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Do you think having a kid would've changed Axl?

Vincent Vega

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Axl expressed a profound desire to have a family back in the early '90s. He and Erin almost had a child but she miscarried. Not too long after, he got together with Stephanie and became deeply emotionally attached to her son Dylan, to the point of viewing the child as a son of his own. And it seems their break up hurt Axl both in terms of losing her AND because in losing her, he lost Dylan.

Given what we know about Axl's own childhood, and his expressed desire back then for a family of his own, do you think if Axl had had a kid in the early '90s, it would've changed him, mellowed him out a bit? I just wonder how the hellion Axl Rose of 1991-1993 would've been if he was also a Father with a baby. Wonder how it would've affected his attitude and outlook.

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Most definitely. That is a life changing experience.

I wonder if he would've written songs similar to Lennon's "Beautiful Boy", had he had a child then?

Axl might've matured and had peace in his heart a lot sooner if he'd had a kid with Erin back in 1990.

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I don't know how he is towards children, and just speaking from what my opinion is of him, I think if he fathered a child, there would be some abuse either psychologically or physically.(not sexual.)

I can't imagine someone like him, with the way he lashes out, being very tolerant towards a 2 year old child. It takes every bit of patience you have and then some. Axl doesn't seem to be the type that is very patient and self aware. Poor kid would probably get slapped for looking like Slash for a moment and would never hear an apology or know why.

"Life doesn't owe you an apology, you little lesbo cunt whore bitch fuck."

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Yes, having a child changes everyone.

Axl would have focused more on being a dad and maybe gotten more inspiration to write music while raising his child. I don't think he would have stifled his child's creativity like his parents try to do with him. I think his child would have had talent like his dad and been made to feel free to be themselves.

I'm sure if Axl found the right woman he would have married and had a child. The women he has been with seem to have been more into themselves than wanting a family or a life with him.

Stephanie Seymour looked like she loved the rock style life and was just along for the ride. It's hard to know who loves you for you or for what you can give them when you are rich and famous.

I only wish Axl would have a child to hand down his many talents and to carry on his name. Children make your life so much better.

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Yes, having a child changes everyone.

Axl would have focused more on being a dad and maybe gotten more inspiration to write music while raising his child. I don't think he would have stifled his child's creativity like his parents try to do with him. I think his child would have had talent like his dad and been made to feel free to be themselves.

I'm sure if Axl found the right woman he would have married and had a child. The women he has been with seem to have been more into themselves than wanting a family or a life with him.

Stephanie Seymour looked like she loved the rock style life and was just along for the ride. It's hard to know who loves you for you or for what you can give them when you are rich and famous.

I only wish Axl would have a child to hand down his many talents and to carry on his name. Children make your life so much better.

Wow. Celebrity worship is just weird.

Of course having a child would have changed Axl's life. But since NONE of us know Axl personally have any idea what he is like in real life, none of us can make a definite statement on how having a child would have changed him.

Maybe he would have been a great dad who dedicated his life his kid............or maybe he would have not really cared at all, and chose to live the rock star lifestyle and rarely spent time with him. None of us know.

And just because Axl can sing doesn't mean that his child would have a great singing voice.

And to blame Axl being childish on the women he has dated..............how do you know what those women's motives were in dating Axl? And while laying the blame on the evil women, do you also share that fault with Axl? He's the one picking those women!!!! It's just weird how you always turn things to a positive spin in Axl's favor.

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A bit surprised by the responses. Having a child is one thing. Navigating the dynamic change when your lover figure becomes the mother figure is another. Personal relationships were trending disastrous for Axl back then and a child exacerbates it 20 fold. I think he could have been a great dad, but the family unit would have gotten ugly. And then it goes south very fast. Probably would have ended up more bitter.

On the bright side, I think now might be different. He's older and has more clarity on who he is. His intentions have always been good but now he has the maturity to follow through with whats needed to be a dad. Good luck Axl is that is on the horizon!

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I'm sure if Axl found the right woman he would have married and had a child. The women he has been with seem to have been more into themselves than wanting a family or a life with him.

Stephanie Seymour looked like she loved the rock style life and was just along for the ride. It's hard to know who loves you for you or for what you can give them when you are rich and famous.

Funny you should try that. Both Stephanie and Erin are raising families. Just maybe they didn't feel like staying with him? No way, it HAS to be that they were groupies, right? LOL

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In the documentary about the making of the Estranged video, he talks quite a bit about Dylan. And even though I haven't watched it in a while, I remember he made a few comments along the lines that he didn't know what to do when he was upset and crying, and how Stephanie would take over.

In any case, I would love for him to have a child so that he can pass on his musical genes. I said the same thing about Elton and my wish came true :awesomeface:

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In the documentary about the making of the Estranged video, he talks quite a bit about Dylan. And even though I haven't watched it in a while, I remember he made a few comments along the lines that he didn't know what to do when he was upset and crying, and how Stephanie would take over.

In any case, I would love for him to have a child so that he can pass on his musical genes. I said the same thing about Elton and my wish came true :awesomeface:

A child of someone musical is not guaranteed to be musical themselves. Genetics are a funny old thing!

On balance, weighing up all the evidence, Axl having children would more likely have been a disaster than not. I obviously don't know the reasons he hasn't and if he ever did would wish him well but up to this point not having any may well have been the most responsible thing he has ever done.

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In the documentary about the making of the Estranged video, he talks quite a bit about Dylan. And even though I haven't watched it in a while, I remember he made a few comments along the lines that he didn't know what to do when he was upset and crying, and how Stephanie would take over.

In any case, I would love for him to have a child so that he can pass on his musical genes. I said the same thing about Elton and my wish came true :awesomeface:

A child of someone musical is not guaranteed to be musical themselves. Genetics are a funny old thing!

On balance, weighing up all the evidence, Axl having children would more likely have been a disaster than not. I obviously don't know the reasons he hasn't and if he ever did would wish him well but up to this point not having any may well have been the most responsible thing he has ever done.

I know, I know, but maybe somehow it happens rock4

I'm surprised he doesn't have children, not even love-children or anything out of wedlock.

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He might. Its possible he has sproglets all over the shop that we dont know about. Actually that surprise extends to all the members of old GnR. Maybe heavy drug use acts as a chemical contraceptive. Really you would expect a ton of illegitimate children all now aged 20-30. Maybe there are.

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He might. Its possible he has sproglets all over the shop that we dont know about. Actually that surprise extends to all the members of old GnR. Maybe heavy drug use acts as a chemical contraceptive. Really you would expect a ton of illegitimate children all now aged 20-30. Maybe there are.

Yep, the odds are that Axl has some love childs already - that he might know or not of...

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