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Woody Allen alleged child molestation

Guest NGOG

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I don't know if this was posted.


It sounded like Woody warned her going into the relationship he wanted nothing to do with kids, but she still wanted to have kids with the guy?

I just read this in it's entirety. This is the final decision handed down by the judge that presided over the custody trial, as I'm sure you know already having posted it (good find!). This is very telling. The judge states the family went through more therapy than most to prove / disprove sexual assault and didn't need to go through more to prove / disprove as such (they had a lot of therapy going forward just to 'fix' what was going on.

The judge goes on to state the doctor's that saw Dylan were not specialized in child sexual abuse except one. That one doctor, made his assumptions she was not abused based his decision on a hunch with no scientific evidence to back it. (correct me if I misinterpreted this) That one doctor never visited with Dylan in conjunction with Allen. That would make a difference in how the child behaved around him. The judge discredited the doctor's testimony because of this plus other reasons listed. So, the only doctor that specialized in child sexual abuse that testified Dylan was not sexually abused, was discredited. This is a far cry from - Allen didn't do it, Allen was exonerated. This document is the actual truth as handed down by the judge that heard all the testimony from everyone involved.

Yes, he had not been accused of pedophilia prior however, he had not been in such close proximity with a child before. Farrow wanted to have a child with Allen, it wasn't happening. She adopted Dylan and listed Allen as the father. Allen became close to Dylan and ignored the others. Allen did not bond with Dylan as a father should. The judge stated he believed testimony that Allen had sexual feelings for the child rather than paternal. (Satchel, later changed his name to Ronan, was born a few years after the adoption) Let's not forget, Soon Yi was an adopted child just as Dylan, we know how that turned out.

There is much more in this final decision regarding child custody, parenting, history of the family dynamics, etc. Don't want to go off topic though. After reading this, my final opinion is that Allen did indeed sexually abuse Dylan.

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Molestation, abuse, or any name by which one might refer to it, is one of the most reprehensible acts one commit. This is compounded when children are involved. It is such a terrible charge that I've always believed that it best not to assume the worst about a person until it is proven without a shadow of a doubt.

Moreover, if Allen were truly a sexual predator, it would stand to reason that there would be other victims. The principal reason why I believe Michael Jackson was guilty of the crimes against him was the fact that there were allegations made by more than one child (also, it didn't help his case that the first accuser in 1993 was able to describe his genitalia and moles on his groin, that which made such allegations highly believable). I believe such behaviour is part of a sickness, a mental illness, and those infected by it could have a difficult time stopping at just one victim. If Allen was truly a pedophile, I would have to believe that Dylan was not the only victim. And perhaps she wasn't. Perhaps others are too afraid or unwilling to come forward. But considering at this present time there exists no other allegations but this one individual who, if what Allen writes is trues, was under the impression of her mother, then it stands to reason that this one allegation might prove untrue.

Tabloid report on Micheal Jackson FBI files, called into question.

Whether that report was true or not, there's still multiple allegations against MJ besides those. Also, the fact still remains that the first boy was able to describe MJ's genitalia. Michael also had a pattern of spending much time alone in his bed with numerous boys, and there's other facts. There's more than enough to indicate MJ. Woody, not as much.


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Did Woody make the 12 year olds sit tied up in kitty litter boxes before he fucked them?

There are much more bazaar sex acts than that. Are you jealous? There's no comparison here to pedophilia, two consenting adults can do as they please. Stop trying to make issue out of any little thing on Axl, and making light of pedophilia.

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Let's talk instead about Axl Rose's domestic battery, or does that not suit your agenda?

Domestic battery between two adults is on a different level than pedophilia, and don't try to act like its not.

Also, on Erin's "battery", it seems Erin was pretty good at that herself. In fact, Erin was described as the aggressive one in the relationship with Axl, by people who witnessed them. And it later came out she was a continued domestic abuser even with her new spouse and children needing a restraining order. So lets get the facts straight before crying victim for aggressive, violent Erin.

And while on the subject, what about Slash's responsibility for the death of his best friend (poss. negligent homicide?) Or is that against your agenda?


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Let's talk instead about Axl Rose's domestic battery, or does that not suit your agenda?

Domestic battery between two adults is on a different level than pedophilia, and don't try to act like its not.

Also, on Erin's "battery", it seems Erin was pretty good at that herself. In fact, Erin was described as the aggressive one in the relationship with Axl, by people who witnessed them. And it later came out she was a continued domestic abuser even with her new spouse and children needing a restraining order. So lets get the facts straight before crying victim for aggressive, violent Erin.

Yes, let's get facts straight. I can give you the names of several people who described Axl's violence towards Erin in great detail. Can you provide the names and details provided by those who claimed the reverse? Matthew Klyn has since publicly recanted his claim that Erin was aggressive towards him on the night she was arrested, so that's not so cut and dried either. And let's not forget Axl also has been accused of abuse by multiple women.

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Let's talk instead about Axl Rose's domestic battery, or does that not suit your agenda?

I started a thread to discuss the recent allegations against Woody Allen. This is the movie section, why are you bringing up Axl Rose?

If you'd like to discuss a recent or historical allegation against Axl Rose, go and start a thread.

Oh God. You were so (mock) outraged when Erin Everley had her auction. Crying over the invasion to Axl Rose's privacy, yet you have no problem starting a thread about Woody Allen's personal life. Why the double standard NGOG?

The double standard is because some people feel they must defend Axl at all costs, and they don't hold him to the same standards they hold other people to.

or maybe because there's a fucking huge difference between auctioning your exes belongings and rapeing children !

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I don't have any standards. I'm pretty forgiving. Pedos need help. But also don't panic. If woody was nailing kids left and right he'd be stopped. I think it's more Mia farrow think woody took a pass at her daughter like the one he married. There is something odd about woody marrying her daughter. Does he really need to do that?

I don't have any standards. I'm pretty forgiving. Pedos need help. But also don't panic. If woody was nailing kids left and right he'd be stopped. I think it's more Mia farrow think woody took a pass at her daughter like the one he married. There is something odd about woody marrying her daughter. Does he really need to do that?

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But maybe Farrow didn't like that it started before she was legal. Why Woody needed to do that is beyond me. He Woody Allen he could get any number of actresses to clean his glasses.

She was of age. 21 by the time it went public, and it had been going on about a year or close to that. The whole thing is sordid and bizarre, but they are still together.

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But maybe Farrow didn't like that it started before she was legal. Why Woody needed to do that is beyond me. He Woody Allen he could get any number of actresses to clean his glasses.

She was of age. 21 by the time it went public, and it had been going on about a year or close to that. The whole thing is sordid and bizarre, but they are still together.

Maybe Farrow is suspicious. It just doesn't seem necessary for him to go anywhere near that kind of thing. It's a bit iffy.
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