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Young kids need to hear leaked songs, especially BETTER !!!


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My son is 14 years old and is into A7X, AFI, and some of the other bands kids today call ROCK !?! The first time I played 'Better' for my son he said it rocked and ever since he and I have been passing on the word. The difference between 'Chinese Democracy' doing really good OR exceptional on the charts is up to the kids of today. Please pass the music on and inform them !!!! Do NOT waste any more time !!!!


**I have been a GN'R fan since 1986.** rock3

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Both my 11 and 6 year old niece know the majority of the songs on AFD--as does my 14 year old brother--I took him to a GnR show at Hammersmith. I've also made CDs for 'em with all the new songs on it and they're always blasting it and they go around saying 'Better....BETTER..' So, they know 'em rock3

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I'm sure I'll get bashed to hell for saying it, but here goes anyway.

I hope kids who have never heard GNR before, and then hear Chinese Democracy hunt out AFD/Illusions and love the classics too, if not moreso.. I'd hate to think there are kids out there calling themselves GNR fans when they've only heard one era of the music. (And, in my opinion, the weakest).

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My son is 14 years old and is into A7X, AFI, and some of the other bands kids today call ROCK !?! The first time I played 'Better' for my son he said it rocked and ever since he and I have been passing on the word. The difference between 'Chinese Democracy' doing really good OR exceptional on the charts is up to the kids of today. Please pass the music on and inform them !!!! Do NOT waste any more time !!!!


**I have been a GN'R fan since 1986.** rock3

I hope you have some luck getting your kid and other kids into GnR.

Whether people want to admit it or not, the future of the current GnR will rely on the young ones buying the new stuff. I've tried to get my friends into the leaked songs, and none of them give a damn(they are not kids BTW). I tell them about the leaks, the European tour, the new members etc... and all they say is, "Is Slash back in the band?". Then I try and explain the situation, and they just don't care anymore.

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I'm sure I'll get bashed to hell for saying it, but here goes anyway.

I hope kids who have never heard GNR before, and then hear Chinese Democracy hunt out AFD/Illusions and love the classics too, if not moreso.. I'd hate to think there are kids out there calling themselves GNR fans when they've only heard one era of the music. (And, in my opinion, the weakest).

I'm not going to bash you. In fact, I concur. AFD owns.

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My son is 14 years old and is into A7X, AFI, and some of the other bands kids today call ROCK !?! The first time I played 'Better' for my son he said it rocked and ever since he and I have been passing on the word. The difference between 'Chinese Democracy' doing really good OR exceptional on the charts is up to the kids of today. Please pass the music on and inform them !!!! Do NOT waste any more time !!!!


**I have been a GN'R fan since 1986.** rock3

well, I am 15 years old and I have been passing the new songs, especially showing them the Better preformances from Rock AM Ring... no kids from my town listen to some crap music like you were talking about but they still don't know the music of the new Guns N' Roses... all they know is that the former bandmates aren't there anymore so they ain't cool no more, but I have changed few friends o' mine opinions of newgnr... now at least one of 'em think the new ones are alot cooler and play the old songs with better style than the old guys, and he likes the new songs very much.

but I'm just gettin' wamed up

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My kid rocking to IRS, brings a tear to my old eye rock3

I think it brings tears to MY eyes! :blink: that's just great!!! :lol: and well, I can't do the same since I'm 18 with no kids :ph34r: ....but I sure as hell always tell guys my age or their little brothers or cousins about GN'R, all of Gn'R. I sent all the people on my MSN list Better and IRS, and of course most of them LOVED Better, which is pretty fucking cool! rock3


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I'm sure I'll get bashed to hell for saying it, but here goes anyway.

I hope kids who have never heard GNR before, and then hear Chinese Democracy hunt out AFD/Illusions and love the classics too, if not moreso.. I'd hate to think there are kids out there calling themselves GNR fans when they've only heard one era of the music. (And, in my opinion, the weakest).

I agree

I showed my little brother Better and he thought it was "gay"... but he listens to nothing but Green Day and old GNR so...

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ive tried to get people to listen but all i get is is slash back? i say no and try to explain, they lose intrest. my best achievment was when i convinced one of them to go to the dublin show, and hes a metalhead ie slayer, pantera, megadeth etc

I'm sure I'll get bashed to hell for saying it, but here goes anyway.

I hope kids who have never heard GNR before, and then hear Chinese Democracy hunt out AFD/Illusions and love the classics too, if not moreso.. I'd hate to think there are kids out there calling themselves GNR fans when they've only heard one era of the music. (And, in my opinion, the weakest).

i agreed until the last six words :no:

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I'm 16 and I've been spreading the good word since the first time I heard Chinese Democracy, that song alone helped me relise the albums potentioal, and I've been force feeding GNR down all my friends since, all of them have come to agree with me with the exception of a friend of mine whos into super-hardcore screaming music

most of my teachers won't let me talk anymore because I always bring GNR and Chinese D into all my conversations

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I'm sure I'll get bashed to hell for saying it, but here goes anyway.

I hope kids who have never heard GNR before, and then hear Chinese Democracy hunt out AFD/Illusions and love the classics too, if not moreso.. I'd hate to think there are kids out there calling themselves GNR fans when they've only heard one era of the music. (And, in my opinion, the weakest).

i agreed until the last six words :no:

Hey man, I like the new stuff, but just compared to the old material it just doesn't compare in my eyes. I'd want the younger fans to know how it all started and shit.

Edited by Slash's Appetite
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Well I had better/citr/twat/irs cranked wh8ile waiting at the mall for my wife and kids, these teens outside cam over to me and said we love that music! Who is that? I said Guns N' Roses! They were like woooh! thats fucking awsome!!! I think the teens are ready for CD and are ready to rock! Is GN'R ready for them?

edit: I have also been leaving copies of the demos cds around town, at the mall, at the store etc etc.... so people are getting them, I label them guns n' roses chinese democracy demos, music from the forthcoming album.


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Me and W_Axl_Kev have got 7 of our friends hooked. For several years they would slag us say "all you talk about if GNR" Then we let them hear the leaks, they secretly like them. Convince them to go to a show, and now they have agreed to buy the album and see them at the next oppetunity.

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My son is 14 years old and is into A7X, AFI, and some of the other bands kids today call ROCK !?! The first time I played 'Better' for my son he said it rocked and ever since he and I have been passing on the word. The difference between 'Chinese Democracy' doing really good OR exceptional on the charts is up to the kids of today. Please pass the music on and inform them !!!! Do NOT waste any more time !!!!


**I have been a GN'R fan since 1986.** rock3

I hope you have some luck getting your kid and other kids into GnR.

Whether people want to admit it or not, the future of the current GnR will rely on the young ones buying the new stuff. I've tried to get my friends into the leaked songs, and none of them give a damn(they are not kids BTW). I tell them about the leaks, the European tour, the new members etc... and all they say is, "Is Slash back in the band?". Then I try and explain the situation, and they just don't care anymore.

yeah, i've noticed that when i tell my friends about the new band, they always ask "is Slash back in the band?" or they say "but there's no slash" etc. Whenever i tell them Slash isn't there anymore they just kinda switch off n' don't care :( .... but they'll come to their senses! :P

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