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He is lacking that support to push him toward a goal again, sometimes you need challenging and strategic provoking, it's a delicate balance with Axl, especially since he BECAME the entity GNR since it's all on his terms now but the guys he has collected have been there for 6 years mostly rocking the shit out of the catalogue every night, 4tus talks a big talk but does he actually fight for a piece of ground behind closed doors? Does Ashba? We know BBF does and Stinson did during CD at least.

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Beta gets too much shit around here, from all accounts she is a great person, and has treated fans well when she met them.

The problem lies exactly in her being a mother figure, and having affective links to Axl. She has no business interests, such as releasing new music, improving Axl's performances. Her interest is to make Axl happy - if what Axl wants at a given point is to sit on the couch and eat Domino's pizza, that's what she will arrange.

And her being GNR manager is not her choice - it's Axl's.

That last statement is false, I believe. She said: No more managers. Me and my kids will be your manager, or else I'm out of here. She issued Axl an ultimatum after the last 'real' manager left/was fired.

Correct me if I'm wrong, anyone, but that's what I've read. So it was her choice, no even her demand, to become the manager.

EDIT: Found the article:

This mistrust is partially the reason why Rose's current management team is more family than business partner. It's headed by Beta Lebeis, a Brazilian woman Rose met when she was his ex-girlfriend Stephanie Seymour's assistant; she began working for him after his tempestuous relationship with Seymour ended in 1993. Lebeis' two adult children, Fernando and Vanessa, round out the management group. Lebeis says that this arrangement is the result of an ultimatum she gave Rose after Guns N' Roses' most recent manager, Katsis, left the fold after less than a month on the job.

"We decided, 'No more managers,'" said Lebeis a few days after the Seattle concert. "Between me and Fernando and my daughter, we're dealing with the management." Lebeis added that she characterizes Rose as "more than a son to me," and that after Katsis' departure, "I told [Rose] if he hires another manager, I quit." One of the Lebeis three is almost always at Rose's side, be it in paparazzi photos or side stage during concerts, near the little makeshift dressing room that Rose frequently races into during guitar solos, or on that rare occasion when he actually sits down with a journalist.

I know I'd be a bit heartbroken if my "mom" told me she was out of my life if I didn't hire her to manage my career.

Sounds a bit cold blooded to me.

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