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Clarke: "Guns N 'Roses should not keep that name"


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He's butthurt that he wasn't inducted to the Hall of Fame but was still asked to play with them.

Well, he was more GNR than paul tobias ever was...Hell, he's contributed more to GNR than half of the d-bag cover artists in this "band" now.
That's odd because Paul, unlike Gilby, wrote material that was on a GNR album. And the only one who hasn't contributed to an officially released GNR album yet in the current lineup is Dj. And wasn't Gilby hired as a replacement for Izzy? Didn't he play Izzy's parts? And he did the covers album, so wouldn't that technically make Gilby a cover artist, moreso than the current band (who 7/8 were on ChiD)?
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He's butthurt that he wasn't inducted to the Hall of Fame but was still asked to play with them.

Well, he was more GNR than paul tobias ever was...Hell, he's contributed more to GNR than half of the d-bag cover artists in this "band" now.
That's odd because Paul, unlike Gilby, wrote material that was on a GNR album. And the only one who hasn't contributed to an officially released GNR album yet in the current lineup is Dj. And wasn't Gilby hired as a replacement for Izzy? Didn't he play Izzy's parts? And he did the covers album, so wouldn't that technically make Gilby a cover artist, moreso than the current band (who 7/8 were on ChiD)?

Yea, but Frank played on 1 song, parts of two others, and bumble played a little but not much. Including a shit solo on CITR. Gilby was a cover artist with GNR though, but more people know him than paul tobias.

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So tell me, what dis he contribute that sets him apart from the other band members? And why would you bring up Paul Tobias. And the "shit solo" is your opinion, therefore no response shall be given to that. However, as all the band members (minus Dj) have been on a GNR record with original music, and the tour playing that music along with Axl's back catalogue, I fail to see how that makes them cover artists? With that logic, Slash and co are cover artists as well.

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So tell me, what dis he contribute that sets him apart from the other band members? And why would you bring up Paul Tobias. And the "shit solo" is your opinion, therefore no response shall be given to that. However, as all the band members (minus Dj) have been on a GNR record with original music, and the tour playing that music along with Axl's back catalogue, I fail to see how that makes them cover artists? With that logic, Slash and co are cover artists as well.

Axl's "back catalogue". This band plays a vast majority of notes that none of them wrote. And besides, they're hired hands, not a band.

A band compromises. A band comes up with ideas. A majority of the people in this group want to release music. But one man, who calls all the shots and dictates their lives, doesn't want to.

I need to response to Bumble's shit solo? Bumble is a good musician, Axl gave him a part to come up with and forced his hand on a sound that doesn't highlight any of Bumble's strengths as a musician.

The irony. But at least Axl covers mickey mouse well, and beta covers being a good mother well.

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You realize Gilby refers to himself as a hired Gun, right?

The only songs in the set "none of them wrote" at the moment are the piano solos, DLIBYD and The Seeker and possibly Richard's Backlight Jesus of Transylvania. The others are from the members solo albums (save for Dj, who wrote his for the tours), and are really no different from Slash's godfather theme and that thing Sorum would waste time with. And do you know, 100%, Axl doesn't want to release new music? Didn't think so, so don't make statements like that

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Another thing that gets lost with Gilby is that the dude very well could have saved the UYI Tour for all we know. The guy jumped in, learned all the songs back when the set was pretty unpredictable and did a great job.

Not only did he learn the 30 or so songs being shuffled in and out the setlists, but he did it in two weeks (Slash I think said this on some GNR documentary). Knowing the ins and outs of 30 songs in a two week period is pretty impressive. I think he deserves a say on GNR matters. And the other point raised somewhere in this thread: the majority of people who know of current GNR probably don't think they should use the GNR name, it's not some outlandish opinion of Gilbry's... hell it's my opinion too.

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You realize Gilby refers to himself as a hired Gun, right?

The only songs in the set "none of them wrote" at the moment are the piano solos, DLIBYD and The Seeker and possibly Richard's Backlight Jesus of Transylvania. The others are from the members solo albums (save for Dj, who wrote his for the tours), and are really no different from Slash's godfather theme and that thing Sorum would waste time with. And do you know, 100%, Axl doesn't want to release new music? Didn't think so, so don't make statements like that

Highlighted a point you made that has me convinced you're trolling. I seriously need Axl to spell out that he doesn't want to release new music? When was the last time he released anything? How about the time before that? And the time before that? When was the last time Axl even said anything about a new single, or anything about a new album? That's like saying, "well if it's fur is yellow, it quacks, it walks like a duck. But you're dumb for labeling it a duck."

Exactly. So until you can respond to one of my questions with an answer that involves logic, or you have a point that actually makes sense, then you have nothing. You're the one who should be avoiding statements or conversing with someone like me.

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Gilby... the guy who was brought in solely because he looked like Izzy.

You mean Fortus?

It's funny, but he does look a bit like him at a distance. I remember seeing GNR in an arena, and I was pretty far back. Seeing 4tus with that similar black/dark hair and almost the same array of guitars Izzy played (white ES, black LPC) was pretty funny.

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You realize Gilby refers to himself as a hired Gun, right?

The only songs in the set "none of them wrote" at the moment are the piano solos, DLIBYD and The Seeker and possibly Richard's Backlight Jesus of Transylvania. The others are from the members solo albums (save for Dj, who wrote his for the tours), and are really no different from Slash's godfather theme and that thing Sorum would waste time with. And do you know, 100%, Axl doesn't want to release new music? Didn't think so, so don't make statements like that

Highlighted a point you made that has me convinced you're trolling. I seriously need Axl to spell out that he doesn't want to release new music? When was the last time he released anything? How about the time before that? And the time before that? When was the last time Axl even said anything about a new single, or anything about a new album? That's like saying, "well if it's fur is yellow, it quacks, it walks like a duck. But you're dumb for labeling it a duck."

Exactly. So until you can respond to one of my questions with an answer that involves logic, or you have a point that actually makes sense, then you have nothing. You're the one who should be avoiding statements or conversing with someone like me.

I'm trolling because I bring up a fair point? Gotcha :thumbsup:

I personally don't think Axl needs to spell out anything for us until he knows for sure. I'm assuming he doesn't want to promise us something only for it to be pushed back 100000 times like Chinese Democracy was. Axl has never said anything about not wanting to release new music, as far as I know, the only one who's said that is Pit(t)man. So the last record was in 08, ok? That's 5 years ago. Crue's last record was 08, as was I believe Metallica's. As much as I make fun of the "3 hour meeting" and the "gameplan", that is management talking about SOMETHING. What it is, we don't know. For all we know, there could be a new album in 2014.

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I love Gilby and still do after this comment......Pawnshop Guitars is in my top 20 album of all time but sometimes he has to shut it when it comes to things he has no clue about.

He's butthurt that he wasn't inducted to the Hall of Fame but was still asked to play with them.

Indeed. He's on Team Fake it.

I really dont get how you like that album so much but shit all over Snakepit. Its all the same cockrock sound. Not taking away from the album at all, I really like Black, great song.

Edited by pugachev
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Fuck Gilby for saying this. He's so jealous that he's not part of today's GNR, it's not even funny. I bet he's called the band on several occasions pleading to get back in.

He's right. Axl didn't want Gilby or Slash's riffs. Not when he can get members as talented as Bumblefoot and DJ Ashba.

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Problem was is that the label gave them an advance to do a record. i dont think the label would let Axl take those songs and use a different name. Seeing as they started the record with slash and duff on board it may have been impossible to get out of.

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You realize Gilby refers to himself as a hired Gun, right?

The only songs in the set "none of them wrote" at the moment are the piano solos, DLIBYD and The Seeker and possibly Richard's Backlight Jesus of Transylvania. The others are from the members solo albums (save for Dj, who wrote his for the tours), and are really no different from Slash's godfather theme and that thing Sorum would waste time with. And do you know, 100%, Axl doesn't want to release new music? Didn't think so, so don't make statements like that

Highlighted a point you made that has me convinced you're trolling. I seriously need Axl to spell out that he doesn't want to release new music? When was the last time he released anything? How about the time before that? And the time before that? When was the last time Axl even said anything about a new single, or anything about a new album? That's like saying, "well if it's fur is yellow, it quacks, it walks like a duck. But you're dumb for labeling it a duck."

Exactly. So until you can respond to one of my questions with an answer that involves logic, or you have a point that actually makes sense, then you have nothing. You're the one who should be avoiding statements or conversing with someone like me.

I'm trolling because I bring up a fair point? Gotcha :thumbsup:

I personally don't think Axl needs to spell out anything for us until he knows for sure. I'm assuming he doesn't want to promise us something only for it to be pushed back 100000 times like Chinese Democracy was. Axl has never said anything about not wanting to release new music, as far as I know, the only one who's said that is Pit(t)man. So the last record was in 08, ok? That's 5 years ago. Crue's last record was 08, as was I believe Metallica's. As much as I make fun of the "3 hour meeting" and the "gameplan", that is management talking about SOMETHING. What it is, we don't know. For all we know, there could be a new album in 2014.

What was fair about it? And what was your point? Again, you're trolling.

Gilby was a hired gun. Glad he's honest about it. I respect him for it. But he's equivalent to fortus, bucket, bumble, assba, huge,zakk wylde, whoever or whatever guest attraction playing WTTJ. They're all cover artists, even the guys in the band now. So what was so fair about that point? The songs you mention:" the piano solos, DLIBYD and The Seeker and possibly Richard's Backlight Jesus of Transylvania. The others are from the members solo albums (save for Dj, who wrote his for the tours". This is a worthless point. Completely worthless. Darren, Ro, Richie, Brian, who cares. Axl Rose isn't covering WTTJ, those guys are. Ok? You lose.

And now the rest of your response involves a word you use, "assuming". So now you went from having to defend this band against me, someone who knows Axl is in the right to do whatever he wants with the name, including hiring new band members, you're going to have the audacity to argue with someone like me, coming from someone like you, that you're assuming what's on Axl's mind. You don't have a fucking clue what's on Axl's mind. And guess what bro? Neither do I, bro. And guess what? There's a good chance Axl doesn't either.

You haven't spelled it out..but I'm going to do you a favor and assume I'm seeing what you're saying...Chinese was pushed back for 15 years for too many reasons. There's band breakups. There's money on the line, there's what the company wants, there's what Axl wants. There's a booklet being sabotaged, there's irving azoff, a million other managers, etc. I can understand Axl wanting to do things his way, but to prove what point? When does the line get drawn? How the hell and where the hell do you get the audacity to compare bands that release music consistently and actually make efforts to please their fans to a cover act lead by an insance frontman who tells the fans he doesn't owe anybody. You're over 50 years old and the rebellious teen act is old. You should have left the attitude in the 80's.

They had a 3 hour meeting? Who says they even had a meeting? I wasn't there, were you? How am I supposed to know that is just a bunch of bullshit to keep fans like you happy? And it's clear your less of a fan as me since you appear to struggle with the spelling of Chris Pittman's name...

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Gilby gives a great interview. Gives honest answers and expresses his opinion all in a very respectful way and because he feels Ax would've been better off not using the GnR name(an opinon shared by the overwhelmingly vast majority of music listeners on this planet people on here feel the need to trash him and say he needs to shut his mouth about things he doesn't know about. Things he doesn't know about? He was IN Guns N' Roses. How many of you have ever been in Guns N' Roses? Yeah exactly. Just goes to show you how fucked up the GnR fan base has become and how blinded by their Ax Rose fandom some people are. Such a joke.

Edited by Bono
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They should have kept the name when it seemed like Axl was intent on carrying the band into the future and progressing as an artist.

It's been a long time coming for me personally and it's a complex thing, but I'm starting to change my opinion and agree with Gilby: if Axl's just gonna do the jukebox hits routine for years on end and only pop up when he seemingly needs the cash, then they really don't deserve the name GN'R, because it's undermining what the group stood for and what I know he was passionate about and felt compelled to carry on when he initially continued the GN'R name after everybody left. I don't think for one second his initial motive was financial, I think he had a lot of emotional and personal reasons for wanting to continue GN'R and there was a great sense of defiance and willpower and anger behind it (the kind of anger that made Appetite such a blistering record), arguably enough passion even that had been lacking in the Axl/Slash/Duff lineup for the past couple years before they split. But it was never capitalized upon and now I'm afraid it's too late and Axl has admitted defeat and it's sad, as a fan, to see that happen.

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They should have kept the name when it seemed like Axl was intent on carrying the band into the future and progressing as an artist.

It's been a long time coming for me personally and it's a complex thing, but I'm starting to change my opinion and agree with Gilby: if Axl's just gonna do the jukebox hits routine for years on end and only pop up when he seemingly needs the cash, then they really don't deserve the name GN'R, because it's undermining what the group stood for and what I know he was passionate about and felt compelled to carry on when he initially continued the GN'R name after everybody left. I don't think for one second his initial motive was financial, I think he had a lot of emotional and personal reasons for wanting to continue GN'R and there was a great sense of defiance and willpower and anger behind it (the kind of anger that made Appetite such a blistering record), arguably enough passion even that had been lacking in the Axl/Slash/Duff lineup for the past couple years before they split. But it was never capitalized upon and now I'm afraid it's too late and Axl has admitted defeat and it's sad, as a fan, to see that happen.

this sums up the current situation so well...
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