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  1. Nah I liked it, I was impressed it was Slash (assuming it is), and was open to it being someone else. Of course, the more Bucket, the better off for the song. Maybe on the next one!
  2. Does it sound more like Street of Dreams? 😆 It sure sounds like it, for the most part anyways. Uninspired, and not fitting.
  3. Communist countries are typically associated with human rights and humanitarian problems, including a lack of food. For example, there's a joke where an empty dinner plate is considered the most popular communist dish.
  4. Robin's Perhaps solo really fit the song well, the tone of his guitar as well. Slash's felt off. It picked up later though. I liked Robin's playing on Zodiac as well.
  5. "Better than nothing" describes Guns perfectly for the past few decades. But, to answer your question, the wildly inconsistent mixing and mastering of the 4 NITL/Chinese tracks are not suitable as is for an album. Albums are supposed to be mastered as one, so there's not jarring audio level changes between tracks. Guns has shown they don't care about this, as the Perhaps single with The General are vastly different from a mixing and mastering standpoint.
  6. Indeed it is, and they probably won't be bothered to remix or remaster them, so Perhaps will sound quiet and Hard Skool and Monsters will be loud AF.
  7. I believe that vocal take on State Of Grace (the 2000 mix from the Village CD) was a rough vocal take. With that being said, it wouldn't surprise me if they end up using it, as this is modern Guns N' Roses, where horrible mixes are officially released. (Hard Skool and The General comes to mind) But my guess is State Of Grace, if worked on subsequent to the 2000 mix we have, they would have polished up the vocals. The vocals towards the end are suitable for release with a proper mix. I actually find them pleasant. I believe that song would work well as is, with a proper vocal take, a Buckethead or Robin solo, and a final mix and master. I was relieved after Perhaps was officially released, because it was mixed and mastered professionally. It gave me hope that we would at least have reasonable mixed songs, then that came crashing down when The General leaked. Monsters also sound poor from a mixing standpoint, hopefully it's slightly more polished in the final version. The official The General sounds a little cleaner compared to the leak.
  8. Guy at work mentioned this to me too, he missed out on the UYI award. Someone else nabbed it before him.
  9. I'd pay good money for unreleased Buckethead CD content. Official, or otherwise.
  10. Certainly, though I feel the original lyrics are appropriate from an artistic standpoint, and a realism standpoint. (Obviously, far from politically correct) I believe art in all forms shouldn't be subject to political scrutiny, with very few exceptions. (For example, media with illegal content) I can relate to that line as well, from personal experiences... so it resonates.
  11. I can't wait for Pitman to do the same. Would be nice getting one of his iPods, and a folder of CDs.
  12. Which is a shame, One In A Million is an excellent song. Maybe they could update that line to "police and African Americans, get out of my way"
  13. I think Zodiac 13, Oklahoma, and Me & My Elvis would make killer songs, and assuming all three were finished with vocals, and maybe Bukethead, they would be. However, the NITL will suck the life out of them if they touch them, much like they did with a majority of the new singles.
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