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Holy shit! I just saw that you can actually build your own stages on Super Smash Brawl now! Jesus, can this game get any more perfect? Online play, stage creation, Snake and fucking Sonic! *punches kitten* THIS GAME IS TOO EXTREME!!!!

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Ah right you're getting Orange Box. Cool. I thought you might be buying them seperately on Steam.

Hell no.

I'm too busy playing CSS and working to do anything else though.

I really want Madden 08 though.

Madden 08 KICKS ass. I swear. Its one of my favorite games ever. Play as the Patriots and you will never go wrong.

It has the real player names and such right?

What's the gameplay like for example, if a relatively noob to the sport was playing?

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far from being a fanboy friend. I'm just a meticulous critic. I still play some shit games, but if I don't enjoy it, I'm gonna outright say it. People here seem to think though that what is their opinion is the shit, I'm just stating mine, and I get bashed for it, but I don't give a shit in all honesty. It's almost satirical.

"I wouldn't take the advice of a lot of so-called critics on how to shoot a close-up of a teapot."

David Lean on movie critics. Applies to critics in general.

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i hate waiting for games, i've a week off now and because of the stupid half life delay i can't play it :(

Ratchet and Clank hasn't been release over here yet either! luckily i have warhawk, just 4 ranks away from the highest "general" ^_^

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I've just got myself a PS3, with FIFA 08..

I love it! :D

Anyone wanna play online ?

you bought at the right time! it's a beautiful machine, not just a games console, i just installed Linux on it and soon i'll get an internet browser on it. the demo for fifa made me not want to buy it, i'm downloading the PES demo now to see if i'll buy that instead

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just bought Ratchet and Clank and Manhunt 2...I'll let you guys know how it turns out but Manhunt 2 is getting some disappointing reviews. The game has basically been gutted by the censors...

You can hack into the unncensored version with the PSP version if you have custom firmware loaded up on your PSP. Otherwise, I don't think you can do it with the PS2 version (yet), unless someone comes up with a way to do it with a chipped PS2. this probably makes no difference to you but it gives you hope i guess

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just bought Ratchet and Clank and Manhunt 2...I'll let you guys know how it turns out but Manhunt 2 is getting some disappointing reviews. The game has basically been gutted by the censors...

You can hack into the unncensored version with the PSP version if you have custom firmware loaded up on your PSP. Otherwise, I don't think you can do it with the PS2 version (yet), unless someone comes up with a way to do it with a chipped PS2. this probably makes no difference to you but it gives you hope i guess

Are PSP's worth the cash? I have an old gameboy advance which I love for the classic games like mario and donkey kong. I'm actually thinking of getting a wii because I miss those games so much... :lol:

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Guest Jack_the_ripper

I have a psp, and it is worth the cash for me personally. It's my portable mp3 player, my portable movie player, my portable gaming library (the wonders of custom firmware) and I get to play some free nhl 2008, I ain't complaining.

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just bought Ratchet and Clank and Manhunt 2...I'll let you guys know how it turns out but Manhunt 2 is getting some disappointing reviews. The game has basically been gutted by the censors...

You can hack into the unncensored version with the PSP version if you have custom firmware loaded up on your PSP. Otherwise, I don't think you can do it with the PS2 version (yet), unless someone comes up with a way to do it with a chipped PS2. this probably makes no difference to you but it gives you hope i guess

Are PSP's worth the cash? I have an old gameboy advance which I love for the classic games like mario and donkey kong. I'm actually thinking of getting a wii because I miss those games so much... :lol:

I have Wii and PS3, love them both.

Im considering getting myself a Nintendo DS for christmas.

That new Zelda game is amazing.

Anyway, anyone wanna play Fifa 08 online?

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Guest Jack_the_ripper

So, I purchased MGS twin snakes for the gamecube, firstly for its rare factor, and secondly so I can have a fair opinion of the game, since I'll have played it... Let me tell you... I really don't see what people see in this game... Cheesiest dialogue I've ever seen, Snake is trying TOO hard to be bad ass... most annoying voice actors I've ever heard also. Horrible story as well. It has to be 1 of the most unmotivated pieces of crap I've played... The only other time I had such trouble getting through a game was when I played rainbow six 2 or 3 (whichever it was) for the gamecube...

What a horrible experience.

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So, I purchased MGS twin snakes for the gamecube, firstly for its rare factor, and secondly so I can have a fair opinion of the game, since I'll have played it... Let me tell you... I really don't see what people see in this game... Cheesiest dialogue I've ever seen, Snake is trying TOO hard to be bad ass... most annoying voice actors I've ever heard also. Horrible story as well. It has to be 1 of the most unmotivated pieces of crap I've played... The only other time I had such trouble getting through a game was when I played rainbow six 2 or 3 (whichever it was) for the gamecube...

What a horrible experience.

bit shock that you don't like what other people love.

Most people who love that game played it back in the days, And when it came out, It was state of the art. There was no other game like that out then. There was no splinter cell or anything. Just like me going back and playing Zelda now, it just feels old and unmotivating. Although I can go back to classic Playstation titles I grew up with and still love them, mostly for the nostalgia, better games has come out since then.

Personally I don't like MGS that much. Haven't played the first one, the second one was OK on the boat, I didn't play longer then that. It just isn't my kinda game. MGS 4 looks intresting though.

Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction is an EXCELLENT GAME! Probably gonna be GOTY in my book. The humor in it is great. The gameplay is just fantastic, I haven't played the old R&C titles, so it kinda took me by suprise. The graphics are top notch. Animation and sound to. Level design is good and the artstyle is fantastic. Bioshock is probably a better game, but this is my kinda game. The kinda games I grew up with and love. I can't get enough of quality adventure/plattforming games. I loved Kameo on 360 and I love this to. If you have a PS3 and likes plattform/action games, and don't mind some good humor and ace presentation. Then this is a sure buy. FANTASTIC!

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So, I purchased MGS twin snakes for the gamecube, firstly for its rare factor, and secondly so I can have a fair opinion of the game, since I'll have played it... Let me tell you... I really don't see what people see in this game... Cheesiest dialogue I've ever seen, Snake is trying TOO hard to be bad ass... most annoying voice actors I've ever heard also. Horrible story as well. It has to be 1 of the most unmotivated pieces of crap I've played... The only other time I had such trouble getting through a game was when I played rainbow six 2 or 3 (whichever it was) for the gamecube...

What a horrible experience.

Well, no fucking shit..

Most MGS fans hate the Twin Snakes remake..

At least I know that you're not being biased since it came out on a Nintendo product..

Get the original PS version..That is where the magic is at..

The gamecube one is barely even the same game..They changed the cut scenes, and added cheesy effects..

They even redid all the dialogue..Nowhere near as good as the PS version..And, it's so annoying using the GC controller..

And, I hope you're not including David Hayter in your most annoying voice actors comment..

That game would not be the same without him..

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So, I purchased MGS twin snakes for the gamecube, firstly for its rare factor, and secondly so I can have a fair opinion of the game, since I'll have played it... Let me tell you... I really don't see what people see in this game... Cheesiest dialogue I've ever seen, Snake is trying TOO hard to be bad ass... most annoying voice actors I've ever heard also. Horrible story as well. It has to be 1 of the most unmotivated pieces of crap I've played... The only other time I had such trouble getting through a game was when I played rainbow six 2 or 3 (whichever it was) for the gamecube...

What a horrible experience.

Well, no fucking shit..

Most MGS fans hate the Twin Snakes remake..

At least I know that you're not being biased since it came out on a Nintendo product..

Get the original PS version..That is where the magic is at..

The gamecube one is barely even the same game..They changed the cut scenes, and added cheesy effects..

They even redid all the dialogue..Nowhere near as good as the PS version..And, it's so annoying using the GC controller..

And, I hope you're not including David Hayter in your most annoying voice actors comment..

That game would not be the same without him..

MGS is already unrealistic but Twin Snakes was just way over the top. I still liked it though.

But MGS3 is better in every possible way.

And speaking of The Orange Box, I just got it and restarted Half Life 2. I had it for the original Xbox but never finished it.

It's even better than I remembered. The scripting is fantastic.

Also, Portal is mindblowing and Team Fortress 2 is hilariously frantic in multiplayer. It's a crime not to get the package. :xmasssanta:

Edited by Demon Wolf
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Guest Jack_the_ripper
So, I purchased MGS twin snakes for the gamecube, firstly for its rare factor, and secondly so I can have a fair opinion of the game, since I'll have played it... Let me tell you... I really don't see what people see in this game... Cheesiest dialogue I've ever seen, Snake is trying TOO hard to be bad ass... most annoying voice actors I've ever heard also. Horrible story as well. It has to be 1 of the most unmotivated pieces of crap I've played... The only other time I had such trouble getting through a game was when I played rainbow six 2 or 3 (whichever it was) for the gamecube...

What a horrible experience.

bit shock that you don't like what other people love.

Most people who love that game played it back in the days, And when it came out, It was state of the art. There was no other game like that out then. There was no splinter cell or anything. Just like me going back and playing Zelda now, it just feels old and unmotivating. Although I can go back to classic Playstation titles I grew up with and still love them, mostly for the nostalgia, better games has come out since then.

Personally I don't like MGS that much. Haven't played the first one, the second one was OK on the boat, I didn't play longer then that. It just isn't my kinda game. MGS 4 looks intresting though.

Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction is an EXCELLENT GAME! Probably gonna be GOTY in my book. The humor in it is great. The gameplay is just fantastic, I haven't played the old R&C titles, so it kinda took me by suprise. The graphics are top notch. Animation and sound to. Level design is good and the artstyle is fantastic. Bioshock is probably a better game, but this is my kinda game. The kinda games I grew up with and love. I can't get enough of quality adventure/plattforming games. I loved Kameo on 360 and I love this to. If you have a PS3 and likes plattform/action games, and don't mind some good humor and ace presentation. Then this is a sure buy. FANTASTIC!

please don't try to patronize me like this. I like games that are good, and it doesn't matter if other people like it or not. I like metroid prime 3, and plenty of people like that game also. I like Ico, plenty of people like that game 2. I like God Of War, plenty of people like that as well, so you can take those little argument of yours and shove them straight up your ass.

Ratchet and Clank would NEVER be game of the year, especially with the high profile releases of halo 3 and mario galaxy. This year was too great a year for gaming for a game like ratchet and clank to win such an unprestigous honor (considering they usually award it to halo, who cares what game wins it.)

Anyways, I'm looking forward to galaxy (look at that, another game alot of people will be playing :rolleyes: ) I hope it lives up to they hype.

Oh and about MGS it's obviously 1 of those games that tries to make the "1337" gamers, or the really nerdy gamers who think their cool cause they spend too much time playing, feel good about themselves going "look, I have a bad ass role model 2" (no, I'm not 1 of those, since I probably play video games max 5 hours a week, I have a life.) Just fuck MGS, it's honestly a 4/10.

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Guest Jack_the_ripper
Metal Gear Solid ( first 1 ) is the best game ever made no questions asked

obviously you don't play too many games do you?

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Oh and about MGS it's obviously 1 of those games that tries to make the "1337" gamers, or the really nerdy gamers who think their cool cause they spend too much time playing, feel good about themselves going "look, I have a bad ass role model 2" (no, I'm not 1 of those, since I probably play video games max 5 hours a week, I have a life.) Just fuck MGS, it's honestly a 4/10.

Get the fuck outta here, man..

Now I know that your opinion is not worth shit.. :lol:

I didn't think it was before; But, this just seals it..

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