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2016 National Football League (NFL) Regular Season

Ace Nova

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You have a human tank but decide to throw instead, smh lol.

Well, no surpise Axl at half-time ( unless he was inside of one of those Tree or Shark suits ) or Pacquiao/Mayweather announcement, but at least the end was entertaining. Also, the Brosnan commercial was pretty funny.

Edited by jbhutto
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Incredible game.

Wow. Pete tried to get too cute.

The fight at the end. Baldwins TD and then 15 yard penality for his stupid dance. Sherman and his 24 thing about Revis. Typical Hawks crap.

But you cant take away the fact that both teams played great. Fantastic game and super bowl. If Seattle keeps Lynch they might be back again next year.

You gotta love that everybody was counting both teams out earlier in the season.

Just a great game by both teams. Pin the loss on Pete the Cheat with that terrible call.

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Wow what an ending! Terrible call by Carroll. 2nd and goal from the 1 and you don't run Lynch?

Congrats to the Pats for the comeback

And they had a timeout.

Beast mode Lynch. Russell Wilson's legs. Can't believe they didn't run.

All in all though a pretty great game. Seattle played a great game, they can hold their heads high.

Tom Brady is still The Man.

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I'm just happy it was an entertaining game...and that the Packers are no longer the biggest chokers in recent memory :lol:

Seriously, how do you not give it to Marshawn there?!

Eh, sorry Crazy but as a fellow Packer fan our choke will go down in infamy. Tough lose by the Hawks, and a dumb call by Carroll, but our choke was of epic proportion.

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It was a great game, but I don't think you can say either team played great. No matter who you point out, good chance they had 2-3 absolute bonehead plays to go with their great plays. Lots of highs and lows throughout the game. Some stellar football and some football that just leaves you scratching your head.

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I'm just happy it was an entertaining game...and that the Packers are no longer the biggest chokers in recent memory :lol:

Seriously, how do you not give it to Marshawn there?!

Eh, sorry Crazy but as a fellow Packer fan our choke will go down in infamy. Tough lose by the Hawks, and a dumb call by Carroll, but our choke was of epic proportion.

We'll have to agree to disagree, my friend.

Choking like that in the Super Bowl? Way worse than in the NFC Championship game. They get the miracle Antonio Freeman catch, then turn the ball over at the one yard line.

Not to mention, with an injured Aaron Rodgers the Packers were huge underdogs on the road to begin with. This choke is way worse, imo.

Edited by Crazyman
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great superbowl that will always be talked about, got it give to brady the guy in the 4th was as good as you could possibly be. that call was just awful i mean i think it is almost certain the patriots would have conceded the touchdown to have a chance with 2 time outs. also the seahawks in the 4th quarter should have called a couple read options where wilson kept it, the patriots linebackers and front line were crashing the middle to stop lynch on a couple calls wilson could have run forever.

Edited by bran
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Mind-blowing play at the end. Glad that the 9/11 Truther coach who thinks he knows it all made likely one of the worst calls in Superbowl history. Lynch could get one yard even without an offensive line in front of him.

Oh well, congrats to the Patriots for playing hard throughout the game.

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Mind-blowing play at the end. Glad that the 9/11 Truther coach who thinks he knows it all made likely one of the worst calls in Superbowl history. Lynch could get one yard even without an offensive line in front of him.

Oh well, congrats to the Patriots for playing hard throughout the game.

a playaction bootleg would have let wilson walk into the endzone, shit he could have stood at the goalline burned another 5 seconds and then stepped in for the touchdown. marshawn lynch would have walked into the endzone since the patriots would concede the touchdown, or hell he could have flown over the top, pretty much anything on that play results in a touchdown but a pass. a pass in that area of the field anything can happen, especially on that type of play with a corner breaking on the route like butler did. whatever pete carroll was thinking hell i dont even know what he was thinking it was like belichick jedi mind tricked him to give the superbowl away :lol:


couldnt have happened(outside of belichick) to a bigger prick.

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Axls....you must not have followed Pete's college career.

Pete was classy in his post game interview though. He was pretty gracious.

You must not follow Belichick or the Pats.
You mean becuz of one violation seven years ago? That was legal the year before?

Yes, I follow football.

I saw Shermans class act last year about Crabtree.

I saw Golden Tate hit and injure a player with a blindside hit...and then flex his muscles and act like he was a boxing champion.

I saw Sherman make fun of Revis.

I saw Baldwin act the fool in his interview last week blasting people.

I saw Baldwin score a TD and then do a classy dance that looked like he pulled down his pants - costing his team 15 yards.

Who was the Hawk this week that said that Gronk was overrated???? Do you ever hear Brady or Manning or Rogers badmouthing other players?

And of courss I followed Pete the Cheats college career. And how he only let his agent have access to players. And how his program got nailed for cheating....and instead of paying the punishment, Pete instead bailed.

I also saw who led the league in penalties this year.

Should I go on?

Your team had a great season. Actually, two great seasons. But nobody in their right mind would classify them as a classy program.

Ive always enjoyed you as a poster. Never figured

You as one of those crazy Axl-v-Slash type crazy fans who think that their idols can do no wrong.

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Aaaaaand Carroll's USC stuff was how long ago? Hawks leading in penalties was bullshit bias. I don't see Brady badmouthing, I see him getting caught cheating.

brady's wife did throw welker under the bus and ran him over a couple times :lol:

players shit talk each other on the field and say and do things far worse on a football field than "richard sherman said some bad things to michael crabtree" i mean come on crabtree was talking shit about sherman leading up to that game and they literally shoved a microphone in his face seconds after getting the best of him in an emotional fiery game. every team has knuckleheads and despicable people.

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Aaaaaand Carroll's USC stuff was how long ago? Hawks leading in penalties was bullshit bias. I don't see Brady badmouthing, I see him getting caught cheating.

I also saw the Hawks start a fight on the second to the last play. Class act til the end.

LOL. So Bill is a cheat for life....but Pete's past should be forgotten? Nice double standard.

And Brady has never been proven to be a cheater. In fact, the latest report says that only one of the 12 balls had noticeable air loss.

And SMH. League bias is why Seattle always has so many penalties?

Damn Axlsold. You are better than this. Dont be that guy that cries and whines when your team blows a game.

Now Im done talking about this stupid stuff. Pete, Sherman and those guys are who they are. Great team, one of the best in the league. But far from classy or for being role models.

Now back to the actual game.

Bran, I dont think Bellichik was going to let Seattle score so he could get the ball back. He didnt call a time out after the first Lynch run. He let the clock run from 50 seconds down to 25. I think at that point he was putting ghe game in his defense's hands. Seattle still had to score....and you never know what might happen. Your defense makes a stand. You cause a fumble. An int happens.

Turns out he made the right call by not letting Seattle score.

Nfl players are destroying that last play on twitter. Emmitt said it was the worst call of all time.

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