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Will Dj Ashba help Axl make a better album?


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Even though Chinese Democracy was a great album I always thought that it lacked the punch of previous albums, CD had some grandiose moments but no killer riffs, it also had too many things going on at once, the finger tapping and fretless guitar work was also a bit of a bad addition (no matter how hard it is to play technically it just isn't Guns) . Since Dj joined there seems to be more of a blues feel and the general backbone of the band seems to be back. Do you guys think that any of the songs Dj has made for Axl will fit the bill? Is this guy the real deal or just a stage show?

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After cd I'd be willing to give DJ a shot. I enjoyed new Orleans and the heroin diaries. Let DJ work on some Rythm, bbf adds some sleaze and more complication, let Tommy add some punk amd Richard the slash role. This band could create a kick ass record that blows cd away... If axl gets his voice up to par.

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Like CD was given a modern sound by Finck and Bucket, a 90s feel... Dj will prob give the next one an early 2000 feel.

I dont expect the dynamics of GNR to change but it will be a different flavour of GNR Hubba Bubba.

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I dont really like Rick Rubin but hes proven to be able to get the core of a band right.

Mike Clink is obvious one.

Maybe Bob Rock.

But thats a whole new project.

I think if they trusted Rubin on 10 tracks, hed guide them back to a more acceptable GNR sound.

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Im not sure, maybe he just needs hands off. Because hes basically got the final word.

If Tv on the Radio guy or Bob Rock come in and crack the whip will Axl jump.

But I doubt Axl would like it if Rubin came in and say think back to 1987 either. But if they want a new album that people might like retro nostalgia is probably the only way. Nobody even wants groundbreaking from GNR. They just want AFD 2.

It will probably be Axl and Cazam again unless Dj gets involved.

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Guest Manny Manner

I'm not sure about DJ- I honestly don't really like the Sixx AM stuff or the other solo stuff I've heard here and there. He's a good enough guitarist I suppose, but I much preferred Bucket/Finck to Bumble/DJ. Regardless, I don't think we'll see another album from Axl while he's still alive. That's just my opinion.

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Axl really needs to just give Izzy a call and fucking swallow his pride and ask his best fucking friend to help him write a few lousy songs. Actually sit down and work with Izzy and BBF/DJ/Richard and eventually, the whole band, with zero distractions and kick out the jams. Within a month, they'd have a truly serious, kick-ass GNR album. Guaranteed.

Axl and Izzy are like Lennon/McCartney, Page/Plant and Jagger/Richards.

They write better songs when they work together...

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DJ Ashba is a fake, a phony, a poseur. Heroin Diaries sucked. Go ahead and tell me that fucking SixxxxAMMMM will be looked at historically in the same league as Led Zeppelin or the Beatles. Go fucking tell me that.

God you fucking morons.

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Axl and Izzy are like Lennon/McCartney, Page/Plant and Jagger/Richards.

No. Just no. The other three pairs actually wrote a ton of songs and established years of chemistry beyond just songwriting.

Axl and Izzy have written good songs together, but shouldn't even be mentioned among the other three duos.

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Axl and Izzy are like Lennon/McCartney, Page/Plant and Jagger/Richards.

No. Just no. The other three pairs actually wrote a ton of songs and established years of chemistry beyond just songwriting.

Axl and Izzy have written good songs together, but shouldn't even be mentioned among the other three duos.

I'm fucking tired of hearing about page and plant. I'm a zeppelin fan but they ripped off so many blues artists and claimed the material as their own

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I think for a rock n roll songwriter, DJ has got the goods.

Finck is the real mascot poodle of the bunch with no real playing skills.

DJ atleast knows how to write songs and operate in a studio and we know he has been bringing Axl demos, already! I think this might very well be one of the reasons why Axl likes the dude. He doesn't whine to the press about not getting in a room with other men to "jam", which is what bumble does when asked about a new album. He just, you know, when he is graced by the presence of the Gingerhaired One, he just goes Hey, Ax, take listen to this lil idea I got. then gives him an mp3 player with a song sketch on it.

for my money he is 100000 times the man compared to "i wanna get paid to be in a room to jam" bumblefoot.

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Well, Chinese blew, and it featured a wealth of musical talent (Mantia, Bucket, Finck, Stinson.) Something tells me guys named "DJ Ashba", and "Bumblefoot" aren't going to help that cause.

All in all, I'd enjoy a Stinson solo record, more-so than Axl's next release.

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I just think Dj will add a glam metal, hard rock feel to the record and his written some good stuff for motely and sixx am, Axl could improve those songs. Also I think hes a GNR fan so he knows what is needed.

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DJ Ashba is a traitor and he should be fired and sued. I can't believe that he has been writing songs by himself. Clearly he is trying to take over the band, just like Slash did with the material that became the first Snakepit record.

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