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I missed the fast travel in Morrowind.

same it was really well done, i just hate the whole click on a place and it zaps you their. half the fun to me in an rpg is the adventure.

the fast travel in dragons dogma is implemented well, the stones that allow you to do it are costly one shop owner sells them for 10,000 gold and one sells them for 20,000 gold.

later in the game this really isnt an issue since you can farm the everfall for wakestones which sell for 30k a piece and with a certain augmentation it will sell for even more. it is also not an issue in dark arisen since you can buy them for 2k a piece instead of 10 or 20k

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I have Super Mario 3D Land for the 3DS, it is really good! I am sure the WiiU version is even better.

Been playing A Link Between Worlds and Pokemon Y lately. Anyone play Pokemon? I'd like to add more people!

Also been playing DayZ, Planetside 2, and I'm downloading Skyrim through Steam now. Can't wait to try all the mods.

Sadly, my 360 overheats when I try and play GTA 5 and Halo 4, so that sucks. But my gf's mom hinted at getting us an Xbox One for Christmas, which would be amazing.

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I always burn out on Pokemon after about 30 odd hours and about the 6th GYM happened to me on Diamond, Black and Y where as with both Sapphire and Soul Silver I had no problem finishing them.

One of the guys at work has an Xbox One and its going to be dead tomorrow and friday due to everyone in the American offices being off so hes bringing it in with FIFA :lol:

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No, but I'm in my 20's, I can't bring myself to play a game that's designed for 11 year olds. Sorry bro.

Fair enough. I don't really care if a game is aimed at kids, adults, pensioners or the recently deceased, all I really care about is if the games will be fun and enjoyable.
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Spoken by a true person that doesn't know what they're talking about.

If anything, Pokemon games nowadays are designed to by played by kids in high school/college.

True. I find amazing that most "mature" games nowadays are actually very childish as well. At least GTA admits it is actually a game for imature adults and teens that love dark comedy stuff, which is fine because it's still an interesting and fresh, at least back in the day, game genre that is well made and fun to play every now and then, but let's take Mortal Kombat as an example: it's a game fraanchise that lost itself triying so hard to be edgy, br00tal and full of gore that it started to look like a game designed not for the 18+ audience, but for tweens. I mean, I can't imagine a mature adult doing a fatality and saying "oh, now that's some mature stuff there", though I reckon a 13 old twerp would be like "Wow, fucking hardc0re!".

I guess this is no different from what happened in the 80's with the music industry, when they started labelling albums based on its contents. Twisted Sister had a boom on their sales and it wasn't thanks to adults, but "rebelious" teens.

For me, a mature game is a game with a dense or even depressing plot, something a kid would not feel attracted to, not some mindless gore fest.

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No, but I'm in my 20's, I can't bring myself to play a game that's designed for 11 year olds. Sorry bro.

Fair enough. I don't really care if a game is aimed at kids, adults, pensioners or the recently deceased, all I really care about is if the games will be fun and enjoyable.

Mario is king.

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No, but I'm in my 20's, I can't bring myself to play a game that's designed for 11 year olds. Sorry bro.

Fair enough. I don't really care if a game is aimed at kids, adults, pensioners or the recently deceased, all I really care about is if the games will be fun and enjoyable.
Oh, I can completely agree with that. Gameplay is the most important thing but when it comes to Pokémon, I'll constantly be comparing it to the one I enjoyed as a kid - new ones just feel like they're using it as a cash cow and so the childish aspect is more likely to bug me in that respect. I hope that makes sense. My original comment was more to provoke a response than anything.
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Arkham Origins 23.99

Tomb Raider 11.99

BEYOND: Two Souls 27.99

YES, NO?!?!?!

EDIT: ended up just getting Tomb Raider for now. Figured I could pick it up at that price after all the good things I heard about it.

Really enjoyed Tomb Raider and Arkham is decent enough but it's the weakest of the three by far. Personally I thought Arkham Asylum was the best of the series by some way though.

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