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Are you as excited for the release of Chinese D now as you were in 2002?


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Dudes, on the strength of those leaks, can you really be that excited? Those are the only tracks Axl plays live, and I can't see him touring and continually playing the same 3/4 songs for 4 years if they weren't the best he has. Look at what he plays off UYI: November Rain and You Could Be Mine - easily two of the best. Let's put it this way, if Axl has an Ace up his sleeve, it'd be pretty uncharacteristic and I'd be surprised. Now that's not to say I'm not excited, for one it'd be cool to see the package, and the possibility of a band photshoot (they look so much more like band than the freakshow of '02). And as for Bumblefoot, he kicks major ass. At Download he saved Axl's butt from alientating a serious portion of his UK audience by coolly walking out into a crowd of doubters and wailing harder than Slash could ever be bothered to. Now that is cool, and Bucket, whilst also a major legend wouldn't have done the same thing, in fact that probably would have made him quit midshow! The thing is, we can talk all day about who was/is in the band and who is best, but surely there comes a day when you have to face change and that we can't live in the past. Axl, and whomever are on that record when it finally comes out, are Guns N' F**kin Roses! We will be lucky to have the album good or not so good, and you never know, he might just have that Ace and we get Estranged part ii, or something so radically new/different/awesome that we just sh*t our pants. In fact, I started off this post asking how you can be that excited, but I just rediscovered it in writing this post! I'M F**KING EXCITED AGAIN!! BRING IT ON OLD MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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i personally cant wait for it to come out. the leaks made me want to hear it even more. i love the leaks and if the rest of the cd sounds like that it will be great. if the cd came out with only 6 songs that we havent heard before, thats fine with me. i was estatic when i got to hear 1 new gnr song. plus, i think studio versions of madagascar and the blues are going to be amazing. i thought the 2006 tour was good. you have to remember it was like a warm up tour. not everybody has the oppertunity to download and listen to every show. yeah, i miss buckethead in the band and his amazing solos, but seeing izzy come out at hammerstein beat seeing buckethead's solos. the covers they played in london were great. and if somebody wants to give me shit for going to see gnr i could care less. listen to 90% of the music out there today, this new band kicks the shit out of all of them. people have to face facts, the old gnr is gone. this is a new band and i am just as excited for chinese democracy as i have ever been.

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not really hyped and i never thought i would ever say that being a gnr nut for nearly 20 years,havent heard any new material that excites me at all and wembley show was big dissapointment for me.hope he will pull something out of the bag but do feel that axl lacks confidence in the new material for him not to release it.

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I am very hyped for the album release. Looking back, in 2002 Axl appeared to be an unconfident shell of his former self. He could barely pull of the songs and his band was a bunch of goths and... Buckethead. Now Guns N' Roses looks like Guns N' Roses and Axl Rose looks like Axl Rose.

So far this time they have yet to give any shambolic TV appearance, which just got them slagged. Axl has been in the headlines for fighting etc. this time and that's only gonna bring publicity to Guns N' Roses. I think when the album is released you'll know that the timing is perfect.

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Guest cherry_bomb

even more so. seeing them has just fueled my passion, and belief that CD will come out, and it'll be the best fucking thing anyone has heard for a long time.

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I miss the crazy speculation. I miss the "rumors" from "people who have heard them" that the "unfinished tracks are so EPIC and EARTHSHATTERING!!" I know, every band says this, but I actually believed it this time around. And the leaks are fine, but with all this hype, they fall short. If CD comes it, it comes out, but I'm exhausted from caring about it.

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i am, since the leaks and live versions we got i really wanna hear the studio ones, especially a studio "silkworms" and "madagascar" pressuming they're on it

also things are getting active in the gnr camp and that gets me excited :)

silkworms isnt going to be on the album, madagascar is still unconfirmed but assume it is. the only new song that was played at nearly all the shows in 02 and again in 06.

There isent any confirmed songs to be on CD...

My guess is max 3 of the songs we heard will be on

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i am, since the leaks and live versions we got i really wanna hear the studio ones, especially a studio "silkworms" and "madagascar" pressuming they're on it

also things are getting active in the gnr camp and that gets me excited :)

you forgot The Blues and Rhiad & The Bedouins ;)

Maybe he doesn't like those songs ;)

I'm more hyped about the next album (or is it albums?) after Chinese Democracy, I just want Axl to get this album out so he can get rid of that monkey on his back regarding it taking 10+ Years etc. I don't care if the album sucks, or if the albums a success (though of course I'd rather it be the latter) I just want the next album after, that doesn't have all the media coverage and all the hype surrounding it.

most certainly a new way of looking at it that I never read on this forum before.

cool post

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Honestly, although there is much more evidence to support it being released this year than in 2002, a certain mystique that CD had has faded with time. Having heard what will probably constitute half of the album, I am truly afraid that it will be a major letdown. I'm not saying the new songs suck-they are actually quite good-but I can't honestly say that they are groundbreaking in any way. At the same time, I check the forums everyday for news and I still get excited everytime something significant is reported. I will never give up on CD, but I feel like my interest will continue to fade slowly over time. I need something concrete to go on, ideally a release date. I have tried many times to visualize myself holding CD and playing it for the first time, but I just can't do it. It seems completely surreal.

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I'm still heavily anticipating the release. Just holding it in my hand will be great. I must say, however, that after hearing some of the leaks, I am not as hyped as i previously was. Though I truly think that Better, Maddy, IRS, TWAT, The Bluesand Catcher are very, very good songs, there is something lacking. I dont know, perhapts its just because they are not completed studio versions. We shall see, though I cant wait.

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Im more excited this time round, manly coz of axl. In 02 he just seemed so weird, although i wouldnt admit it to myself at the time. Axl in 06 seems to be back to his old self, he seems rock nroll again and i think its great that bucketheads gone aswell and this year it just feels like CDs actually going to come out.

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For some reason I am not as excited or giddy when I think about listening to Chinese D anymore. I think 4 factors have played a roll in my declined enthusiasm...

1. Leaks: While I like the new songs alot, the fact that so much of the album has been leaked has sort of satiated my hunger for GNR. While some think Axl isn't playing material off the new album, those people are dead wrong. This stuff is "the big guns" and I think deep down inside people know that when Chinese D is released, 6 or 7 of the 12-13 tracks will have been heard before.

2. 4 Years of nothing...So much time has passed and it's been such an exhausting wait with almost 2 of those years with no news what-so-ever.

3. Same Setlist: It felt like 2002 all over again, minus Buckethead's amazing solos and stage pressence. So to me, the 2006 tour was less exciting, and far more predictable than the 2001-2002 tour. Regardless of what the Axl-lites say (they will say any guitarist Axl picks is the best), the loss of Bucket really hurt this band and destroyed a lot of the excitement I had in it. Axl's #1 choice for a replacement for Slash was Bucket. While Ron is great, he's just not interesting to look at, nor does he have that Bad-ass/Strange element that Slash had, and Bucket had too (obviously Bucket was heavy on the strange, but it worked).

4. This is GNR, no wait, now THIS is GNR: The constant changing of band members, putting Izzy on stage, having Sebatian Bach up there...I mean, what the fuck is Guns N Fucking Roses these days? The whole thing now looks like Axl's traveling Kareoke act, and anyone can jump on stage and be a part of it, if that pleases Axl.

Remember when it was cool to be in GNR and when you said that to peopel you never had to defend why...but now, it's a joke amongst the masses to be into GNR..

I agree with just about everything in your post. If there current leaks are the big guns, I think I'll be dissapointed.

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I'm more excited after the leaks. Cos they were so awesome. Really I was excited the first time I heard Better. I didn't see it coming at all. I'm more excited about what they are hiding away. The band have a certain smugness that tells me they've got the shit but are playing it down. I guess I am more excited than before. As a fan you have to be.

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Less so, but only because it had more of a mystique back then - While I absolutely love most of the new songs and the leaks, hearing them took away from some of the mystery.

That said, I'm still pretty damn excited. But as Lisa Reed said, we've already had the chance to peak into 1/3 of our presents, it's only natural that the anticipation has decreased somewhat.

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The leaks only make me want to hear the finished products more.

In 2002, I had not a hell of a lot to go on. 3 new songs and an aborted tour where Axl sounded like shit warmed over.

Now I have 7 new songs and a band who seems to have their shit together. And Axl sounds WAAAAY better.

Bring it on, I say.

Pretty much sums it up for me.

2002 was different though. Maybe it was a bit more exciting. I'm not sure why, but I think it has to do with the fact that there was a lot more mystery surrounding the band and the album back then. A lot of that mystery has disappeared.

I think I'm gonna love this album, but how can it not be anti-climactic to some degree? How can it not be a bit of a letdown? With everything the fans have gone through, to have the tension come to an end is going to feel weird.

Edited by KBear
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2002 was very exciting, because it had been 9 years since they played in the UK and I got to see them live again after so many years. I think that is the ONLY advantage of 2002 to 2006.

The leaks got me so excited after hearing them, I mean I did have faith in Axl, but I wasn't 100% sure what to expect if anything.... and as good as the blues and Madagascar were/are they were old by the time the leaks came out.... and the leaks were excellent... it made me think that Chinese Democracy could be as good as I hoped and also would be different enough to be a progression of the GnR sound as well as having a quality to it to be timeless.

Then after these leaks Axl comes out and does a European tour and sounds better than ever, and looks so much better and happier than in 2002. So far this year has been immense and the ONLY thing missing for me is the album. In fact I'd be happy for a release date this year, as long as I get that I can wait until early next year for it. But if we get neither and no official word from GnR then I'll have to admit the shine will have been taken off a great year.


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