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Guns N' Roses lyrics banned in Iran!


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Different country, different rules and beliefs. What makes you think we are right? Look up ethnocentrism some time.

We get to speak our mind, we get to listen to what we wan't. We are not dictated into believeing, and thinking the way our government want's us to. FREEDOM!

That's the obvious "right".

What you call rights, they call blasphemy or the will of devils.

Alot of those in the east consider the western world evil and greedy people. Accept it. We use god's name to kill as much as the supposed "terrorists" in Iran and wherever your propaganda feeders tell you they are. It's a different world there, one that has existed ALOT LONGER than the west.

Go fight for your dollar bills. Blood money. The paper with the most blasphemous and evil propaganda printed right on the back. Candy coated greed. In god we trust........

We are not forced to believe what the government feed's us.. We choose to bleieve it, without saying i believe. And about the religion thing, fuck religion! As Elthon John has already said, religion should be banned, causes nothing but trouble and war. (Saying this kinda goes against the free will thing, just proving a point, believe what the hell you wan't :) )

They have been around alot longer than us, yes. but that in NO FUCKING WAY makes what they are doing right! It makes them older, not wicer.

I'm so fucking sure that if they're government and leders were'nt so fucking greedy, they would have been as rich as a country like Norway, which has been voted the greatest country to live in 7 years in a row by the UN.

Edited by Markus89
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LMAO, this story is pure bullshit. It's a democrecy now. People, try to fuckin remember- we kicked Saddams butt and we're gonna hang that SoB. Free country, people, they can't ban shit.

Your avtar is blasphemy... now all Norwegian`s will hate you :)

On topic... Let the kids play whatever they want.. damn religion.

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LMAO, this story is pure bullshit. It's a democrecy now. People, try to fuckin remember- we kicked Saddams butt and we're gonna hang that SoB. Free country, people, they can't ban shit.

We are talking about IRAN, Not Iraq! Huge difference dude. :confused:

I ask again, why the X over my flag ?!

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LMAO, this story is pure bullshit. It's a democrecy now. People, try to fuckin remember- we kicked Saddams butt and we're gonna hang that SoB. Free country, people, they can't ban shit.

We are talking about IRAN, Not Iraq! Huge difference dude. :confused:

I ask again, why the X over my flag ?!

He don`t like us.... we are not American :P

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LMAO, this story is pure bullshit. It's a democrecy now. People, try to fuckin remember- we kicked Saddams butt and we're gonna hang that SoB. Free country, people, they can't ban shit.

We are talking about IRAN, Not Iraq! Huge difference dude. :confused:

I ask again, why the X over my flag ?!

He don`t like us.... we are not American :P

So true, we're so much better than that :P

Why Norway and not ex: Germany ? :krider:

Edited by Markus89
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To you yes. But who defines that definition of right? Who says that is the right way to live? Sure, it's the best way for you and the best way for me. But it's not the best way for everyone. Based on many things, political affilaition, religion... As much as we can't comprehend other countries not having freedom of choice, they can't comprehend us having it.

eth‧no‧cen‧trism  /ˌɛθnoʊˈsɛntrɪzəm/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[eth-noh-sen-triz-uhm]


1. Sociology. the belief in the inherent superiority of one's own ethnic group or culture.

2. a tendency to view alien groups or cultures from the perspective of one's own.

I hate this argument. By your definition, nothing is right or wrong. Everything is based on moral relativism. It's so silly. Was Nazism right for German Jews? How about was ethnic cleansing of Bosnians OK because it was right for Serbians? Besides, I think your ethnocentrism comment was ignored, not because the poster didn't know what it meant, but because it was an irrelevant comment.

No one faults Joe Iranian for not having democratic leanings, it's not their fault, it's not part of their rich history. However, citizens who can choose for themselves are better off than those that cannot. It is a part of natural law. Over controlling governments used to be useful, when one had to worry about Bedouin raiders, Viking invasions, and the like, to mobilize forces. But it's just so...outmoded.

I could rant some more, but I'm going to excersise my freedom to get ready for the game today.

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Moral equivalence, the last resort of the left.

Firm beliefs in world freedom to do as they want instead of imposing our beliefs onto other nations. Ya can't force feed someone your "democracy". The current state of Iraq is proof.

So they think our fights and freedoms are evil?

Fights for financial prosperity? Yes

Freedom to fuck without love? Freedom to condemn others with words for no spiritual gain? Freedom to hate, free will on the way down. If you are a christian, I suggest you read your bible. The west is refered to as the new Rome and Babylon.

Well how to you explain the hundreds of thousands of muslims who are trying to immigrate to the west? Are they longing for some of our blasphemous freedoms?

Temptation is a mother isn't it?

The west does kill but the big difference is that we actually do after the terrorists who are trying to murder us.

The best way to hold and rule people is by fear.

The iranian government on the other hand, has as it's stated aim the genocide of the Israeli people.

They see the Israelis the center of all greed. The rich jews who exploit people. The ones who stole homes from people and pushed them out. Who runs Hollywood? Hollywood is infested with greed, lust, vanity, gossip and a thrill for exploiting murder. Again.....who runs hollywood?

Do you know of a people known as "indians" in this country? Do you know of the genocide by this country? Dropping that bomb on Japan was much worse than any attack on the Israelis by Iran or Iraq. And in fact, their motivation is more pure than any conflict by the US. The Palestinians were robbed.

If you can't see the difference in those two things then you're morally bankrupt.

If you can't see that you are fed lies, then you are morally blind.

Edited by bin laden killed gnr
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Different country, different rules and beliefs. What makes you think we are right? Look up ethnocentrism some time.

This is a society that treats women like cattle. We are right and we are better than them. Ethnocentrism is just a lefty cop out. It stops the left from having to face reality.

Spoken like a true loser. You know for SURE they treat women like cattle? I have relatives there and I know for sure that it's not the case. We pressure our women to look thin and have cosmetic surgery. Kinda "cattlesque" I think.

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The iranian government on the other hand, has as it's stated aim the genocide of the Israeli people.

They see the Israelis the center of all greed. The rich jews who exploit people. The ones who stole homes from people and pushed them out. Who runs Hollywood? Hollywood is infested with greed, lust, vanity, gossip and a thrill for exploiting murder. Again.....who runs hollywood?

Do you know of a people known as "indians" in this country? Do you know of the genocide by this country? Dropping that bomb on Japan was much worse than any attack on the Israelis by Iran or Iraq. And in fact, their motivation is more pure than any conflict by the US. The Palestinians were robbed.

dude, i've been with you on everything you've said so far. but you cannot justify a genocide because they were robbed of land. and you can't use the 'jews run hollywood' argument as futher justification. there can be a peaceful answer and the palestinians (and i guess the isaelis) refuse to acknowledge that.

edit: this is getting a little heavy and heated for the 'discussion and news' section of a guns n' roses board don't ya think? no one can change anyone's minds on whether or not slash is better than finck, why even try to talk politics?

Edited by bass71player
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Another publishing house has been banned from selling a successful series of books featuring lyrics by the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, the Doors, Black Sabbath, Queen and Guns n' Roses. Stores were told to remove the books or face closure. Permission was subsequently denied for the publisher to reprint

Read more at The Guardian

Source: The Guardian, Gnrdaily

lol, i remember a story in VG a few months ago, there was this small group of metal fans from Iran.

They had to go deep inside some caves to listen to metal music, if the police saw them the could get death penalty for it :lol:rock3

hahaha :rofl-lol:

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The iranian government on the other hand, has as it's stated aim the genocide of the Israeli people.

They see the Israelis the center of all greed. The rich jews who exploit people. The ones who stole homes from people and pushed them out. Who runs Hollywood? Hollywood is infested with greed, lust, vanity, gossip and a thrill for exploiting murder. Again.....who runs hollywood?

Do you know of a people known as "indians" in this country? Do you know of the genocide by this country? Dropping that bomb on Japan was much worse than any attack on the Israelis by Iran or Iraq. And in fact, their motivation is more pure than any conflict by the US. The Palestinians were robbed.

dude, i've been with you on everything you've said so far. but you cannot justify a genocide because they were robbed of land. and you can't use the 'jews run hollywood' argument as futher justification. there can be a peaceful answer and the palestinians (and i guess the isaelis) refuse to acknowledge that.

too bad for the palesteneans that their infrastructure get's destroyed, their democraticly (sp?) choosen politicians are kidnaped, their police killed, their women and children blown, their land divided by walls and their foreign trade stopped because of embargos. All of this done by the Isrealis, not always but often with support from either or both U.S and EU. I believe that it's hard for them to see the peaceful answer considering the actual circumstances.

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Still don't really see the difference between Iranian government banning some lyrics and the american government banning some things to be said on tv etc...

This is because you are an idiot... Of epic proportions. I am ashamed I live in a country with fools like you. It makes me shudder...

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Still don't really see the difference between Iranian government banning some lyrics and the american government banning some things to be said on tv etc...

Television is a public media, that is why it is regulated. It should be regulated a bit more in my opinion. Not for the adults so much, but for the children. Kids don't need to see a lot of the crap on TV. They are just too young to understand a lot of it. It is in the best interests of children, and for all of us in the long run, that they are not exposed to so much garbage at young ages. Study after study shows the negative effects of television on our youth.

You could use the argument that parents should be more involved and do the job so the government won't have to. But......we know how well that doesn't work.

There isn't much censored in the United States that isn't for the public. Almost everything is legal and protected by the first ammendment for private use.

Iran is not a place you'd want to live. I'm sure there are those who live there that enjoy it, but they are probably the ones in the favorable positions. The United States has its problems, but it is much much better here.

Someone made the comment about thousands and thousands of them wanting to immigrate to the US and various other countries. That's a good point. How many of us outside Iran would really want to immigrate there?

I'm no expert on the history of the middle east, but wasn't Iraq somewhat similar to Iran before Hussien was ousted in terms of censorship? Certainly in terms of oppression.

I don't understand the whole fuss over why Iran and other countries are upset about Israel and Palestine as far as Israel stealing Palestine's land. The governments of Iran and others are just as bad. They didn't come to power in a clean manner. It's not like everyone just voted all of these crappy dictators and goverments in and it's all milk and cookies. The whole Middle East is just screwed up. I bet the citizens of those nations, such as Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia, etc. would prefer it be different. If they were told that they could have a peaceful choice on leadership, a voice (not that America is not without it's politics, greed, and scandal), like the United States they would jump at it. Except for those that have something to lose by freedom of course.

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