." I think he just accepted it and faced the fact that h's nothing but a nostalgic act. God, so far we're down to just TWO Chinese Democracy songs. He's literally touring Appetite For Destruction, and he's not even hiding it anymore.

I just think Axl's has some kind of fear of Appetite for Failure... Seriously! It is like if he is looking forward to it! Always when there's a big chance, a big shot, Axl misses it... VMA 2002, the chance to show to the world he could still rock (and we all know that even after 10 years he still can, but as for the rest of the world...) and then... Fail. But ok, he hadn't sang well the whole tour. But also, Rock in Rio IV! They had an AMAZING 2010, Axl was singing better than in all the other Chinese Democracy Tour legs, he had almost an year to get in shape, prepare his voice, and then... Even though, it was amazing for me, I was on one of the first rows, and Axl sounded incredible, almost hypnotical. It is the best concert I've attented so far. But honestly, during the concert the crowd was so loud I barely noticed he didn't sing the November Rain outro, and later watching the stream I noticed that he actually only sang well Estranged (which it was indeed the best moment of the night).

I don't want to sound like an egocentric, but I felt like an idiot. I had told my friends whole year how Axl was singing amazingly well and how they should watch Rock in Rio on TV to testify, and I got them all to watch it... The next day they were all ironically saying "Yeah, he is really singing well!" I imagined my friends as all those rock fans that are not big Guns N' Roses fans and decided to give Axl one more chance on Rock in Rio, and got let down. There's a guy I know that runs a agency of excursion to rock concerts, he's not a big Guns N' Roses fan, and after the Rio I talked to him and all he said was "After Mr. Brownstone I went to sleep. I mean, why waste my time, I've seen this shit a hundred times and it doesn't get any better." This is just an example, there are several others.

And let's not forget the Bridge School Benefit Concert! And no, I don't buy the step throat story. Even if the story is true, it is obvious that step throat ain't a problem. Fatass can't think he can simply stay months without singing, training or rehearsal and just show up on the concert and expect things to go well. Second time on one year, and both times were livestreamed worldwide. Axl seems to have an incapacity of doing anything decent when he is on some higher level of visibility. Is he afraid or what? I mean, he's an incredible frontman and we know it. But always when he has the chance to show that to the world he fucks it up. I don't think he cares anymore and I honestly HATE it that I waste so much of my time with this god damn band. God, the last song we heard were LEAKED songs. That's it, we got to a point where if we want to listen to new music we have to literally STEAL IT from the band. That's pathetic. Axl, we are all waiting here and I don't know how long we can wait. We're less and less very week. I know you never asked me or anyone to be here waiting... But guess what would happen if we all left? I think you can imagine...

Being a Guns N' Roses fan is the least rewarding thing in the galaxy. I waste hours of my week here for nothing. I discuss things I've discussed a billion times before and I defend Axl for nothing. NOTHING. Chinese Democracy was released almost five years ago and actually half of the album had already leaked online a couple of years before and some songs had even been played live since two thousand and fucking one. Axl, wake up you fucking idiot, you have one of the most dedicated if not the most LOYAL fanbase in the whole world and you ignore it. We're here man. We have been here, but lots of us have been giving up. I'm not gonna say this is a goodbye because I know it's not, but I honestly don't know how much more I can wait. Man, why am I here? There's no prospect of a new album at all, the band members are all confused and they say stuff that don't make sense at all with what any other members say. It's sad, honestly. SAD.

Axl, this is a honest message. I had the pleasure to see you live twice and they were both amazing and incredible nights. Even Rock in Rio IV, I was there on the front row and, it's been almost two years but I still can't express the excitement I felt on that night. Thank you. Really, thank you for the awesome nights and the awesome albums. But I believe that so far, being a Guns N' Roses fan has come down to going to concerts. If you're not one of the lucky bastards attending to the concerts you really have nothing to do on the boards, but you have to understand that there's a bunch of fans that come here every night expecing you tou put an amazing concert live and expecting to be awesome news.

Nobody wants you to fail. People make lots of jokes, but trust me when I tell you that everyone, even the most Slashite person on this boards, when they enter a concert thread, they expect to see an awesome video of you kicking everyone's ass and shuting everything the fuck up. Everyone want you to succeed and this is in your hands. It has always been, and we're still here waiting. And I know you're art is done for yourself, but I think you would rather have a good reception from the fans than a bad one. But honestly, I don't know how long we can wait. I know lots of stuff are not your fault, like Rock in Rio, regarding the whole System and the rain issue... But you could have prepared yourself. Every REAL GNR FAN in the world was watching and REALLY hoping that you put an awesome concert. And you did that.... You know, this relationship is GIVE AND RECEIVE. You can't expect us to support you forever when you do nothing for us. Yeah, I know the venues are packed every night, but we are your fans. WE ARE YOUR FANS. WE, HERE FROM MYGNR, WE ARE YOUR FANS. We're here for you every night, and you don't care about us, and you don't give a shit about us and it feels really bad. We just want you to be sucessful and to give us the awesome music we know you can make. I hope someday you can realise how imporant this board is to you. As a person, you have your family, but as an artist, we're everything you have. You lost all you're fans, trust me when I say that the vast majoriy of the people who attend GNR concerts nowadays are simply doing it because in ten years they want to be able to say that they saw GNR live. How long do you think that's gonna last? Forever? How many tours you think you still can make in that situation?

One of the things that I admire on you is that you do what you want. You're a real rock star, a true rocker. But as I said, the only reason you're where you are is because of your fans. I'll not be a liar and say "Oh, Axl owe us nothing, if you think he owes you new music you have a shitty life and should look for something else." That's simply not truth. Let's be honest, you owe us music. We are here, we have always been. And, we are not asking you much. We're not asking you to go and record a whole new album. We're just asking you to release the music you recorded I don't know, five years ago. Man, just do it. Seriously, I don't care if it's on a UMG album, on a EP... Or just send it to MSL and tell him to leak it. Look. Chinese Democracy was released more than four years ago and I still listen to it EVERY WEEK. You think I'm the only one? Congratulations, you're album is simply amazing and incredible. And there's a lot of people really wanting to hear more, but they don't have the time and the will to be here waiting, expecting, ASKING.

I hate so much the fact that I love this band so much. I don't even know why. I just wish that I could go on the internet one day and not come here. You know, we help you build your reputation. We go on other websites and defend this band and you, we go to every concert we can, doesn't matter how much we joke about you and your voice and your look. We're always there. People that really care about you are honest. I'm being honest: You have been sucking so much for the last couple of years that I don't even know where to begin with. I mean, I'm done. I really am. Please someone email me at lucas.surjus@gmail.com whenever new music LEAKS. Yeah, leaks, because I don't think it will ever be released by Axl... I mean, the most exciting news we had on the last couple of years were an interview that two members from this board gave to a magazine.

Axl, you had the potential to be the frontman of the new Rolling Stones, but you threw that away. But then, you gathered the most amazing band ever and had the potential to anything you wanted regarding music. And then you threw that away as well... Please don't wait you to die for your music to be released. I really don't think you understand the size of the Guns N' Roses fanbase around the world. I mean, read the Brookly Bowl reviews... It was a fucking tiny concert and you felt like you were gonna throw up on stage and still, the media said it was an AMAZING concert. Sometimes I feel like every rock fan and media journalist is waiting the opportunity to admit that you're great. You're great... I saw you live twice and I'm gonna tell my children about that, and I'm gonna listen to Chinese Democracy until I die, but I'm always gonna wonder.... Why, why does Axl Rose chose to be so much less than he could have been... It's not too late. But it's gonna be, EXTREMELY soon.

We're witnessing the death of one of the greatest rock bands ever. And it's so sad that it's not hard for Axl to change the situation. I mean, regarding his voice... John Mayer had CANCER and he still puts a great concert live. Regarding music, you have a lot of music recorded but LIFE GETS IN THE WAY... WHAT?! Life doesn't get in the way when it's about travelling the WHOLE FUCKING WORLD with a huge crew, but it gets in the way when it's about releasing new music from your country. Fuck it. This is not a goodbye, because I know that I'll be here on the next concerts and I'll go on the setlist expecing something amazing to have happened... Although I'm 100% sure nothing will happen. Everyone is. And still, we're here EVERY DAY.

Axl, I don't know if you're gonna read this. But if you do, please understand that everyone here wants you to suceed. I know you probably hated your MyGNR experience, but we're your fans. We are, more than anyone anywhere. Every person that jokes about your weight is expecting you to put an awesome concert. 2010 seemed too good to be truth. Well, to sum up... I hate so much the fact that I care so much about this band. Reading your posts here on MyGNR I had the real impression that you really cared about us. I know you care about everyone on your band. I don't know you, but you seem to be a great person and I'm sorry if I offended you here. You never harmed me, you never did anything bad to me. I saw you live twice and it was amazing, my favorite album ever is your album. But, I think... Honestly, I think we deserve more. We're the most loyal fans in the whole world. We are. Mods, feel free to erase this topic at any moment, this is just something that poppoed in my mind. I just opened the tab and started to type everything that was on my mind. I know tomorrow when I'm sober I'll read this topic and feel pathetic about this whole situation, but... Axl, if you ever think it's too late... It's not, we're still here, but we're less and less every wek.

Edited by ManetsBR
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At first I was going to post this:


But then I decided to read what you wrote and I think those are genuine feelings. I'm sorry you feel that way but it's your own fault for believing in someone like Axl Rose.

even the most Slashite person on this boards, when they enter a concert thread, they expect to see an awesome video of you kicking everyone's ass and shuting everything the fuck up.

This is true, y'know.

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Those are genuine feelings... At one point I felt tears in my eyes. But I know this is my fault. I just wish I was a fan of an "easy band" like Metallica, Bon Jovi or U2. Too bad they're not even close to Guns N' Roses in terms of quality.

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Guest NGOG

I read what you had to say and while you're clearly very passionate, things are not a fraction as bad as you're making out. There will be a new record at some point, that's been confirmed by numerous testimonies, just relax. Richard said as of yesterday that once they wrap these festival dates up the focus will shift to the new album. I know it seems they keep talking about getting down to a record and then it's delayed by further dates but an album release demands money/support of the label both of which are helped by touring.

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NGOG, admit that being a Guns N' Roses fan has been a shitty experience for the last couple of years. And I don't buy it about the "new album." Every band member gives a statement that makes no sense at all with other statement give by other band member. It's like they don't have any idea about anything, I feel like they know less than we do. Axl doesn't care anymore. He doesn't. He used to be really passionate about his music, but he gave up. If saw them on 2010, good for you, it was the last year that really worthed. This is band is dead. Guns N' Roses is dead, Axl Rose finally managed to kill it.

There won't be a new record. At some point, tour dates are slowly not going to be announced anymore, and then suddenly everyone will realise that this band is dead, and someone is gonna find Axl ten years later living somewhere in South America with a huge bear and ask him about Guns N' Roses and he's gonna say that LIFE GOT IN THE WAY. I bet my kidney.

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Guest NGOG

NGOG, admit that being a Guns N' Roses fan has been a shitty experience for the last couple of years.

But, it hasn't. Maybe if your sole agenda from this is new music then yes things could be frustrating. But for general GNR fans, endeared by everything the band do, it's been rewarding. Touring is good in itself and furthermore, fans should be able to recognize that it helps the band's standing with the label and overall budget. There's also been a distinct attempt to modernize GNR's approach to things by embracing the new ways of communicating and generally appeasing everything the fans have wished for one step at a time. This ranges from the site to pro-shots and everything in between. Team Brazil need time.

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NGOG, admit that being a Guns N' Roses fan has been a shitty experience for the last couple of years.

But, it hasn't. Maybe if your sole agenda from this is new music then yes things could be frustrating. But for general GNR fans, endeared by everything the band do, it's been rewarding. Touring is good in itself and furthermore, fans should be able to recognize that it helps the band's standing with the label and overall budget. There's also been a distinct attempt to modernize GNR's approach to things by embracing the new ways of communicating and generally appeasing everything the fans have wished for one step at a time. This ranges from the site to pro-shots and everything in between. Team Brazil need time.

Aren't you one of those people who manages to get backstage for every show in your area? Maybe that's why you find the endless tour entertaining.

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What about people started to live their lives and do not take GNR so seriously. See it as a hobby thing. Everything Axl does is certainly not smart and he has surely wasted a number of years and his talent. But this is far better than the quiet years. The new album comes when it comes. Do not wait ...

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Guest NGOG

Aren't you one of those people who manages to get backstage for every show in your area? Maybe that's why you find the endless tour entertaining.

I am not one of those people actually. I've attended two GNR peformances in my lifetime and the one time I went backstage it was not facilitated by Team Brazil in any way. It was also in 2012 which as you've claimed, was a greyer time to previous years of touring. Even though I had the fortune to go backstage in 2012, at the same gig which one of my favourite songs TWAT was played, I still preferred 2010.

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Great words, man. Screw the cupcakes. Chinese Democracy is an epic album and we want more!

So do the "cupcakes". We just know better than to expect it.
And so not expecting it insists on you to cupcake people's threads? Why not just leave the thread after the "tldr"comment?

"well I'm gonna "tldr" this and then continue to give my opinion on a thread I didn't read."

Edited by GNRFan53
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Great words, man. Screw the cupcakes. Chinese Democracy is an epic album and we want more!

So do the "cupcakes". We just know better than to expect it.
And so not expecting it insists on you to cupcake people's threads? Why not just leave the thread after the "tldr"comment?

"well I'm gonna "tldr" this and then continue to give my opinion on a thread I didn't read."

The tl;dr was tongue in cheek. I skimmed through it and got the general gist of what he was saying.

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Great words, man. Screw the cupcakes. Chinese Democracy is an epic album and we want more!

So do the "cupcakes". We just know better than to expect it.
And so not expecting it insists on you to cupcake people's threads? Why not just leave the thread after the "tldr"comment?

"well I'm gonna "tldr" this and then continue to give my opinion on a thread I didn't read."

The tl;dr was tongue in cheek. I skimmed through it and got the general gist of what he was saying.

Ha! :rofl-lol: alright man.

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We're witnessing the death of one of the greatest rock bands ever. And it's so sad that it's not hard for Axl to change the situation. I mean, regarding his voice... John Mayer had CANCER and he still puts a great concert live.

What is it with Slash turning up guitar in hand whether he is wanted or not. Did Mayer have him removed?

John Mayer has Granuloma... Not Cancer.

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