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Major League Baseball Thread - 2018 Season


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I rely on sabermetrics almost exclusively when evaluating players and in-game managerial decisions. Unfortunately most sabermetricians are arrogant, condescending cunts, so it's taking longer to catch on than it should.

True though that may be, they're arrogant and condescending cunts because the people who don't accept the facts are ignorant idiots who refuse to acknowledge reality. People who deny the value of advanced stats are just wrong and, at a point, goad on sabermatricians' condescending tone. Act like a child, get treated like a child.

That said, I totally get what Double D is saying here. Sabermetrics are scientific, and certainly don't always lead to the most exciting game, and weighing the entertainment value of exciting plays vs. entertainment through your team's victory. But the people who argue that sports are intangible, talent can't be quantified, and advanced stats should be disregarded as hokey? That's just dumb.

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I rely on sabermetrics almost exclusively when evaluating players and in-game managerial decisions. Unfortunately most sabermetricians are arrogant, condescending cunts, so it's taking longer to catch on than it should.

What I don't get is why is there a old school vs. new school mentality with some people? There's examples of it from both sides. The arrogant, condescending sabermetricians on one side, then old school analysts who seem to make it a point to put down new stats with the "they don't know because they didn't play the game" argument on the other side. I kind of find the divide interesting. I think the most optimal solution to decisions could be found by combining and finding a balance between the two sides. Sabermetrics that provide a much more in-depth look into the numbers of the game than ever before, and more traditional scouting/managing when it comes to the human elements of the game that still lack reliable, developed measurements.

I thought this was relevant given our recent discussions on modern vs old school thinking. Batting the pitcher 8th. Good idea?


I don't mind the idea of getting someone on base before the line up flips over. As the article states, the advantage is minimal but it costs you nothing. It seems to be picking up as a philosophy too

I like the reply to the first post in the comment section about Babe Ruth dropping from cleanup to ninth on days he pitched early in the 1918 season. Looking at the game log that was posted there from that season, the manager decided to keep him batting fourth when pitching starting in June, but that's really interesting to see how he dropped him to the 9 spot before that.

Didn't matter since the Reds got out of the inning, but they about got screwed by a stupid replay decision. Runners at first and second, Cardinals attempt a sac bunt that was fielded by the catcher, Mesoraco. Mesoraco tags the batter before throwing to Frazier at third. Home plate umpire initially says that Mesoraco missed the tag, so Frazier threw to first to complete a 2-5-3 double play. Cardinals challenge the call, and it's determined that Mesoraco did indeed tag the batter. So, their ruling ended up being batter was out, runners at second and third were safe since Frazier didn't tag the runner at third. My problem with that is, how can you rule that when, in real-time, Frazier didn't need to tag the runner. You're changing a variable that is absolutely crucial to the development and outcome of a play, so how can you conclude the runners are safe when the rules of the play completely change due to the initial missed called. At the very least, I would think the fairest ruling would be batter out, runners back on first and second. Makes no sense to let them advance when you change the rules on a hypothetical scenario.

This is why I believe the replay doesn't have a place in baseball.

I'm a supporter of replay, but, yeah, it still has problems that need to be fixed. I think it works well for the fair/foul calls on home runs or if a catch was made without anybody on base, etc., but when there's added scenarios to a play, that's when it starts getting tricky. Don't want rulings to rely on assumptions on what could have happened if a call gets overturned.

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this is going to be a very, very long season.

Not if you are a Dodgers fan, baby!!!


My dad won't use the internet because he is certain somebody will steal his identity and empty his bank accounts. Older people sometimes just don't adapt to new technology.

And with sports it is a sense of romanticizing the game. Man vs man. A computer or stat doesn't matter in the true sense of the game, because the players have to perform. But the old school guys don't realize that using stats can put your team in a better position to succeed.

To not take advantage of that is ludicrous.

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Which catch? What did I miss?


Can I begin to accept that the Mets finally have a real catcher again in lowercase d?

a) I included a twitter post of Kevin Pillar leaping up and robbing a home run. Wall at the Rogers Centre in Toronto is ten feet tall.

b) Yes, d'Arnaud looks like he could be the real deal. Not that the Jays need a catcher right now, but it's a shame the team didn't hang on to him instead of trading him for Dickey.

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Hmmm. I don't see the twitter. Must be the school's internet. I'll check it out later.

Pitching was the right way to go for you guys. Your offense is tight. Dickey though? Not so much.

Yeah, likely your computer at work. I checked on multiple computers here and was able to see the clip. If anyone else reading this doesn't see the clip of Pillar acting like Superman and catching that ball let me know.

With the exception of the first three months of his first season with the Jays, I think Dickey has performed well. His problem is he never gets any run support. He's pitched two games this season and received a total of three runs combined. And when he does get run support, it comes in droves for one game, then goes dry for his next three starts.

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I have nothing but love for Dickey, really. He gave the Mets a few solid years, with one elite year in there, when there wasn't much to enjoy about the Mets. And then he went away at 35+ in exchange for a top prospect, future everyday catcher. Plus he's a legitimately interesting and good dude, a genuine feel-good baseball story.

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With the exception of the first three months of his first season with the Jays, I think Dickey has performed well. His problem is he never gets any run support. He's pitched two games this season and received a total of three runs combined. And when he does get run support, it comes in droves for one game, then goes dry for his next three starts.

That was his problem with the Mets, too. I mean, he's a really solid pitcher. Nothing exceptional, save for his one Cy Young year where he was just ON and almost pitched two consecutive no-hitters, but nearly always solid. He just flew under the radar because he would often have a losing record due to no run support, but for those who watched him consistently and with eyes to see, saw that he was actually pretty special.

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The wait is over. Kris Bryant becomes a Cub today. Let the future begin!

how did those cubs ever survive those 8 games :lol:

cant wait to see him play.

First place, offense coming alive, how they have wasted this beginning of the season!

Then why bring him up if things are going so well? Hell, 5-3 - that's a lock for a pennant, right? Sure, you are a three-game losing streak away from having a losing record. But let's pretend that the nice start by Chicago and Atlanta has guaranteed those two teams playoff spots. SMH.

Lol, at you guys still being corporate shills for the owners.

A decision not based on a player's ability - but on his contract.

Baseball teams are 25 guys. One player does not decide a team's future and fortune. Clayton Kershaw won the MVP award and the Cy Young award last year, did the Dodgers win the world series?

If you think the Cubs were better without Bryant for those 8-9 games - then more power to you.

I think they would have been better with him, and that his MVP season last year in the minors and his MVP spring training season this year earned him a spot on the opening day roster.

The Cubs third basemen through the first eight games, they went 5-3, hit something like .150 batting average with one home run. So you could say the Cubs won IN SPITE of putrid play from their hot corner players.

Bryant isn't going to win or lose the pennant for the Cubs all by himself. But he should be a huge upgrade than the guys who have played their for the first 8 games.

NOW can we just talk about baseball and leave all this girlish bickering behind?

The wait is over. Kris Bryant becomes a Cub today. Let the future begin!

how did those cubs ever survive those 8 games :lol:

cant wait to see him play.

First place, offense coming alive, how they have wasted this beginning of the season!

Are you happy with the production they got from their third basemen this season? I believe it's 150 batting average and 1 homer?

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NOW can we just talk about baseball and leave all this girlish bickering behind?

The wait is over. Kris Bryant becomes a Cub today. Let the future begin!

how did those cubs ever survive those 8 games :lol:

cant wait to see him play.

First place, offense coming alive, how they have wasted this beginning of the season!

Are you happy with the production they got from their third basemen this season? I believe it's 150 batting average and 1 homer?


Interested to see Bryant's debut today. Always fun to see a highly rated prospect make their debut in the big leagues. Pretty interesting matchup, too--James Shields.

Edited by ronaldo9
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i would give up 8 games in a rookie season for another 162 games when the player has gained significant experience and has started hitting his prime every single time.

That's cool.

I'm of the opposite mindset. I'd rather my team tried to win every game today and this season as opposed to worrying about what happens in five years. Who knows what the Cubs and Bryant will look like then. And if Bryant does become a beast, the Cubs can always redo his contract.

Some teams/owners try and win every year. Others are always playing for the "future." "We might not win this year, but come watch us in four years." I prefer teams/owners that want to win every game, and not put an inferior product on the field specifically for contract reasons.

You guys defending this move should NEVER ever again mention the phrase "integrity of the game" if Belicheck or Deflate Gate comes up again.

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i would give up 8 games in a rookie season for another 162 games when the player has gained significant experience and has started hitting his prime every single time.

That's cool.

I'm of the opposite mindset. I'd rather my team tried to win every game today and this season as opposed to worrying about what happens in five years. Who knows what the Cubs and Bryant will look like then. And if Bryant does become a beast, the Cubs can always redo his contract.

Some teams/owners try and win every year. Others are always playing for the "future." "We might not win this year, but come watch us in four years." I prefer teams/owners that want to win every game, and not put an inferior product on the field specifically for contract reasons.

You guys defending this move should NEVER ever again mention the phrase "integrity of the game" if Belicheck or Deflate Gate comes up again.

it has nothing to do with the integrity of the game it is about being smart and keeping a player from leaving a year earlier in a league where there are open check books waiting to sign top notch talent. we are talking about 8 games, if you think missing those 8 games hurts the integrity of a sport or a team i cannot debate with you(nice of you to bring up belichick and the patriots..... again i think you can let it go now apples and oranges) since its just asinine. win "now" mode 8 games into a 162 game schedule is laughable.

Edited by bran
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The wait is over. Kris Bryant becomes a Cub today. Let the future begin!

how did those cubs ever survive those 8 games :lol:

cant wait to see him play.

First place, offense coming alive, how they have wasted this beginning of the season!

Then why bring him up if things are going so well? Hell, 5-3 - that's a lock for a pennant, right? Sure, you are a three-game losing streak away from having a losing record. But let's pretend that the nice start by Chicago and Atlanta has guaranteed those two teams playoff spots. SMH.

Lol, at you guys still being corporate shills for the owners.

A decision not based on a player's ability - but on his contract.

Baseball teams are 25 guys. One player does not decide a team's future and fortune. Clayton Kershaw won the MVP award and the Cy Young award last year, did the Dodgers win the world series?

If you think the Cubs were better without Bryant for those 8-9 games - then more power to you.

I think they would have been better with him, and that his MVP season last year in the minors and his MVP spring training season this year earned him a spot on the opening day roster.

The Cubs third basemen through the first eight games, they went 5-3, hit something like .150 batting average with one home run. So you could say the Cubs won IN SPITE of putrid play from their hot corner players.

Bryant isn't going to win or lose the pennant for the Cubs all by himself. But he should be a huge upgrade than the guys who have played their for the first 8 games.

NOW can we just talk about baseball and leave all this girlish bickering behind?

The wait is over. Kris Bryant becomes a Cub today. Let the future begin!

how did those cubs ever survive those 8 games :lol:

cant wait to see him play.

First place, offense coming alive, how they have wasted this beginning of the season!

Are you happy with the production they got from their third basemen this season? I believe it's 150 batting average and 1 homer?

Bryant did nothing at AAA and struck out 3times today so does not look like he would have made a difference my friend. Someday you will understand spring training stats mean nothing. The Cubs realized that, gained another year of player control, and still stayed competitive. That is why you are an emotional fan and not a MLB GM. ;)

In other news another disgraced washed up 3rd baseman hit 2 hrs and now has 4hrs and is carrying his team. Is there a bigger surprise than Arods start this year? I sure am surprised.

Edited by classicrawker
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