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Everything posted by Rovim

  1. thank fuck for that and I appreciate it immensely
  2. please keep me updated if you reach a concrete conclusion about what induced the sadness. sometimes the answers to these tough questions don't easily present themselves. btw: Evan is a known diva, just from reading his posts you can tell. wouldn't surprise me if he lets his gf hold his umbrella for him 100% of the time just so he can put both his hands in his pockets.
  3. I don't see what's so sad about it tbh, I just looked at the pic now. didn't know Axl was holding shit with both hands.
  4. yes, but why is it sad, exactly? I'm too invested in this. not saying it's not sad. is it cause it seems like Axl needs someone to hold his umbrella for him cause grown ups should hold their own umbrellas? my guess is there are a lot of very rich people who got their own umbrella holders, just like Beta kinda like golf. If this is all you can give me, I'll drop it but it's one of the more interesting topics I've come across in recent months around here.
  5. is it sad for Axl or sad for Beta? the "hold my umbrella" thing? surely not sad for Beta, as she's living the good life thanks to Axl. never liked umbrellas myself cause one hand is always busy holding it when it's raining. I guess I would feel like a cunt if someone that was working for me held my umbrella for me, but I need to think about this subject some more to form a more conclusive opinion on the matter.
  6. are Axl and Beta always together, in every waking hour? I doubt it. I know that he considers Beta to be his mother so maybe one of the reasons she's there is so he won't be lonely and I'm sure when he wants the company of other people/women there's no shortage of that as well.
  7. I try not to be a dick to people who are like this, but I find it inconsiderate in any case what she's doing. I can always ignore it, but the way she phrased her post made me go for it this time and try to explain to her that living in fear is not worth it. making us her diary is not what this place is for, not even this thread imho. it's not a big deal, it's just been like this for years now and no change at all. I deal with my own anxiety and it can sometimes be crippling, but there is also a choice that should be made imo, you can't let that shit control you and this is her on medication, mind you. (something she shared if I'm not mistaken)
  8. I think it really calms you down to be very worried all the time. you cling to your fear like a little girl but you're a grown woman. it's ok to worry from time to time, though I really don't see the upside of it, but you do it constantly. can't be good for you.
  9. "love's.... so strange" from the Locomtive outro got a hypnotizing, circular effect
  10. maybe the lack of Myles Kennedy vocals and melodies
  11. I get what you're saying. It makes me think that Axl never wanted to replace Slash in the first place and that Gn'R fans never wanted Slash to be replaced. maybe that's why in my mind it makes sense that Axl decided to redo 5 tunes that we know of with Slash and Duff guitar and bass.
  12. just to be clear, I'm one of those fans who would love for a Bucket or Robin solo to make it, or to hear the original versions of the Chinese era tunes we don't have. Slash is just a big and original part of the sound of the band, making it automatically sound more Gn'R so it would make sense to just let him redo it, since he's back in the band imo.
  13. but are we just talking about what makes sense when it comes to what fans want or what we think will happen/what we guess Axl will go with when it comes to who's gonna play the vast majority of solos? most fans want Slash to do it.
  14. Slash didn't really do anything interesting with his version of Oh Well imo. it sounds alright and all, but I think Killing Floor has more going for it.
  15. Bumble said basically the same thing after Absurd got released with Slash's guitar. said he understood why Axl replaced his guitar with Slash's.
  16. a Bucket second here, 2 Robin seconds there is not the same as a full solo though.
  17. I meant a used custom shop, I can get for a little more for what Gibson is asking for this.
  18. is it a musical? I dislike musicals too much to watch it, but I liked the first Joker movie.
  19. Kirk said it was worth significantly less than 1 mil. early reports about the value were wrong I think.
  20. on the other hand, this is a standard, and not too far off from a custom shop model price. If I was in the market, I would hold off and buy a custom shop instead.
  21. I get what you're saying, it depends on what elements in Gn'R's music you find more relatable and in what quantity. I think for some people some elements of the music are essential for their enjoyment and what is similar with Axl and Slash is that their music is more polished and bigger sounding compared to Izzy's. Duff's music is also more polished. not for everyone, but I like that at least one of them went with the more rough approach cause personally I like the musical outcome, without the rough approach it would be less Izzy and more in line with how Gn'R used to do things and I think a lot of people want that.
  22. yes, it is simple old school hard rock and rock n' roll with a very direct approach. sounds like Izzy to me. I like how there are still some other influences sometimes that keep it interesting. very similar to Keith.
  23. and in many cases I'd say that's true, but it doesn't need anything else. it has its own function when I listen to his solo records, but I agree, so many ideas would probably turn into huge tunes with Axl, Slash, and Duff input or with the Gn'R polish there was a lot of potential there. it's kinda what they did with half of Appetite. relied on Izzy's brilliance to lay the foundation for their sound.
  24. this is an intersesting release. I'll be checking out reviews online to see if they got it right (as right as they can get it of course)
  25. yeah how can you listen to River and call it generic or uninspired and there's good stuff on every Izzy record even if not every album is as accesible as Juju and River.
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