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Woody Allen alleged child molestation

Guest NGOG

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I believe he abused Dylan, and I don't believe Dylan is a victim of her mother. To me, it seems as though it's been a struggle for Mia because Woody has a significant place in Hollywood, the roots of which run through more than we know.

The man was seen in public with Soon-Yi as soon as she turned the age of what would be (sort-of) acceptable, I think that he groomed and took advantage of her as well. The two farrow children that are in the public-eye (Ronan and Dylan) seem like intelligent and grounded people, I only wish both of them the best. I think Ronan counts himself lucky as I think it's clear that he knows (and anyone else with decent eyesight knows) that Frank Sinatra is his father, and not Woody.

Also want to add that I've always been disgusted by celebrities being defended simply because of their 'art', an example being Roman Polanski.

Edited by ***Flawless
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Let's talk instead about Axl Rose's domestic battery, or does that not suit your agenda?

I started a thread to discuss the recent allegations against Woody Allen. This is the movie section, why are you bringing up Axl Rose?

If you'd like to discuss a recent or historical allegation against Axl Rose, go and start a thread.

Oh God. You were so (mock) outraged when Erin Everley had her auction. Crying over the invasion to Axl Rose's privacy, yet you have no problem starting a thread about Woody Allen's personal life. Why the double standard NGOG?

The double standard is because some people feel they must defend Axl at all costs, and they don't hold him to the same standards they hold other people to.

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Well if this is true then Woody Allen is a douche.

One of the kids is saying that Mia Farrow was the abuser and not Woody.

God, whoever it was should be boiled in oil.

I can't stand crimes against children and animals. People are just savages and make me sick.

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Are you suggesting we ignore your posts? I don't understand.

Could you not have included this in your original response to that post? Or have you had another change of attitude towards me? I'm sure you're also familiar with website bravado, I don't need to explain the slogan of a Twitter account.

I don't invest myself in posts made by posters months ago. I think you take all of this far too seriously, I'm certainly no "authority". I just report news.

Back on topic, please. Like it or not, this thread is about the recent Woody Allen allegations.

Are we not entitled to discuss these public allegations without being bizarrely attacked? NGOG you are arguing with a 40 year old man who considers himself at "war" with a teenager because I did that Izzy thing. Just ignore him dude.

**on topic**

If Woody Allen didn't admit it, how will they find evidence that he did?

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So are you saying you're a kid then?

Are you wearing big pants? Don't complain if you arent taken seriously when you pull out the "but I'm just a kid" line when the going gets tough.

It was only 6 months ago...I think you're OK but you have a cross to bear my young man.

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Also, this isn't just about wfuckinga claiming to be Izzy Stradlin, claiming to be Izzy Stradlin's nephew, and making-up fake Izzy Stradlin interviews.

The kid is a menace all over the internet.

He's been banned from most of the credible GN'R fansites.

He's been blocked all over Twitter.

Matt Sorum called him "Satan."

He has dozens of Twitter accounts and steals peoples Tweets, he has no moral compass whatsoever.

He is impersonating and stalking me and other members of this forum.

To any sites that'll post anything any sociopath makes up and give it a platform, you need to do better.

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." -Edmund Burke

Edited by John Bonham
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I was banned from Paradise City. Big deal.

I have been blocked by a few people because I was an ass

He did, yes, but put it in context. I said lol boycott SW airlines, he said "u have 666 followers. Keep it up Satan".

I have mine, the account I use if I get Twitter Jail (which I havent in a while) the Beta one, Sixx Army and wfuckinga. That's 5, 2 of which I use regularly. Lol "dozens".

Stealing tweets: You posted one thing about Slash saving Sixx's life. I posted that on Sixx Army. Deal with it.

No moral compass: Yes, you clearly know me well enough to be able to determine this

Impersonating/ Stalking you: Bullshit. See, unlike you, I don't follow anyone off the forum. I dont keep up with their twitter accounts, I don't keep up with anyone's personal info, nor do I try to. It simply isn't worth my time. I don't care enough about any of you to do that. Its an internet forum, get your panties out of a was, and stop shitting up a thread about Woody Allen's alleged sexual shit with "well Axl Rose blah blah blah".

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Back on topic, please. Like it or not, this thread is about the recent Woody Allen allegations.

Once again, can everyone please stick to discussing the original topic!

You need to drop a ban hammer in your first week. Let everyone know ARQ isn't to be fucked with.

Edit: On Topic - Molesting kids is bad.

Edited by magisme
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