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Paul Thomas Anderson Thread - Inherent Vice out Dec. 12

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With the trailer out for his new movie, and how great his other works are, I think he deserves his own thread.

One of my favorite directors, next to Fincher.

Hard Eight is probably my least favorite movie of his, and unlike his other films, I don't have a desire to watch it or see it again. Everything else has been great though, with There Will Be Blood, Boogie Nights, and Punch-Drunk Love being my favorites, likely in that order.

Magnolia was actually the first movie by him that I had seen, followed by The Master, and from there I just checked out all of his others and loved them (sans Hard Eight).


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Magnolia is one of my favourite movies of all time, even though I haven't seen it in quite some time. Punch-drunk love is also great. But with There Will Be Blood and The Master, I was afraid he's lost his sense of humour. Maybe he's got it back for this movie, we'll see... I jst hope the vocal fry voice over doesn't ruin the movie.

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I remember seeing Boogie Nights in theatres. Great movie.

Really enjoyed Magnolia the first few times I saw it but I'm not sure it's held up as well as Anderson's other movies. I really admire Tom Cruise's work in this film, which is a rarity in most of the movies he's made in the last 20 years.

Punch Drunk Love is great in that the location (LA) is sort of the main character of the movie. Great to see a movie that highlights the industrial swamp that is much of LA/Hollywood. It would be great to see Sandler return to these kinds of roles.

Saw There Will Be Blood in theatres; don't have much desire to see it again. Maybe I just didn't get it, but felt like it could have been cut in half. Day-Lewis is great, but too many scenes of him just staring out into the California countryside.

Been meaning to check out The Master, so thanks BS for starting this thread that has now served as a reminder.

Inherent Vice looks like it might be Anderson's most accessible movie since Boogie Nights. Hell of a cast.

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I remember seeing Boogie Nights in theatres. Great movie.

Really enjoyed Magnolia the first few times I saw it but I'm not sure it's held up as well as Anderson's other movies. I really admire Tom Cruise's work in this film, which is a rarity in most of the movies he's made in the last 20 years.

Punch Drunk Love is great in that the location (LA) is sort of the main character of the movie. Great to see a movie that highlights the industrial swamp that is much of LA/Hollywood. It would be great to see Sandler return to these kinds of roles.

Saw There Will Be Blood in theatres; don't have much desire to see it again. Maybe I just didn't get it, but felt like it could have been cut in half. Day-Lewis is great, but too many scenes of him just staring out into the California countryside.

Been meaning to check out The Master, so thanks BS for starting this thread that has now served as a reminder.

Inherent Vice looks like it might be Anderson's most accessible movie since Boogie Nights. Hell of a cast.

you need to see his first movie, Hard Eight

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