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Axl Rose & Howard Hughes


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well... I just watched "the Aviator" for the thousandth time and I've come up with the following:

(1) both made it big only to see their respective empires torn apart to which each responds by going into self-reculsion.

(2) both are eccentrics who are afraid of the public knowing of their eccentricities.

(3) both spent countless millions on their respective masterpieces and against all pressure, refused to release them until perfection had been achieved citing various release dates only to refute them. (obviously Hell's Angels vs. Chinese Democracy)

(4) both had an undeniable passion for their own line of work and were geniuses/avant-garde in that field.

(5) both disappeared off the face of the earth for 5+ years after being in the limelight for 5+ years. When in reclusion, both refused admission of even their dearest friends to be in their presence.

(6) both were womanizers in a similar fashion. The first long-term relationship for both were the ones in which both reached the furthest in finding true love (Katherine Hepburn vs. Erin Everly). However, it was a woman later to come which would become their obsession and ultimately, their undoing (Ava Gardner vs. Steph Seymour).

(7) both treated woman poorly which ended up in lawsuits being pressed against them by their ex's.

(8) both were bombarded with lawsuits from all ends with regards to legal issues of not giving some personnel their rightful dues.

(9) both wanted to raise a family more than anything else and both were denied this in life (well... Axl so far).

(10) both could not care less about what critics would observe of their work - leading to many censorships on various pieces. ("the Outlaw" vs. "One in a Million")

(11) both became extremely paranoid at the loss of their reputation/power.

(12) both became health nuts after declining into seclusion - quitting drinking/smoking & maintaining unreasonable cleaniess (in Hughes' case).

I'll add more later.

Hopefully Axl's life won't end as sadly as Hughes' did... :(

Edited by Madagascar88
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Hopefully Axl's life won't end as sadly as Hughes' did... :(


HOw did his life end?


He died of kidney failure. But he was a total recluse for years. His body was covered in matted uncut hair, his fingernails were extremely long. I think he had jars of his own urine in his room. Broken needles were found in his arms.

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Howard Hughes didn't go outside for years on end - i don't think that's the case with Axl.

Since 2000, Axl has continued to use various recording facilities to record the album, headlined one of the largest music festivals in the world & embarked on a world tour.

If Axl did go outside near his house i don't think anyone would be any the wiser, he lives in the Malibu hills.

Who knows what's going on? However, i do think Axl's 'recluse' label is unwarranted.


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(obviously Hell's Angels vs. Chinese Democracy)


I think the 'Spruce Goose' is a better match:)



actually Howard was a poor judge of Aero Design ;)

He just had the idea of what a good plane was.

I'm a pilot my self, and our CFI (Instructor) teacher met Hughes back in the day.

He said we was a VERY smart guy, he could learn a new plane without reading the manuals for it. But he also took chances with TWA that almost bankrupted the whole company. Results that never proved to be good, but in the end he was a brilliant businessman. More than an aircraft builder and film maker. Hells Angels is one thing, so was the Spruce Goose, But still, SG is STILL the largest aircraft on earth :) If A380 isn't bigger now. If the war would've lasted a little longer the aircraft would've been in use.

Also the systems developed for the SG were systems like Hydraulics, advanced yaw control and much more. The technology developed for THAT aircraft benefited millions of other ;)

So fiasco or not, I'd say none of his projects were bad. He was visionary.

Comparing him to Axl isn't right. Not that we know all about Axl, but I Don't think Axl deals with the same stuff Howard Hughes ever dealt with.

Axl also keeps is ball in the music park. Not in film making and aviation ;)

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Hopefully Axl's life won't end as sadly as Hughes' did... :(


HOw did his life end?


he kept his head away from the limelight. He ran the company from airplanes, hotelrooms and different places. And he was very addicted to Opium/Heroin after the crash were he almost got killed. (when he crashed into the hollywood hills).

He got more reclusive and just fell into the dark.

Until his heart one day stopped as a cause of heroin use.

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  • 2 months later...

"I am by nature a perfectionist, and I seem to have trouble allowing anything to go through in a half-perfect condition. So if I made any mistake it was in working too hard and in doing too much of it with my own hands."

-- Howard Hughes describing his way of working and the mistakes made in building the "Spruce Goose."

Axl Rose is the Howard Hughes of the music industry . Do you think that CD will suffer the same fate as the Spruce Goose????

These 2 projects mirror each other in so many ways. I hope CD has a better outcome.

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"I am by nature a perfectionist, and I seem to have trouble allowing anything to go through in a half-perfect condition. So if I made any mistake it was in working too hard and in doing too much of it with my own hands."

-- Howard Hughes describing his way of working and the mistakes made in building the "Spruce Goose."

Axl Rose is the Howard Hughes of the music industry . Do you think that CD will suffer the same fate as the Spruce Goose????

These 2 projects mirror each other in so many ways. I hope CD has a better outcome.

It will. Sometimes another word for perfectionist is "pain in the ass"

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"I am by nature a perfectionist, and I seem to have trouble allowing anything to go through in a half-perfect condition. So if I made any mistake it was in working too hard and in doing too much of it with my own hands."

-- Howard Hughes describing his way of working and the mistakes made in building the "Spruce Goose."

Axl Rose is the Howard Hughes of the music industry . Do you think that CD will suffer the same fate as the Spruce Goose????

These 2 projects mirror each other in so many ways. I hope CD has a better outcome.

It will. Sometimes another word for perfectionist is "pain in the ass"

That's four words ;)

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"I am by nature a perfectionist, and I seem to have trouble allowing anything to go through in a half-perfect condition. So if I made any mistake it was in working too hard and in doing too much of it with my own hands."

-- Howard Hughes describing his way of working and the mistakes made in building the "Spruce Goose."

Axl Rose is the Howard Hughes of the music industry . Do you think that CD will suffer the same fate as the Spruce Goose????

These 2 projects mirror each other in so many ways. I hope CD has a better outcome.

It will. Sometimes another word for perfectionist is "pain in the ass"

That's four words ;)


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fantastic comparison, but even though it makes for good press...Axl is not even close to the recluse he is made out to be. He even said it himself that he goes out frequently, just not to places that there are cameras...anyway, seems he has been more visable lately and I can promise it's for a reason. He avoided public places with press in the past and is not now(go figure)

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  • 1 month later...

anyone see this movie? i watched the first 1/2 hour of the aviator today and couldnt help but think of axl being the same way about his record as howard huges was about the movie he was making. anyone else think the same thing? btw.... i live in NY and im getting tix to one of the shows at the hammerstein, cant wait

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