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Since the leaks...

there is no dana only zool

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I obtained both tracks at approxamately 10pm last night... I then listened to them both back to back until about 6:30 the following morning...

Today- I had a roughly a two hour break between classes and listened to them the entire time...

It's 3am now and they've been on repeat again I'd say for the last 4 or 5 hours...

anybody else addicted, too?

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"Better" does nothing for me. Its an incomplete track, and the first thirty seconds are some linkin park sounding garbage. The rest of the track is very solid though.

I have listened to IRS quite a bit, and it has grown on me... its almost Zeppelin sounding, especially the intro. Not "great" music, but definately listenable.

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IRS - 20 times

Better - 23 times

.....i had to stop because my brother was sick of listning to them...there was nothing else i felt like listning to, nothing i thought of compared. still switched to Metallica though rock3

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A lot! I live on the 5000 block of PRIVATE Canyon rd, just moved in, I've been outside jamming them through my in home PA for 12 hrs now. My neighbor to the left is really pissed off, keeps calling the cops, and his attorneys, of all things. I don't know what his problem is, like he's Axl Rose himself or something...oh shit, wait a minute....

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