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Martin Riggs

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Everything posted by Martin Riggs

  1. I generally like his work (Better solo for example), but the Perhaps solo wasn’t anything that memorable to me.
  2. The only reason they’re releasing this is because Axl can’t be bothered to do anything new. Fucking guy can’t even get off his ass to write an appropriate amount of verses. He’s just looking for cash grabs that don’t require anything outside of doing Mickey karaoke on stage. Robin’s perfect solo? Give me a fucking break. Slash’s uninspired (the situation is uninspired due to Axl) solo isn’t great, but you’re delusional.
  3. Without a new album in the works, I wouldn’t mind if they took a multi year break after the concerts this year. Just boring after 7 years without any signs of creativity. Enough.
  4. Axl sounds like shit. At least going from the stream. Sigh 😞
  5. “You should go retire in the woods somewhere!” The Craig Petralia Incident!! 😂
  6. Axl is still a fuck up who can’t get out of his own way. 🤷‍♂️
  7. You’re probably right, but I doubt he’s going to soundcheck a totally new song when people are outside lining up for a show that is mere hours away.
  8. It’s kinda wild how not in demand most of the tickets are at this point. Attendance typically ends up looking respectable by show time, but a lot of $ is being left on the table. Surprised this show wasn’t booked somewhere like Citi Field instead.
  9. Speaking of Axl’s camp, have we ever figured out why that Andrei Gillot guy is associated with GNR at all? Guy seems like a creep.
  10. According to you it does. I would disagree. Stephanie Seymour’s nanny could have been Brenda from Biloxi/Birmingham/Baton Rouge or wherethefuckever and her/her family would still have gotten a lot of shit because their rescue singer happened to be Axl Rose. I agree with what you said earlier: “And like you said, it's all about Axl. He's the one in charge. He's the reason why TB does not work as they should, not the other way around.”
  11. Axl was projecting his inadequacies onto Slash. Slash is the reason he kept fucking up.
  12. Yes. You have a singer with issues who was “saved” by his ex’s (the one who ditched his ass) housekeeper/nanny. The nanny and her family subsequently take over running things for this singer. It’s a classic trope of a con or someone being swindled. Has nothing to do with where they’re from.
  13. How would they expect to control publicity mentioning that the song is a CD era retread? Anyone writing an article about it would know that to be accurate.
  14. That might be because GNR was quite popular back in the day and they’re coasting on that legacy. Nothing to do with Team Brazil. The only thing that’s been done right in GNR land in 20ish years was getting Slash/Duff back in the band. Got the real gravy train going.
  15. Yeah, it’s pretty pathetic. We honestly shouldn’t use the term band though. It’s Axl Rose who can’t seem to ever get his head out of his ass.
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