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Original Appetite Record question


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Sorry if this isn't the right section to start this topic in.

I got a vinyl copy of Appetite as a gift. It has the original artwork on the cover, but the record itself is an off-white. I googled it, but couldn't find anything. German copies were released in other colors (I think red, blue, and orange), but I couldn't find any pics or info on off-white records. Anyone know anything about it?

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If you post photos of the vinyl, etchings int the runout groove, the barcode on the album cover and where the album was released, you'll probably get answers. Bootleggers did do a lot of color vinyl in the 90s out of South America, they acquired the machines from shut down plants.

Edited by dalsh327
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I've listened to the record. None of the songs are demos or live.

http://tinypic.com/r/2rokm51/5 I think that should work

The back says, "Manufactured in Germany by Record Service GmbH. Alsdorf - Presse en Allemagne par Record Service GmbH. Alsdorf."

Bar code is 0 7599 24148 1 4

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We have to see the R-side!!!

So far this isn't looking legit. Album covers of bootlegs also tend to be glossier, but this is prob. 20 years old.

I'd still have Axl sign the album, and mean signing his autograph ON the white vinyl even if it was fake. I'd even want him to write "FAKE" on it just to put it up as a conversation piece, you were the one who bought it, so he might do it. I doubt he'd get pissed, but he'd probably go "how much did you pay" out of curiosity (and sympathy) .

Edited by dalsh327
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yes Tim, clear seems to be the older one, dont even know if that one´s a boot or not. i only got searching on ebay on 2005, thats when pink, purple and blue popped up in reasonable quantities. clear ones, i remembre my sister telling me she had seen one with a cover like the cd!!!! i the searched for the clear one, and eventually got one on 2006, from australia. definetly not a boot made that year. but the question is up for the clear one...

and did ya ever seen one with the cd sleeve?

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