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Slash, is there anything he won't sell out to?


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more anti old GNR sentiment...

Give him a break. He's got to earn a living, just as axl does. I mean its not as though he's rolling cash as you might think.... He's well off of course, but will  his money last him the rest of his life?

And who cares what he does. If he wants to do this then thats fine for him... Its not as though you cant claim that axl sold out.


i thought this bit from the article was funny

"Star Wars" director George Lucas spoke, and America's Fastest Geek was crowned after he beat out others in building a computer.
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It doesn't fuckin matter what Slash doews with anyone..cause it never takes away from his style...

when he did BlackStreet "Fix" he was still Slash...Les Paul, Wah wah..and Marshall Amp..with his sounds..his solo..his lead...

Same with M. Jackson... Same with Alice Cooper, Same with GNR, ...so fuck anyone who says he's a sell out...I put pop CD's in my Cd-player and play lead over them all the time..at least he's keeping a hard rock edge into these otherwise, pop engorged, deflated tunes...

Anyone who calls themselves a fan of GNR cannot hate any of the old members...cause if so..then they shuold also hate the music that Axl is currently playing..90% of Appetite is played live..meaning Slash's riffs and lines..and in some cases lyrics...

Either like these guys or not... and be consistient...stop jumping on the anti-ex members bandwagon..cause too many people are doing it..and I bet if the old memebers reunited with Axl...you poseurs would love it right away...

so blow up...get a grip..whatever...

point is..slash doesn't change his style... he's the best guitar player to hit the 80's and 90's.... he rules... and the best thing is that he's down to earth..

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more anti old GNR sentiment...

Give him a break. He's got to learn a living, just as axl does. I mean its not as though he's rolling cash as you might think.... He's well off of course, but will  his money last him the rest of his life?

And who cares what he does. If he wants to do this then thats fine for him... Its not as though you cant claim that axl sold out.


i thought this bit from the article was funny

Thats what i was gonna say... He has to LIVE!

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...Give him a break. He's got to earn a living, just as axl does. I mean its not as though he's rolling cash as you might think....

Slash hardly needs the cash.  :P

Aside from the money he raked in during GNR's heydays, he continues to get residuals (royalties) on album sales today.  And in case you didn't know,  AFD, for example, continues to sell more than 3,000 copies each week just in the U.S. alone, according to Soundscan.  So, he's pretty much set for life financially.

No, the reason for his countless public appearances are personal - not money-related.  I'm guessing this is a guy who loves to make music and play guitar whenever he can. At the same time, he obviously craves the spotlight and wants to keep his name and face out there, and is willing to show up for just about any public appearance if enough cameras are rolling. This isn't a criticism -- just an observation.

I didn't have any problems with him playing with Michael Jackson, but I think he lost some credibility -- not to mention dignity -- when he hopped on stage with Pink. Then there's the endless appearances on VH1...  I just think he could pick and choose his appearances a little more selectively.  ;)

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The point is this... Slash has made 1000's of 'guest apperances' and he doesn't care what they are... You could ask him to play at a KKK convention and he would. There is such a thing as being desperate.  Funny how GnR lies gets defensive about Slash but he can bash axl all he wants and the new guys... Can you say hypocracy?  Guest appreances are one thing, selling your ass to every person who comes along is another.

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The point is this... Slash has made 1000's of 'guest apperances' and he doesn't care what they are... You could ask him to play at a KKK convention and he would. There is such a thing as being desperate.  Funny how GnR lies gets defensive about Slash but he can bash axl all he wants and the new guys... Can you say hypocracy?  Guest appreances are one thing, selling your ass to every person who comes along is another.

First off he never bashed Axl about anything.  How is he selling out?? When whenever he makes appearances, he is doing what he is known to do and that is play guitar. It is not like he is talking on the camera trying to sell Life Insurance or something.

Led Zeppelin is played during Cadillac commercials so does that make them sellouts??

Would you call B.B. King a sellout because he endorses Burger King???

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The point is this... Slash has made 1000's of 'guest apperances' and he doesn't care what they are... You could ask him to play at a KKK convention and he would. There is such a thing as being desperate.  Funny how GnR lies gets defensive about Slash but he can bash axl all he wants and the new guys... Can you say hypocracy?  Guest appreances are one thing, selling your ass to every person who comes along is another.

well yes, i am defensive of slash, and i am a little critical of axl (i never bash axl. I am always going to be a devoted follower of him, i just dont neccessarily agree with his actions), but that only goes with the teritory. I mean if the worst thing that you could say about slash was that he played at a comdex convention, then i would be feeling pretty proud if i was slash.

I mean i know what your saying, and he does play in a lot of guest roles, but who cares. Would you rather he be like axl for the last 10 years and be hidden away from the public? I for one dont.

And I would love to see slash on sesamee street! Get the kids into slash very young!

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heh, you youngings don't know anything about selling out.. You have been brainwashed by MTV.  There is such a thing as integrity and not selling out to major sponserships.  Slash has done this many, many times.  It's not different then if Axl started doing Pepsi ads with Britney Spears. It's the same thing.  At least AXL hasn't sold out. And that's my point exactly about the KKK, i KNOW he is half black that's why I said it... I said it because I honsestly don't think it would bother him at this point, too many sellouts........ Guns N Roses wasn't about Comdex.. Slash wasn't about comdex... they were about pure rock and roll, balls out kick butt music... he is only bringing shame apon himself.   ::)

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oH~ Gee Mr Im ten years older than you so i know everyhting there is to know about everyhting.

Come on dude. Its simple. He has to make a living, so he is playing in these special guest spots. Its not called selling out, its called making a living. If you went down and got a job at a large multinational firm, or if your business was employed to carryout a certain business function, would you be considered as selling out? No you wouldn't You need the money to survive. Simple.

Slash my friend has not sold out simply becuase he has not done anything to take away from his music. His music still stands, he's not out to be commercialised or anything. He may not even of got paid for those gigs. He might of just been asked, and being the man he was he just did it.

Give him a break. You say we are all anti axl, well we are not. You however are obviously anti slash, becuase if axl did this, then you wouldn't be saying anything...

I mean you could even go as far to say that axl being at the MTV awards was selling out. Its not. So get over it.

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... Give him a break. You say we are all anti axl, well we are not. You however are obviously anti slash, becuase if axl did this, then you wouldn't be saying anything...

Not true. If Axl was jumping onstage with Pink, I'd be just as critical. Fortunately, there's little chance of that happening as Axl has dignity.  :D;)

The point is this... Slash has made 1000's of 'guest apperances' and he doesn't care what they are... You could ask him to play at a KKK convention and he would....

Exactly. That was the point I made earlier. I just think Slash could be a bit more selective about which gigs or appearances he agrees to do.  It's not a matter of money: Slash doesn't need the  cash.

.. Led Zeppelin is played during Cadillac commercials so does that make them sellouts??..

Yes! Definitely. My thought when seeing that:  How the mighty have fallen.  :-/

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Yeah dude if AXL kept doing that shit all the time, people would eat him alive!  Fans would be like...."man instead of making all these $hit appearances, how bout going into the studio and making an album."  Same with Slash.  All though he is now, i guess, but still..if it was AXL man...woo he would get destroyed.  But its slash and everybody loves that guy :D


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