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How good is the guitar work in the New GnR Songs? An Offical Analysis


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the main overall difference in the riffage is this: the old guns stuff was meant to be played with 2 guitarist a bass player and a drummer. the old stuff stands out. you could pick up a guitar start jammin those songs and it sounds cool. and it sounds like the song.

the new stuff is kept alot more simple so that when the layering of multiple guitars, keyboards, strings, vocals, drum loops, f/x, etc, are added, it doesn't sound like a train wreck. the riffs don't really stand out on their own, but they do lay a very good foundation and are the rock that the new GNR sound is built on. but, if you picked up a guitar and started playing the new riffs to the new songs it might take a minute to go, "oh yeah, that's that new GNR tune."

As a guitar player and amateur music techie, I agree completely.

I really love the two solos in better. The first I imagine is Bucket, and the second either Finck or Fortus. They're both great in different ways and complement each other well.

Edited by Maddergascar
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I think the guitar parts on the demos have been digitally edited with pro-tools to the max. Bumble and Richard have no problem playing the stuff live, although Ron has altered the leads from Bucket's. Robin wrote good solos for The Blues and TWAT, but he has trouble pulling off a lot of the stuff live. Listen to any of the live stuff on old or new songs live and you will clearly see that his playing is sloppy at times

- I think Robin in studio can pull off doing these solos, because he's not flopping around like a fish out of water with his eyes to the sky. Live he sometimes puts a bit too much body emotion into his work, that the technicallity becomes sloppy.

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This gonna turn in to "Slash is the best...Finck solos sucks, nothing spacial about Finck solos because Slash ain't playing them!"

You'd like that, wouldn't you?

So far it's been an interesting thread (especially quadlaser's post) but I'm sure either you or Axls_Disillusion will attempt to hijack it soon.

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This gonna turn in to "Slash is the best...Finck solos sucks, nothing spacial about Finck solos because Slash ain't playing them!"

You'd like that, wouldn't you?

So far it's been an interesting thread (especially quadlaser's post) but I'm sure either you or Axls_Disillusion will attempt to hijack it soon.

A_D alread tried, but it got nowhere icon237.gif

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now you morons are hijacking the thread talking about other people hijacking the thread.

this thread has nothing to do with slash

this thread is about the guitarists in the current lineup. if you want to talk about slash, do it in the appropiate place. now lets please get this thread back on track.

This gonna turn in to "Slash is the best...Finck solos sucks, nothing spacial about Finck solos because Slash ain't playing them!"

You'd like that, wouldn't you?

So far it's been an interesting thread (especially quadlaser's post) but I'm sure either you or Axls_Disillusion will attempt to hijack it soon.

A_D alread tried, but it got nowhere icon237.gif

you're a fucking hypocrite dude. you hijacked the thread with your slash trolling. i simply pointed it out.

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now you morons are hijacking the thread talking about other people hijacking the thread.

this thread has nothing to do with slash

this thread is about the guitarists in the current lineup. if you want to talk about slash, do it in the appropiate place. now lets please get this thread back on track.

This gonna turn in to "Slash is the best...Finck solos sucks, nothing spacial about Finck solos because Slash ain't playing them!"

You'd like that, wouldn't you?

So far it's been an interesting thread (especially quadlaser's post) but I'm sure either you or Axls_Disillusion will attempt to hijack it soon.

A_D alread tried, but it got nowhere icon237.gif

you're a fucking hypocrite dude. you hijacked the thread with your slash trolling. i simply pointed it out.

Um, no I didnt. It gets hijacked when somebody buts in and says "HEY THATS OFF TOPIC!", thats practicaly asking for it, and I didnt give in.

Let it fucking go or we'll get in the same old argument again, christ.

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now you morons are hijacking the thread talking about other people hijacking the thread.

this thread has nothing to do with slash

this thread is about the guitarists in the current lineup. if you want to talk about slash, do it in the appropiate place. now lets please get this thread back on track.

This gonna turn in to "Slash is the best...Finck solos sucks, nothing spacial about Finck solos because Slash ain't playing them!"

You'd like that, wouldn't you?

So far it's been an interesting thread (especially quadlaser's post) but I'm sure either you or Axls_Disillusion will attempt to hijack it soon.

A_D alread tried, but it got nowhere icon237.gif

you're a fucking hypocrite dude. you hijacked the thread with your slash trolling. i simply pointed it out.

Um, no I didnt. It gets hijacked when somebody buts in and says "HEY THATS OFF TOPIC!", thats practicaly asking for it, and I didnt give in.

Let it fucking go or we'll get in the same old argument again, christ.

don't tell me to let it go when you are the one instigating. quit bringing up slash in threads that have nothing to do with him. thats called hijacking. and me telling you this thread has nothing to do with slash is not an attempt to hijack, its an attempt to get the thread back on course. son.

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now you morons are hijacking the thread talking about other people hijacking the thread.

this thread has nothing to do with slash

this thread is about the guitarists in the current lineup. if you want to talk about slash, do it in the appropiate place. now lets please get this thread back on track.

This gonna turn in to "Slash is the best...Finck solos sucks, nothing spacial about Finck solos because Slash ain't playing them!"

You'd like that, wouldn't you?

So far it's been an interesting thread (especially quadlaser's post) but I'm sure either you or Axls_Disillusion will attempt to hijack it soon.

A_D alread tried, but it got nowhere icon237.gif

you're a fucking hypocrite dude. you hijacked the thread with your slash trolling. i simply pointed it out.

Um, no I didnt. It gets hijacked when somebody buts in and says "HEY THATS OFF TOPIC!", thats practicaly asking for it, and I didnt give in.

Let it fucking go or we'll get in the same old argument again, christ.

don't tell me to let it go when you are the one instigating. quit bringing up slash in threads that have nothing to do with him. thats called hijacking. and me telling you this thread has nothing to do with slash is not an attempt to hijack, its an attempt to get the thread back on course. son.

Fuck, all I did was say that I agreed with that guy about Slash's solos, cry about him. Its not an attempt to hijack, but I KNEW you would be the first person to see it that way.

How about ignoreing that shit that had nothing to do with you, and FOCUSING ON THE FUCKING TOPIC FOR A CHANGE "Oh but sweetness, you never focus on the topic blah blah blah..." I do and I did, but I saw a comment about Slash that I agreed with inocently and youre over here fucking shitting your pants about it.

All you post about in these threads is how nobody should mention Slash, EVER. Well, tough shit. I know its hard but youre just going to have to deal with it some fucking times, this thread didnt get off topic until you came in and instigated it.

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I think some of the songs actually have a lot of places where guitars are not prominenent. There's a lot of drums and vocals. Then a solo. There's a lot less riffing going on. TWAT is a good example, theres almost two verses worth of Axl sing over a beat. Axl does seem to sing over riffs anymore or with them. Like CD rocks the riff then drops down and Axl comes in with his rap over the drums. I heard something other day that most people who listen to music only hear drums and vocals. There are people who like guitars but they are minority in the world outside rock.

Edited by wasted
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and that has what to do with this topic? :rolleyes:

I just saw this and knew what you were thinking, and that anoys me. But yeah, my second post in reply to Dead Flower wasnt needed.

Lets just call it off before this thread gets shoveled to Dust N' Bones, it shouldnt be there.

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Well for me...

CITR - is a badly structured song, i still like though (wierdly enough) its not that bad, but it isnt really going anywhere and the guitar is real sterotype brian may, i mean i know this boy can be original yet it seems hes trying to be derivative...

Madagascar is a very simple descending progression, but i like it, it works, the guitar compliments up until the solo (which i think is muck) is quite satisfactory

Better, while simplistic (rhythm), is effective, particularly fond of bucketheads work and i wont begrudge Finck that is a fine outro solo, plus the metal riffage in the bridge is refreshing

The guitar work in TWAT is too sterotypical for me, its like their imagining what slash would do...its not good enough

Chinese democracy = boring guitar

The blues guitar work, while kind of typical, isn't bad and i think it works quite well, some nice chord play there, another kudos to Finck

IRS, while containing an impressive solo by buckethead, is reasonably boring guitar wise, no innovation, no interest

IM not going to talk about rhiad and silkworms quite frankly they sicken me

this is no indicaiton to how i feel about the songs in general, i am in fact fond of IRS, but its no "Rocker", its just a good song

thats from my point of view

a guitarist, albeit not a great one....

and A_d relax the fuck would ya

Edited by Mr Estranged
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i play the bass, but am constantly surrounded by guitar players, and conversations about guitar, etc. so i feel as though i might be able to have a say.

i feel as thogh the guitar work in these songs are very fitting, i believe they do exactly what the song calls them to do perfectly. i never feel as though anybody is overplaying when it is not necessary. i also quite enjoy everybody's distinct playing style.

o, anybody that feels that a certain level of playing difficulty has to be attached to the song to make it good guitar playing is a moron. just look at johnny ramone and tell me those songs are lacking because of his guitar playing.

Edited by ohmygod
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I am an ACTUAL guitar player and have been for almost 15 years. To sum up my opinion quickly........

Finck's technique(from what I have heard) just plain sucks. The way he bends the notes makes me think of a heroin addict dazing off into no man's land. To a starving GNR fan without much musical experience, Finck sounds great, but to most guitar players, he leaves us thinking "WTF :huh: ". He may have that "hey look at me and my guitar" attitude onstage but his sound doesnt have much soul. The tone is thin, weak sustain, and hits the wrong notes way too much. Hey, if you want to bend all over the fckin fretboard, at least add some delay or hall reverb to make it sing.

Bucket's solo's( from what I have heard) are insane and technically perfect but the sound just doesnt fit. Songs with strong blues roots need blues lead type riff's. Shredding and GNR mix like a spoonful of oil into a gallon of water; it may not destroy the song or the "formula" but something just isn't right.

Bumblebutt or whatever sounds ok(for a guy playing someone else's parts)

GNR reigned for a long time with that bluesy/metal sound and thats what people liked and expect. Saying..."The old GNR is over so get over it" line is bullshit. If you love pizza, would it still be one of your favs if I added dingleberry's as a topping? "Hey.... the dough, sauce and the cheese is still there!! It's a new pizza fool, get over it and love it!!" You get the point.

All in all my opinion of the work I have heard is guitar work that has been "settled for" instead of miraculously stumbled upon(SCOM ;) )

Don't even get me started on the fucking rhthym :rolleyes:

Edited by bin laden killed gnr
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I am an ACTUAL guitar player and have been for almost 15 years. To sum up my opinion quickly........

Finck's technique(from what I have heard) just plain sucks. The way he bends the notes makes me think of a heroin addict dazing off into no man's land. To a starving GNR fan without much musical experience, Finck sounds great, but to most guitar players, he leaves us thinking "WTF :huh: ". He may have that "hey look at me and my guitar" attitude onstage but his sound doesnt have much soul. The tone is thin, weak sustain, and hits the wrong notes way too much. Hey, if you want to bend all over the fckin fretboard, at least add some delay or hall reverb to make it sing.

Bucket's solo's( from what I have heard) are insane and technically perfect but the sound just doesnt fit. Songs with strong blues roots need blues lead type riff's. Shredding and GNR mix like a spoonful of oil into a gallon of water; it may not destroy the song or the "formula" but something just isn't right.

Bumblebutt or whatever sounds ok(for a guy playing someone else's parts)

GNR reigned for a long time with that bluesy/metal sound and thats what people liked and expect. Saying..."The old GNR is over so get over it" line is bullshit. If you love pizza, would it still be one of your favs if I added dingleberry's as a topping? "Hey.... the dough, sauce and the cheese is still there!! It's a new pizza fool, get over it and love it!!" You get the point.

All in all my opinion of the work I have heard is guitar work that has been "settled for" instead of miraculously stumbled upon(SCOM ;) )

Don't even get me started on the fucking rhthym :rolleyes:

Good to see you posting still...pray do tell...

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I am an ACTUAL guitar player and have been for almost 15 years. To sum up my opinion quickly........

Finck's technique(from what I have heard) just plain sucks. The way he bends the notes makes me think of a heroin addict dazing off into no man's land. To a starving GNR fan without much musical experience, Finck sounds great, but to most guitar players, he leaves us thinking "WTF :huh: ". He may have that "hey look at me and my guitar" attitude onstage but his sound doesnt have much soul. The tone is thin, weak sustain, and hits the wrong notes way too much. Hey, if you want to bend all over the fckin fretboard, at least add some delay or hall reverb to make it sing.

Bucket's solo's( from what I have heard) are insane and technically perfect but the sound just doesnt fit. Songs with strong blues roots need blues lead type riff's. Shredding and GNR mix like a spoonful of oil into a gallon of water; it may not destroy the song or the "formula" but something just isn't right.

Bumblebutt or whatever sounds ok(for a guy playing someone else's parts)

GNR reigned for a long time with that bluesy/metal sound and thats what people liked and expect. Saying..."The old GNR is over so get over it" line is bullshit. If you love pizza, would it still be one of your favs if I added dingleberry's as a topping? "Hey.... the dough, sauce and the cheese is still there!! It's a new pizza fool, get over it and love it!!" You get the point.

All in all my opinion of the work I have heard is guitar work that has been "settled for" instead of miraculously stumbled upon(SCOM ;) )

Don't even get me started on the fucking rhthym :rolleyes:

:lol: Great post dude

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Well, for the most part, the leaks can be summarized by guitar terms in this sentence: Basic riffs and chord progressions and fast or emotional solos. They're not doing any complex harmony riffs or twin leads or anything. And for a rock band, I believe that is the best formula. Of course with a good mixture of solo styles.

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The old band definelty did the old material better. But the new band does a good job with the new material and sort of reigning in the excesses of the old band to focus on the song, rather than the solos or each memeber getting there part to shine. So many of GNRs old songs where like exteneded jams held together by a chorus. Like PC is a patch work of cool parts with a big chorus, but new stuff seems to hold together as songs really well, I think they lost some ecpression of the players in that. mmm its a tough one.

I think thats true about the harmonies, like with Think about you, you get these overlapping guitars and a momentum to the track, all these things going on. We havent heard that from the new band so much. There seems to be a building up in the new songs, rather than a spiralling twisting continuity. The new songs sort of start of small and build, then have lift off whereas AFD material seemed to start off right in the middle of the development and then race towrds the end.

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