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Everything posted by rumandraisin

  1. I've found a way of enjoying the solo. Listen to Slash's slide just at the end of the chorus, helps you lock in to his tone and ignore Robin. He does a cool slide then goes in to his own solo.
  2. What's going on in the final chorus? It's pretty dense, I'm picking out some keyboard strings. And a really faint bit of guitar ad lib. Love that final drum roll in to the chorus.
  3. In the parts where Robins guitar bend was? Yeah there are deffinately some ooo's going on, I'm hearing an ascending synth line too.
  4. Listening on Spotify through nice speakers. Mix sounds great. Brain drums sound nice and huge, mixed spaciously. Wonder when they were done? In the bridge there's an ascending synth line? Dizzy or Caram? Chorus lower vocals are cool. Very TWAT. Solo is still the what the fuck moment, I'll never get used to it. I love Slash's solo though. Nice phase or flange on it? Duff's rumbling bass underneath it. Duff's bass is so heavy. Great stuff. Last verse really sounds clearer the way they've processed the vocals. Still in doubt there's any major new vocals aside from the lower notes on the chorus. Where are people hearing Duff singing? I know he's credited but I'm not hearing him. Overall I think it rocks. It's a really tight song and catchy!
  5. Absurd. By a country mile. A quick shot of venomous energy that works everytime. On my way yo work on a dull Monday morning and Absurd does the job. The bass is the bomb on it.
  6. Parental advisory sticker on the cover. Give me those piercing screaming Axl vocals we know are on The General.
  7. They could have done a MJ estate style release with these singles and the b dudes could have been the old versions? Absurd (new mix) Silkworms (2006 mix) Silkworms (99 version) And so on for Perhaps and Hard Skool
  8. Exactly. D Tune is Seven. Circus Maximus is Seven Ides of March is Seven State of Grace is the General Moustache is Monstrocity (Fortus is playing Robins solo on Perhaps) It's all just guess work
  9. No not at all, there's probably dozens more instrumentals recorded up until 2006! Vocally though, nothing apart from a few touch ups in 2007 I'd wager.
  10. That would require there to be a whole song leftover with at least a verse and chorus from Axl though. And we know that isn't the case.
  11. That's because it is. Of course it is Robin's original solo. As if 4tus rerecorded it note for note recently. Anyone thinking it's him is deluded, in the nicest way possible. It's the first few seconds of the original solo.
  12. I disagree. It's really jarring and there's a blatant fade after Robins part. Not to mention the difference in tone. Imagine though when Robin left in 2008 knowing that he'll be on a future release in 15 years time mashed up with Slash.
  13. Solo aside I think it's good. And by that I mean Robin appearing for 2 seconds. Whyyyyyyyy. To record his solo Slash must've listened to the mix with Robin, muted Robin and laid down his solo only for Axl and Caram to go "hey we liked the first bar of Robins, push the fader back up and cut it after 2 seconds".
  14. Wow Vegas 2001. You got to see Paul, how was he live? From what you can hear on the pro shot video that leaked his parts were pretty tight and the solos he takes on Rocket and Think About You were amazing. Paul is such a mystery!
  15. True, but it's such a tiny bunch of us. I think we often forget that. We are talking dozens realistically.
  16. I still can't believe they put the title track out as the single and no one could be bothered to edit it for radio play? As if stations were going to play that ambient intro. Guns were lucky enough to be given a chance in the UK and BBC radio 1 actually premiered the track. This wasn't 91, I'm surprised they even got on the radio. Probably it's sole play on major radio.
  17. If (when, actually) OMG comes out it'll be pretty tragic seeing as both Slash and Duff criticised the song back in the day. It's probably gonna be one of the upcoming singles as it has a full Axl vocal on.
  18. Robins solos are all my favourites too. Perfectly crafted solos, they all have peaks and troughs and flow so well.
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