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Posts posted by alfierose

  1. Memorable music is created from much more than just talent. It's no coincidence that a lot of the best music is driven by the fire and passion of youth, people who are just discovering themselves, have something to shout about and are rebelling against a seemingly adult and oppressive world. Once you are older, successful and comfortable it's much harder to replicate that. The pay off is usually that people find themselves in a much happier, contented place.

  2. Does that mean that Axl should be me for 24h or not?

    I assume so, a bit like the film Freaky Friday. He would have a bit of a shock if he woke up as me one morning, he doesn't strike me as the breakfast making, potty training, laundry doing type!

    'Do you know where you are? You're on the fucking potty baby!...now hurry up, then clean your teeth. We're going to be late for school...no actually fuck those educational, lesbian task masters, we'll turn up after lunch. Snort this coke and you won't need any fucking breakfast. Now tell me, has Mummy got any hot friends....'

  3. 09 to 13 is five years and once you reach a certain age, the aging process accelerates with each year. His hair probably is getting thinner and harder to maintain. I cut my husbands hair for him and have done for the last 10 years, everytime I do this it is getting slightly thinner and greyer, this has increased a fair bit in the last 3 years, he will be 46 this year.

    I swear the majority of people on this board must be under 30 and mustn't take any notice of older relatives or acquaintances.

    He could improve himself a little but growing older is normal.

  4. I think I would just do whatever Axl does, it would be the only insight into how his mind/life works. No point doing what I would do because that would be me not him. However I would like two sets of 24hrs, one whilst he is on tour with the band and one during his downtime at home.

  5. I don't think he is too overweight or looks as bad as everyone likes to make out but clearly in 2006 he bulked up and had some heavy duty exercise routine. At some point he let this slip (2009 perhaps, I think he said it was his worst year ever, maybe he became very depressed) looks like the muscle has turned to fat but it would probably only take 3-6 months to get back in shape. I would hope those close to him would be encouraging it in some way for health reasons if nothing else. He has also had the cane a bit recently, perhaps he has back or knee issues that have been getting in the way.

    For a guy who was always conscious of how he looked right up until recently I don't think he is being lazy by letting it go a little I think there must be more too it.

  6. I think there have been a number of studies that suggest the type of name you have has an influence on personality. Maybe some psychology grad student should track down all the Axls to see if this bears out.

    My daughter's name is Lindsey Rose :pp

    Cute :-)

    I was going to call my first born Saul. Not anything to do with Slash, I don't think I knew that was his name back then, but after a child I used to babysit for. She turned out to be a girl so it never happened.

  7. My daughter has a Facebook friend called Axl Hudson (a piss take I suspect but you never know) anyway it inspired me to ask;

    Do you know any other Axl's and do they live up to their name?

    Would you name your child Axl and why or why not?

    According to this site http://www.themeaningofnames.org/how-popular-is-my-name.php?n=Axl&go=Go

    there are 728 Axl's, the first recorded in 1988. I thought they might be more.

    Interestingly the highest number of recorded Axl's was 73 in 2011 - the result of 2010 tour post gig love perhaps. ;-)

  8. Would like to see a still of those robots, the imagery moves too fast to get a proper look. They are really cool. A tshirt with them on would be fab.

    This is pretty much like a modern day music video for You Could Be Mine. It's pretty cool. :)

    I agree, possibly one of the best things they have done in ages. Got my heart racing a bit which is always a good sign (other than reminding me im not dead of course!)

  9. Can Axl drive? By that I mean legally with a license. I remember reading a quote from Izzy saying he didn't drive. Seems a bit odd to buy top of the range cars then not drive them yourself. I don't know how it works in the US just that it's quite different to the UK, would you have to take a Drivers Ed class with the public if you wanted a license?

  10. at the risk of upsetting the mods and having this thread exiled to attitude, can i ask if we ever heard the fate of the beach towel? are these shitty promotions actually being followed through on? or is beta's promotional strategy with shirts and towels similar to her strategy with concert DVDs and TV specials? is it all about the hype? or does the band actually plan on following through with any of these plans?

    i know concert DVDs, albums and TV specials are big and hard to organize and orchestrate. maybe beta's just cutting her teeth on towel and t-shirt giveaways? like once she gets this figured out, she'll graduate to the next level of band management?


    Nightrain did send out the towel. Or they claim that it is on the way. Haven't seen the person state that they received it on the forum at Nightrain yet but it's still early and they might not announce it.

    I think Beta and Fernando have nothing to do with the towel and the t-shirt. That's why it looks like people will actually receive them! Fernando said he lost the autographed poster that was offered at the start of the club as a contest prize. As soon as he is not involved the contests seem to be followed through to the end. Even though the prizes suck.

    I don't really get the logic behind that. Fernando seems to be with Axl 24/7 most of the time. How hard would it be to get him to sign more posters?

  11. I don't think he has aged badly more slightly oddly. This is probably due to a few subtle procedures and the unusual choice of facial hair combined with the Prince Valiant haircut. If he felt like it he could probably drastically change his appearance in about 6 weeks assuming there are no underlying medical issues.

    To be fair I think Axl has aged better than Duff it's just Duff is more buffed up and possibly fitter.

  12. It's not really his weight that I'm concerned about... but his eyes... Is he on coke? Coke + booze can't be good for a 51 years old man... I don't know maybe

    I'm wrong.

    Maybe that's what he keeps in the casket type ring!

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