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Bach's opinion on no GNR Reunion

Turd Ferguson

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I was watching much more music here in Canada, and they had an interview with Sebastian Bach. In which he said the gnr album is amazing and he has heard *most of it*. He also said that people wonder why guns doenst get back together and it is the same reason why skid row never got back together, because we just dont get along anymore. * Most of us dont hang out with the guys we did in highschool anymore, so why when your 40 something, would you want to go back and hang out with them* He said that it is funny because everytime Axl walks into a room people are in awe and some are afraid of him, that he just draws all the attention no matter who else is in the room.

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The big difference between skid row and GN'R is that people actually would want to see a GN'R reunion tour. Also, it not about hanging out with your high school friends, it's going to work and you don't have to like people to work with them.

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The big difference between skid row and GN'R is that people actually would want to see a GN'R reunion tour. Also, it not about hanging out with your high school friends, it's going to work and you don't have to like people to work with them.

Second that!

I don't want to hear shit music. Good music is created through good relationships.

Yeah, like Lennon and McCartney, Wilson and the Beach Boys, Axl and Slash on the Illusions, Page and Plant, and so on and so forth. They never made good music when they were going through bad relationships with each other.

Oh, no, wait, they did.

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He said that it is funny because everytime Axl walks into a room people are in awe and some are afraid of him, that he just draws all the attention no matter who else is in the room.

Lars Ulrich (Metallica) said exactly the same thing about Axl like ten years ago...

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um, the only member of the original band that Axl does talk to was the only one he actually went to school with. Baz's analogy with school is crap

the reality is Guns weren't formed in school, so an analogy with work would be better, but then Baz would come up against what someone pointed out before which was that you don't have to get on that well with people at work on a personal basis to be able to work together. In fact the work analogy is possibly also applicable when you look at the new band. They are all effectively employees of Axl who do exactly what he says and are forced to say yes to everything. I wonder how many would be good friends with Axl if he wasn't paying them? it's about time people started saying no to Axl so that he can come back to earth and have normal relationships with people where sometimes you have to compromise and not have to have things exactly your way all the time

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on the problem with the analogy... I think what Bazz meant was most people stop hanging out with their high school friends as they grow up and grow apart, and thats what happened with their bands, as the members grew older, they grew further and further apart

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um, the only member of the original band that Axl does talk to was the only one he actually went to school with. Baz's analogy with school is crap

I was just going to say that! :lol:

*sigh* I'm really getting tired of Baz lately. Just shut up and sing.

Not to play devils advocate here, and this is not to say that baz isnt a sycofant for Axl, but how do we know if Baz actually said this? The thread starter may not have intentionally misinterpreted what baz said whilst paraphrasing, but I dont generally believe things on the internet sans proof, ie. transcript, or link. Maybe this guy is full of shit. I cannot believe we had 15 responses to thread some guy started with "I heard Baz say.......'

No offense, but I will believe it when I hear it or see it. Perhaps some backup would be nice. If we take this for gospel and say "I am getting tired of Baz etc" we should at least be pretty sure he said it.

It may have been a accident, but it does not make alot of sense, even for Baz to say.

This would not be the first time someone misinerpreted a quote of this forum. :rolleyes:

Edited by Gunzen
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um, the only member of the original band that Axl does talk to was the only one he actually went to school with. Baz's analogy with school is crap

I was just going to say that! :lol:

*sigh* I'm really getting tired of Baz lately. Just shut up and sing.

Not to play devils advocate here, and this is not to say that baz isnt a sycofant for Axl, but how do we know if Baz actually said this? The thread starter may not have intentionally misinterpreted what baz said whilst paraphrasing, but I dont generally believe things on the internet sans proof, ie. transcript, or link. Maybe this guy is full of shit. I cannot believe we had 15 responses to thread some guy started with "I heard Baz say.......'

No offense, but I will believe it when I hear it or see it. Perhaps some backup would be nice. If we take this for gospel and say "I am getting tired of Baz etc" we should at least be pretty sure he said it.

This would not be the first time someone misinerpreted a quote of this forum. :rolleyes:

Good point.

But I was getting tired of Baz before this. ;)

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on the problem with the analogy... I think what Bazz meant was most people stop hanging out with their high school friends as they grow up and grow apart, and thats what happened with their bands, as the members grew older, they grew further and further apart

yeah i know that's what he meant it's just my philosophy degree coming through in that i consider an analogy to be something directly comparible where you can't find flaws in the analogy when it is compared to the reality.

the growing apart thing seems reasonable. some of them have grown up more than others though. Izzy has always seemed the most mature and considerate, but when you look at Axl you see all these child-like behaviours coming out in tantrums and demanding his own way all the time and blaming others for things that go wrong, which as an onlooker is tiring. what we've got here is a failure to communicate. you can pretty much say anything you like to anyone as long as you phrase it right. there's no reason why the original guys shouldn't be able to get along if they set rules by which to communicate. they'd probably need a babysitter like Metallica had in some kind of monster with that dr phil guy running things though, but i doubt Axl would listen or play by the rules of communication.

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I thought it was more that Slash didnt make music Axl want to sing on. Slash wouldn't take direction. To realise his dream Axl needs to beable to control the players not in a bad way but they need to making music he likes. I don't know tho obvioulsy. Maybe they just hate each other but why? What reason is there other than Slash is pure rock out.

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um, the only member of the original band that Axl does talk to was the only one he actually went to school with. Baz's analogy with school is crap

I was just going to say that! :lol:

*sigh* I'm really getting tired of Baz lately. Just shut up and sing.

Not to play devils advocate here, and this is not to say that baz isnt a sycofant for Axl, but how do we know if Baz actually said this? The thread starter may not have intentionally misinterpreted what baz said whilst paraphrasing, but I dont generally believe things on the internet sans proof, ie. transcript, or link. Maybe this guy is full of shit. I cannot believe we had 15 responses to thread some guy started with "I heard Baz say.......'

No offense, but I will believe it when I hear it or see it. Perhaps some backup would be nice. If we take this for gospel and say "I am getting tired of Baz etc" we should at least be pretty sure he said it.

It may have been a accident, but it does not make alot of sense, even for Baz to say.

This would not be the first time someone misinerpreted a quote of this forum. :rolleyes:

He said it. I seen it too.

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I thought it was more that Slash didnt make music Axl want to sing on. Slash wouldn't take direction. To realise his dream Axl needs to beable to control the players not in a bad way but they need to making music he likes.

What music? Axl's new band just tour and play Slash's riffs.

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Just for the hell of it I will retort. I guess I mean the music they were working on. Slash's Snakepit first record could have been new GNR record if Axl liked it but didn't. I don't know how they work now. Whether Axl has words he wants to fit to music. Or if the band does stuff and if he likes it they work on it together. There was a Slash quote about how the scene was Axl behind a wall of monitors and Slash etc playing and him saying No, more like this etc. This is the Paul Huge era of GNR. So I guess if Slash came up with stuff and Axl said No then what can he do. Slash pretty much does the same thing every time. He's not going to change his style and Axl has the name so they're all screwed.

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