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Posts posted by Chris1989

  1. You can't let them have the ball. Wenger should know that. It's not the defense necessarily. Its those wingers, mids, strikers closing down the ball. They just sat in the box and invited them to chip the ball in. Chelsea never did that, every player like Robben or Cole were defending. Drogba was fouling up the pitch.

    Better than Gary Lineker fouling on the pitch!

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  2. Boom, back in the pool. Just a short session of sprints and recovery lengths. Put in an 18.93 second length having been sitting on 20.0x and 20.1x for the past few sessions. Protein shake afterwards and now I have a day of sitting at the desk ahead to recover.

    Might cycle to work tomorrow - it'll be my only opportunity to exercise.

  3. Cycled home from work yesterday and it was the single most terrifying cycling experience of my adult life. I've got some very high quality lights on my bike and was extremely visible, but the thick fog meant nobody could see more than 20ft in front of themselves. Having to filter through traffic jams and around cars parked in bike lanes was not pleasant.

    I do love cycling in the dark though!

  4. Don't hit it every day. If you're doing short and intense (which I think you were, about 30 mins each activity?) then you want maximum 5 days a week. You'll overtrain, fatigue and then get sick. Exercise breaks down muscle, and recovery allows it to grow back stronger. It's a constant process, and if it doesn't recover then you'll not see improvement.

  5. I skipped my first swim today, it's week 5 of 2x a week but my shoulder has just knotted up too much. I can't ease it up, but a week of moving and decorating followed by 50 miles on the bike handlebars has just done for me.

    I'll be back in the pool on Thursday as I have a swimming buddy that day. Following a triathlete diet plan this week, greatly assisted by my girlfriend and her love on healthy food. I don't have scales in the new house, but I have dropped a belt hole!

  6. Did 50 miles on the bike yesterday morning, and then played football in the evening. 2 shots, 2 on target, 0 goals, 1 assist.

    If I had a "key passes" stat then I would be right up there with the best. Had a really strong game and a lot of people commented on how I look physically stronger than when people had last seen me two weeks before. I'll credit the 2x a week swimming for 4 weeks.

  7. I have been neglecting my bike and really need to get fit again. I'm probably at about 60% of my peak fitness - could bust out a 50 miler but not much more.

    I did RideLondon 100 Miles at 19mph average so was flying back in August.

  8. Liverpool fans are the most deluded tossers in football.

    They deny any involvement in Hillsborough despite their drunked fans charging the doors to break into the stadium.

    Then at heysel they deny involvemt despite confrontation with the juve fans.

    To be a Liverpool fan you need to talk about history, history, Stevie g, this is our year, special European nights at anfield (which is actually silent except for that shit theme song)

    Always quiet and always outsung by the opposition, wasn't like that 15 years ago.

  9. Hey Len, it's Wednesday today. Do you like Wednesday?

    Arsenal Starting line up age - 25.73

    Shef Wed Startling line up age - 25.64

    Cech - 116 Int Caps

    Debuchy - 27 caps

    Per - 104 caps

    Chambers and Gibbs - 12 caps

    Campbell - 50 caps

    Ox - 24 caps

    Giroud - 29 caps

    (Sorry, got to grasp at anything I can with how shit our season is going)

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